HonestTruth 3 points ago +5 / -2

The morons here will continue to downplay it, but who gives a fuck, they are retarded.

At the end of the day, it is over for nato and the west in this conflict, they have already lost.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I seriously doubt many people here took the time to listen to much of this speech.

But I do not think they matter one bit.

For the uninitiated, this is basically proof that we are heading into a major wwIII battle.

Russia is not taking no shit, gearing for the future. The moves to support the people in the country are the primary goals of the leadership, you can all read em and weep because your shitty government is busy selling you out.

There is no competition, Russia will wipe the floor with everybody who comes at them. There is no question.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +2 / -2

laughable, you are a complete fucking idiotic retard.

Your entire account is useless jew garbage, constantly being a jew talking shit.

Nothing you say has any value, who gives a fuck what stupid shit you have to post, There is no question, the better part of you ran down your mom's leg.

Beat it loser, you and your posts are garbage. Don't bother responding to me, I will not bother writing any further words to a retarded kike like you.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

More accusations to match your entry, continual weak attempts to absolve your ignorance, nothing works.

Evidence of your weak attempts to 'waylay' my time bantering about meaningless assertions you cannot seem to swerve away from.

Your ability to comprehend reality and the goals of criminals is laughable, you are pathetic in your useless drivel repeating the same nonsense over and over.

I am done with your weak mentality, you have been summarily defeated.

I will not bother responding to this weak banter any longer, come up with something good and stick it in a new thread. I suggest you reach up to your masters and request an upgrade.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been very on-the-nose lately.

I imagine a large portion of general matter lands upon your massive snout.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, recall they took over all the educational institutions and have since been sorely lacking on how to be sensible, how to produce quality.

I figure it is directly related to the movie quality plummeting also, so basically all forms of communication are on a slide towards pitiful weakened discourse that ends in agreement or is cast away.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

These are the statements that prove you a leftist, a simple minded zombie who cannot possibly fathom the depths of a real intellect and instead revert to what you were taught by the same fools you listen to.

Constant useless comments with no substance, no meaning, no value.

This is likely a projection of your life, meaningless affair of irrational thoughts colliding endlessly.

Feel free to beat it loser, or write something that has an arguable point regarding the topic.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not that you are worth a response, but just a brief review of your account and your statements and how you come across is all that is required to label you with all of the applicable labels, you are a degenerate and have no place anywhere.

Beat it.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dream on, only a small percentage of truly brain wiped simps will fall for it this time.

People are becoming more resilient to the lies and bullshit pushed by the criminals.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

Deny Deny Deny, you come in sideways complaining how the criminals you support are being mistreated and expect to not be tossed into the same bucket?

Beat it loser criminal your words are useless, you are beyond stupid, below simple.

You have revealed yourself, your account is perished might as well go create a new one scrub.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +3 / -2

bla bla bla, just because you cannot comprehend a complex system, does not mean we do not.

Carry on with your baseless useless rhetoric, you criminals are outed it is gameover, how does that feel?

As you scramble and try at every corner to recover from the constant backlash created with the crimes, hahah it is funny to watch.

They are not threats meathead, they are simply observations of cause and effect.

Criminals that create crime get caught then punished, if that is a threat then you are simply admitting you are a criminal, it is not my job to put you in your place or delve out punishment, Plenty of other people take that job.

Devil Worshipping sick mental criminals are all being outed daily, at a pace that far exceeds anytime in previous history.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yea, the desire to subvert all systems is strong, they worm their way into all positions to advocate for the criminals and reduce general society, been going on for a long time, The good news is that people are really becoming aware again.

There was a big push in the 1970's to make it so nobody would talk about the crime and the criminals orchestrating it, those days are gone now it is full swing and cannot be stopped.

The criminals will continue to be exposed until punishment is levied, at that time the changes will begin to take place and cleanup will occur.

Everyone just wants to live a nice life. But the criminals have different plans, so therefore the tact will change to adapt and overcome.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +3 / -3

It has faggots like you here, constantly. So there must be some value in the banter we share in at least your tiny insignificant mind.

You are an absolute idiot, seen enough of your posts to know you are just a despicable creature.

Rest assured, that information about the facts is going to be the demise of you criminals, all of you are going to pay dearly for the crimes committed, this time the total amount of crime supersedes everything from the past, if you thought you had a tough time in history before, wait till this one passes over.

It is not us, we are just here talking about it, the blame falls upon you.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, I am more of the mind we do not have tooling at this level.

People want to pretend that the H.A.A.R.P. technology can do this, but I am more than skeptical, if for no other reason than if they could they would there would be evidence all over the place.

I expect this is solar driven, we have a variety of learnings that indicate the possibility of solar energy creating this outcome.

HonestTruth 4 points ago +6 / -2

It is the same guy, This forum is so low priority, we get the absolute worst of the worst and it just replicates itself all over the place.

HonestTruth 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, it is nearly like a repeat of history as things come to a head globally for the first time, no countries to hide in, not sure what is going to happen after this crime wave subsides, but I have a feeling.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +2 / -2

I continually call this shill out for you guys. Anyone who is anyone has already identified who is who around these parts.

Anyone proclaiming I am a chinese shill, is sus

It is OK to constantly talk about the criminal jews that are destroying societies around the world, continually shinning the light on the crimes they produce is what is important for now.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol, yep, 200k Russians to clear out the entire west and all its armies in a country of more than 40m people. Indeed overkill.

But they want to give the guys an easier time, so more is better.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I find it ludicrous that people cannot adapt when provided reasonable evidence.

Indeed there is certainly at least a large portion that operate as such. With so many people operating as criminals within society to propagate the lies and effectively brainwash all the simple people we are in for more of the same.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol, you are just so out of touch with reality.

It is cute.

This is the end of nato and has been since the utter failure that was Syria.

Again, it was Russia that stopped them with one small contingent of forces. Plans foiled completely, those who promised Assad would fall, have watched to this very day the collapse of the lying criminals, good times.

Since that time, nato has been trying to bolster ukraine for this coming war with everything they got, EVERYTHING! and.. the results are in, the army was weighed and found wanting as someone recently said. That army is completely gone, nothing remains to speak of. There have been two full armies wiped.

Russia has only like 20k dead as some heavy research was able to deduce.

So, 20k Russians with old soviet gear wiped out natos modern army to the tune of half a million soldiers and all their gear.

Where is that military today?

Begging for new gear in a mad rush as Russia has massive forces now ready to enter the fray. More than double what was there last year.

Hold onto your panties.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

Your brain really agrees with media on everything.

I would inform you, Putin has nothing to do with it, and they would use whatever name was at the helm in this case to convince you.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

lol, yep. In your world Russia is Crushed! and nafo is winning the day.

Meanwhile, over half a million dead ukranians/western mercs are frozen in the grave. Which I will remind you is a larger number than what was in the field at the start of the operation. Two nato armies that took nearly 15 years to construct have been wiped.

Billions of dollars of western machinery rusting in the scrap yard. Trillions of dollars in western economy shifted over to the super rich in record time.

Collapsing societies visible in all western cities, millions of people protesting globally.

Shooting down balloons in your mind to sell jets that are as of yet still incomplete, using old jets that never got to shine at all in their day, for fear if crashing during combat. hahaha, funny stuff.

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