by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's called "single point of failure". There's a reason America's framers favored decentralization.

How many times have we had to replace a debit or credit card because of fraudulent charges?

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're still unsure, hit your local auto track on 8 second exhibition night. Talk to the owners.

I live close enough to one that the good ones shake all the glass in my china cabinet.

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL I am the wife. Let's try this low IQ thing again.

I know not because I read it on "de interwebs", but because I watched them being built, turned on, used, troubleshot the programming to tune them, then took my ass back out there to document my results. Do you know what Scientific Method is? y'know, "cause science".

by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cooked long enough at high enough heat.

HerAlterEgo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Large airports have dedicated pipelines from refineries to tank farms. O'Hare in particular is serviced by Kinder Morgan. The reserve tanks are mostly just there for interruptions and high demand, the pipeline is engineered to handle standard demand.

Source: I'm IT Proj Mnger for building the $bil+ LNG plants.

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi Zap, sorry for the delayed reply, been really busy lately over here on my side.

Growing season ends in 4 months my friend. We've got good ol' Bill buying up all the farm land while encouraging alt meats for everyone. Bird flu and fire destroyed chicken processing plants. Then, the Federal gubmint is paying farmers to not farm this year, why, who tf knows. Throw in a sprinkle of Ukraine war not making/distributing fertilizer, and only 1 potash mine in North America, it's going to be a bad harvest this year. Yeah, you'll still be able to find "most" things, but do you really want to buy what's left at triple inflation price? Don't forget the maunder minimum cycle and 56% myocarditis deaths over the next 5 years.

btw, I did find the 25 lbs sugar and 50 lbs flour I was looking for. I bought 100 lbs of beef 6 months ago before those prices went too.

Stay safe friends.

by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

πŸ˜„ Agreed.

To be fair, I only drink Mexican Coke, with cane sugar, when I want to chase my Jack Daniels. Lately I've switched to making Rusty Nails, and chasing with beer, little more action for me.

HerAlterEgo 10 points ago +10 / -0

For those who haven't yet, I foresee you have about four months left to buy two years worth of food and ammo for your family.

I did something this week I've never done before and ordered 4 lbs of dried eggs for cooking. I haven't seen the 25 lb bags of sugar for a while, it's on my list.

Not by conspiracy, simply action and consequence.

by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 5 points ago +5 / -0

My favorite is the no-knock raids.

by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fuck Coke Zero.

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

thanks, I'll dig in next I have some time. (Been pretty busy lately, trying to move out of the house we've been in for the last 15 years and I totally have three times more stuff than I thought)

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

A link would be useful. I tried looking it up, there's a lot of them from which to guess what you meant. At least 4 on the first results page are different softwares. A couple inverted the e and the y, zypher, zephyr, zephr, zephr, zipper? (omg I feel like Dr. Seuss lol)

This one looks neat, it's nano-enhanced:

HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every time I hear someone say "trust me" I immediately tune out.

Throughout my childhood I was around a lot of religious people, forced to go to church a LOT, like 5 days out of the week, 9 around Easter. I am most wary of false prophets invoking Jesus to convey their intentions. Don't dare say "have a blessed day". U of Michigan did a study on the power of prayer. People in the hospital whose families prayed over them had a statistically significant higher fatality rate for like causes and condition severity. Causation/correlation, like the Covid jab, it's a Shroedingers cat scenario.

HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

And my sister's.

HerAlterEgo 0 points ago +1 / -1

My then 8 yo daughter faked a tummy ache at school in October 2020. 45 minutes after my husband brought her home she admitted to me she felt fine, so I paused my work day and took her back to school. School refused to let her back for 2 full weeks. I. was. pissed. Discipline was instilled, she hasn't repeated this behavior.

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I often tell my kids to go vacuum the lawn or fold the silverware when they won't stfu and leave me alone.

HerAlterEgo 14 points ago +14 / -0

About 15 years ago they all started asking me unprompted if I felt suicidal or if I was being abused by my spouse. WTF?! I'm here for cough syrup. I'm a 6' 200 lbs of muscle college educated farm girl. What made you think I'd tolerate spousal abuse? Homicidal is crossing my mind though.

HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was going to guess women, but what do I know. πŸ˜‚

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