HalfwayHoagie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Link to based material instead of troll material.

Maybe 1 out of 1000 will actually read it, but that's better than none

HalfwayHoagie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ones that I think would convince people with whom I have had arguments on the opposing side.

Like my parents. And some of my siblings.

I am try just trying to imagine what they think and why they think and what types of concessions I have gotten out of them and what convinced them.

HalfwayHoagie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm applying standards that I hope will apply to people who are on the outside looking at us and our side.

To me, this new organization is an easy target for ridicule to focus the pro-vacc narrative. Basically giving them another scapegoat.

HalfwayHoagie 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know of and agree with all the problems.

But making faux organizations wouldn't fix this issue.

If you think it's a useful tool in the process of getting people to pay attention, that great. I don't want to rain your parade.

HalfwayHoagie 5 points ago +10 / -5

I thought the same, popped the website into the wayback machine, nothing prior to September this year.

I hate covid bullcrap as much as the next guy on here, and I won't be getting vacced, but this is clearly a non-organization meant to trick people into thinking it is something.

It won't convince anyone, it only is pulling clicks from people who already agree.

And none of this is to say that existing organizations, like the WHO, hold any weight on my opinion. But it is to say that the WHO does hold weight with the people we need to convince, and this type of stuff isn't helping.

HalfwayHoagie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I got tested 4 times before the time I had it.

Those 4 times were all negative. I worked in a health center and had to get a negative test to return to work in patient areas. I worked in the IT department, but I'd spend a lot of time in patient areas.

On my 5th test, it was positive. I knew it would be. I woke up terribly sick, about 3 days after arriving home from a long weekend in Miami beach when cases were high.

I then proceeded to be the sickest I have ever been. I had a fever for 11 days. The first 3 days were just like a bad cold, general muscle aches, and lethargy. The following 3 days it felt like I had strep throat on top of the original symptoms.

Then the throat problem went away and it was back to the general aches and pains, but SEVERE lack of energy. I could barely get myself out of bed to go lay on the couch. I lost my taste and smell.

On the 10th day I got the FLCCC drug course, and started taking it. On the 11th day all symptoms were gone except for the fever. On the 12th day all symptoms were gone. Then I developed a cough that lingered for about 3 weeks, but it was minor and I could live with it.

I went on a hike maybe a week after my major symptoms dissipated and I thought I was going to die walking up a hill.

Luckily thats all gone now.

But covid-19 is real, and the symptoms are real.

What is fake and gay is the reaction too it.

Seriously the worst illness I can remember, I didn't get the gene therapy, and I still won't.

HalfwayHoagie 8 points ago +10 / -2

I don't get how the most basic shape, literally the minimum shape in two dimensions, is so frequently attributed to the illuminati.

Its two lights, making a triangle. Should the lights only be parallel, should they not intersect to close above his head? Should triangles never be equal lateral? Lest you be accused of being a member of the illuminati?

People like symmetry. Its simple to implement and pleasing to the eye.

Overcallibrating your secret society meter means you will have more false positives.

HalfwayHoagie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you speak like that?

Who is they, who is them, who are the criminals, what restriction do you think I was under?

You sound like someone who isn't here to actually hear anyone else. Just someone who thinks the entirety of the internet is a gang of people who aren't as smart as you.

HalfwayHoagie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am working on checking your numbers.

But the way I saw the BB, AMC, and NOK plays as alternatives for those too late into gme. I know I can’t afford GME stock, but I bought a bunch of AMC.

And the fact that robinhood restricted my ability to purchase AMC tells me I might be on the right track.

HalfwayHoagie 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can click a given EO from Trump or whoever and you will see a "signed date" and a "published date"

HalfwayHoagie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump's better than that. He'd leave at least 1 or 2 pink ones. He is generous.

HalfwayHoagie 4 points ago +4 / -0

It would be nice to have reddit style website that isn't just promoted shit.

HalfwayHoagie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not all AWS servers are in sweden. That completely defeats the purpose of high availability and high speed connections. When you buy infrastructure on AWS you can choose where your servers physically are located. And where backup servers are located. And if you compare the speeds of servers in different locations relative to yourself you can notice a difference in latency. Not even all european hosted AWS servers are Sweden. That's a such a absurd idea. You can even physically visit the server farm locations for many cloud hosts. I have been to some.

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