HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

until the government comes in to save us all.

hahaha, good one.

First the outer layers are worn off, in theory as that happens the remaining are the ones who initiate a response.

HonestTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol, more leftist projecting from the obvious jew, you are disgusting example of what happens when corruption breeds, you are a diseased example of festering rot.

Beat it loser.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol, go snort some more ajax fuckhead, what makes you think I would give you anything?

You could be on fire and I would not piss on you. Each and everytime you take to the keyboard, you offer nothing but shit straight from your ass eating mouth, it is fucking disgusting and retarded to envision you, I picture a large disgusting greasy fat hook nosed pig with a disgusting fake axe wound festering and rotting.

Beat it loser, you stink.

HonestTruth 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think it is simpler than that.

There is footage of a decent amount of people in Germany protesting a number of issues pretty much non stop for the past few years. All the cities.

There is footage of these protest groups clear across Europe for sometime now, starting with the war, shifting to covid, back to the war, against politicians against the shitty things they decree, basically non stop.

So, I believe that they just have no voice, like all other countries fake democracy is used in media and most people just continue to march along to the beat living their lives.

Entire civilizations are being operated as thus in the modern world, it has been this way for at least 100 years.

The slave culture has really grown in the past 20 years, to now basically consume all of the free movements in the western world.

For example, Have a look at Australia, Ireland and the rest of the UK. Completely on fire. Australia far out in the lead, but the up and comers are on the way at a clip.

The next few years are going to be amazingly fast and hard, watching the war machines collide is going to keep everyone busy.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

And many many other crimes at a global scale.

The evidence is more than astounding, the corruption and criminality has been over the top for decades.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

His gay machine is the one used to insert the mRNA into the lipid nanoparticle vehicle.

HonestTruth 4 points ago +5 / -1

Vaccine injury, likely caused by too much head movement.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +4 / -2

useless shill jewbot you are not worth the spit in your mouth.

Your life is meaningless scrub, how does that feel? to accomplish nothing and be a bitter old useless cunt nobody cares about?

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are absolutely living in a subverted world. Nobody can do anything about it.

Wait for the food to run out.

HonestTruth 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, all of what you said can easily fall under the umbrella of a scam.

More than one sucker has lost their life in a scam.

You are not wrong, it needs a better title and more people to be aware and more people reacting to the criminality.

That will not happen until food becomes an issue, because everyone is too comfortable to risk doing anything.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

Eat shit useless criminal, your messages are garbage, your life is worthless.

Everything you say to people is useless it must suck to have such a shitty life being such a hated ignorant weasel.

Everywhere in your life I would bet looks just like what we see here from you.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whenever criminals have the mic you can expect to see a large number of people misled.

This does not create reality and a consensus among criminals and talking heads just proves the uselessness of such thought forms.

The issue lies with the fact that the majority of people are narrow minded and simple, low brow if you will.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

Understood, but not my expectation, anyone who bought into this deserves it.

My only hope is that the criminal acts draw some fitting punishment.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol, fucker is just a lying sack of shit, worst president in history.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, depending on your age/vaccine status, no promises.

I expect we will know more by the time this year is out.

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