She going to be okay with you cutting her off like that?
Since he had his own money.
In fact, the usual suspects paid to get Trump elected.
How is "demanding everyone take it" relevant?
Earth Catastrophe Cycle | 2020 & Beyond -
More info in this Suspicious0bservers playlist.
Really depends on how much actual conflict there is within the cabal. If it's more like fiefdoms controlled by different factions, then we're probably headed towards some epic conflicts. Otherwise will resemble a number of Science Fiction stories that foretold our possible futures.
if you are actually curious
Not really, but is there a brief summary?
The problem is both in the sheer numbers, and in the way 'modern' people live completely out of harmony and sustainability with our biome. Food needs to stop coming from stores, and mainly be produced by those who wish to eat. This one simple adjustment would shake out much of the deadwood, but the entirety of what we call 'modern' needs to go.
The biggest challenge would be self-regulating our own numbers, and avoiding the boom/bust cycle found in so many mammal populations.
It's war, but only one side is fighting.
TDS+ is as real as TDS-.
If we were just completely different than we are, things would be different.
"but the people are retarded" - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Don't be baffled. Ironic source, but he's right on that particular point.
RIP to the dam on the Notre river.
It's hard to not pay attention when you're not allowed in stores.
I think his brain is just running on a different operating system.
You might expect that from a 'ideal slave' perspective, but the vax push seems to indicate the opposite. If the population drops low enough, you'd probably want them to be smarter than the average today, as they'll need to step into critical roles like running nuke plants, and keeping critical infrastructure going.
Could really go any direction from here.
With the levels of retardation we're seeing, I kind of do.
The goyim are cowed.
Nothing, now.
Can someone really trigger an EMP from inside their own vehicle to disable yours, without disabling their own? I'd be more open to looking at his claims if he didn't seem so schitzo.
It's funny how the only people who get "gangstalked" are also schizophrenic. Probably just a weird coincidence.
What are you talking about when you say "the church", in the same comment where you refer to "christcucks"?
It's unfortunate, but the guys insights can't be communicated to those of us in this reality.
Wage slavery? Why would you?
Search those words for more complete definitions.