What do y'all make of Putin? Just watching his address at Davos and he's kinda interesting. It almost seems as though he wants things to turn around.

Here's a quote that made my ears shoot up:

around the ~28:45 mark: "...it is clear that an era associated with attempts to build a centralised unipolar world order is over, it hasn't started even, there were attempts to do this, just that, but it's over. Such a monopoly was inherently contrary to the cultural and historical diversity of past civilisations."

Are we on the home stretch?!?!

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPClu1BeQIE

Just messing around on the CIA site and stumbled on this curious document proposing research into 'field forms of life'. Not much to go on, juicy bits are washed out but you can make out some interesting stuff like (ellipses where unreadable):

"Already ... than 20,000 experiments at the ... individual ... and have come to a sensa(tional?) ... conc(lusion?) ... special field form of life is present in living matter. It manifests itself in physical fields, the nature of which is still not clear. But one thing is certain: the scope of the concept living is much more complex than we had imagined."

yada yada yada

"The scientist believes that the field form of life is also involved in psychotropic effects on man, as well as in such phenomena as telekinesis, poltergeists and unidentified flying objects (UFO(S)). If this form of life is detected and if this is done in a laboratory doing classified work, the temptation may arise to exert a special influence on the human mind and abilities. From there, it is bout (sic) one step to a terrifying psychological weapon."

src: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000500680014-4.pdf


Thought y'all might be interested, short article (< 2 mins read) that mentions World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab & 'elites dictating how we live our lives'.

Here's a couple cute quotes:

“The Great Reset is only a new term to mask their previous failures to control economic and social foundations,” he said. “The World Economic Forum is just a cabal of climate crusaders and social engineers who think they know what is best for the rest us.”

Found this on my phone's 'suggested articles' thing when you open a fresh tab in a browser... So I imagine this is getting quite the circulation!

link: https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6227285477001