HorseRidesJockey 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's too easy though. To me 'Neverland' sounds more like an arrested development / refuse-to-adult type of deal. The guy was a child star and probably didn't get to jump rope and play with other neighbourhood kids or whatever.

Plus when you have the full media on board with this MJ hate trip, all in one harmonious chorus - it makes me want to question that very narrative. I guess we'll never really know and that kinda sucks because, some of his stuff was quite good.

HorseRidesJockey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Consult lots of others you barely know, and who barely know you, to make sure your internal state aligns with some average consensus state - gee that sounds healthy.

HorseRidesJockey 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's ok kid, jokes are like a kind of martial art. You can get better with practice, but some techniques are so tragic and actually debase the art form that some people will try and help you improve by pointing it out to you.

I hear Reddit's still into low-brow humour though, if you were trawling for points or something. (See what I did there?)

HorseRidesJockey 9 points ago +9 / -0

At least give us an indication of wtf we're in for in the title or something man, this is hella clickbait. My ears actually got herpes from this.

For those who value their time: it's Alex Jones rambling spliced between scenes from some movie where a kid gets choked out by a guy after a basketball game. Oh and the music is semi tick-tock autotune garbage with lame spooky shit poorly mixed in for good measure.

HorseRidesJockey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah you did a great job to highlight an important take on the matter, your first hand knowledge of what's going on over there really shows. Thanks for clearing that up.

HorseRidesJockey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Say what you will about the historicity of people and events in the bible , but I think this is the biggest take-away from the Christian mythology: there's more to life than this (because otherwise, really, it's kind of sad and pointless). That and building a sense of community, doing unto others and whatnot. There's some stuff worth knowing & adopting in it, but it's by no means exclusive to Christianity. For example, the Buddhists also teach that there's more to life than this material existence (and to not be dicks to one another).

The metaphysical stuff would be watered down though, naturally, as religion has to appeal to the masses to be any useful politically (and I think it'd be difficult to argue that politics has nothing to do with religion writ large).

HorseRidesJockey 3 points ago +3 / -0

You see the Robert Schoc (geologist) stuff on the pyramids as well?

Can't remember who, but they took pictures of the sphinx and covered part of it so you couldn't make out what you were looking at - and then asked Schoch what could've caused this kind of erosion.

Without skipping a beat he said it was water erosion (which puts the date back in the 10+k range rather than the 4-6k that's commonly accepted).

HorseRidesJockey 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not so sure. Now I am just speculating here but, I think at this stage all governments have to play along with the lock-down facade for the time being. Obviously, otherwise you get made to look like the fool by your populace who probably think MSM is a swell place to get informed.

But here's the thing: not everyone has to jab their populations with the same poison that Billy gets a hard-on for. The ruskies have their own vax, right? I have a vague memory of a post somewhere where it was just a repackaged flu shot. How does this compare with the Pfizer / Invermectin jabs (which both already have three-digit injury counts)? Can anyone shed light?

We know these guys love to send secret messages encoded in-between the lines, in light of this, what can we make of the ruskie's naming of their vax, Sputnik? Is it just coincidence it's named after their crowning achievement in the space race - where they beat the unassailable world power of the epoch to orbit? That's a huge pie in the face moment, followed by many more - so much so, that the Americans had to bluff their way back into the lead. Could the naming of this vax be intended to say "we know there's global perception level fakery going on"?

I don't know, but it's sure as hell more interesting than one-liners that promote the blackpill.

HorseRidesJockey 1 point ago +1 / -0

You may be right, there's no way to know without having access to his intentions. We can all play word games (maybe not as well) as Orwell.

But it struck me how the rest of his talk was basically focused on how everyone in the world is getting short-changed in USD/day + living-standard terms. It seems incongruous to be spending 30 odd mins of your address highlighting that kind of stuff, and saying something to the effect of: 'we need to do better - without war, because civilisation won't recover', dropping this world order bomb - but it all being doublespeak?

That reading seems off. I'd normally expect someone rooting for the parasites to gloss over the shit-end-of-the-stick when they tell us all is fine. Y'know what I mean?

by pkvi
HorseRidesJockey 4 points ago +4 / -0

To add to this, people broach difficult/awkward/taboo topics through humour a lot. It helps ease the introduction of stuff we'd otherwise get reflexively hoighty about.

Say what you will about the devolution of morals and standards in culture, but I think less censorship around language is a good thing and George Carlin is a great example of pushing PC boundaries using humour (his seven dirty words routine is legendary).

When we lose the right to poke fun at dumb shit, we lose more than just jokes. There's a quote somewhere about 'many a true thing is said in jest.' God help us all if all the jesters are establishment-sanctioned-only, there are only so many seconds of late night 'comedy' I can stand.

HorseRidesJockey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, time away from the concrete RF saturated jungle and out in nature's fields is probably a good call!

I think it may extend beyond this though. To me, this lends credence to the whole 'The Force' that surrounds/binds us type of deal from Star Wars mythology. Now it may not be practicable for the average person to start guessing cards at above chance rate or moving objects without touching them, but it could definitely inform a more open and inclusive world view.

HorseRidesJockey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry not doco but video, but it goes into how they have maglev trains connecting a huge network of dumbs capable of growing food underground - lots of images and then some podcast types talking / sharing.

HorseRidesJockey 3 points ago +3 / -0

'Bamas referred to him reflexively as Michael on several occasions.

by pkvi
HorseRidesJockey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it's like in the comedies when someone does something wrong, and when confronted about it, they work some truth into the 'how dare you accuse me' speech along with some other nonsense so all of it gets dismissed together.

HorseRidesJockey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kary Mullis - shared 1993 winner the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR test on Fauci:

"Guys like Fauci... he doesn't know anything really about anything and I'd say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if its got a virus in there you'll know it. He doesn't understand electron microscopy and he doesn't understand medicine and he should not be in a position like he's in."

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aISPlTLbJo

HorseRidesJockey 2 points ago +2 / -0

It definitely makes sense, my naive ass thought that site used web crawlers and did it automatically. The more we learn!

HorseRidesJockey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah that was the first time I've come out of lurking to share something I've found. Will archive in future.

HorseRidesJockey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah wow, that's intense. China's just not into making friends at the moment are they!

HorseRidesJockey 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ritual abuse is hugely different to 'my kids picked up some shit ideas at school / from the media / from the social climate du jour - and I'll play along to respect their feelings.

Just sayin'.

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