FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

My post history is quite genuine, Believe it or not. .. China is pure shit. Was there for 3 months probably around 2009 or so. Not all the people are bad, but in general it's a hell hole there.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +2 / -1

The majority of China sucks balls, I wouldn't doubt they just edited a quick video to make it look like they're balls deep in controlling their society. In reality they probably track some, but much of that county doesn't even have cell service, much less broadband speeds to track everyone everywhere. Also literally everything Chinese is shit quality so probably the tracking system is shit also. Fuck em.

by pkvi
FortheGenerations 1 point ago +2 / -1

There's absolutely no way they can track all of those people. It's literally a shit show government over there who only comes and bothers you if your community seems to be thriving too well then they'll come and peg you down and take away your stuff at their discretion, otherwise they don't give two shits about their citizens health. The roads are shitty dirt roads for the most part nobody is going down that shit to give you a covid shot. All bullshit 100%

by dot_win
FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a good one.. search "civil war", "Istanbul", "mudflood", "star forts" for some interesting reads.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

Outer edge not confirmed. Strong evidence you can not go up but so high. Van Allen Belts, Go Fast Rocket (although the go fast rocket hitting the Firmament supposedly had a mechanism like a spring loaded yo-yo to stop the spin, although it did appear to almost instantly stop it's upward ascent which looked unnatural in my opinion, plausibly hit something), videos of Sprites and Elves taken at high altitude in slow motion looks like something above them that looks like a water wave. The outer perimeter there is nothing definitive.. You're not allowed to go there (obviously Antarctica Treaty), and citizen Youtubers and modern day explorers would surely go there anyways disregarding TPTB, however have seen nothing of any people actually journeying and documenting everything which they surely would do. Antarctica (allegedly) has the highest altitude of any continent, which makes it a good container for the oceans. Ewar had an interesting take on his last video LINK HERE that every 2160 years that we transition into a new, we are entering the age of Pisces, each time we enter a new age the entire realm shifts, places that are land now will become ice and new land will be revealed. As you may or may not be aware, the north pole is moving, which makes sense on this type of model. Is it confirmed, no. It certainly could be a possibility, would recommend watching the episode.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean that's to find out and investigate yourself if that interests you, bro... Why hide it? Any answer I give would only be a speculation. Look at imperial evidence of what is presented by these people, it's a bunch of bullshit. That's like asking why does CNN spout propaganda all day everyday. It's the same crowd of people orchestrating the orchestrators to orchestrate. They create the fantastic theorems and pay genius subservient mathematicians to conceptualize and try to explain physics of the universe assuming the fairy tale is true even though it contradicts actual physics, then they award these math theorists Nobel Peace prizes. So easy to fool people who have no idea what they're looking at. Black holes and the big bang hahaha. "A black hole has an infinite density; since its volume is zero, it is compressed to the very limit."OK. What a crock of shit with no proof. Just like the big bang "Big Bang postulates that, 13.7 billion years ago, our universe emerged from a singularity — a point of infinite density and gravity". Ah so these two exists simultaneously? WHERE'S THE FUCKING PROOF? Ha ha ha. Space time "In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold." Fucking imperical proof yeah, no? No. OK! HOW ABOUT A REAL PICTURE OF EARTH NO? NOPE! HAHAHA

by pkvi
FortheGenerations 1 point ago +2 / -1

You can see too far. My experience the best time to see greater distances over water is right before a large thunderstorm, the "calm before the storm", I have seen this with my own optics. Theory being all the moisture normally lingering over the water is being vacuumed into the atmosphere. You can see further through air than water (flashlight under water vs. flashlight above water makes this obvious and self testable). Atmospheric lensing is the term, and it is not as prevalent at certain times. I have spent more time looking over the water than most people. Am going to start documenting this via a super zoom Nikon p1000 to show I am not LARPING over these observations. As someone who has seen this with their own eyes, I will spend more time investigating and showing the proofs. Pythagoras and Aristotle and Eresthosthenes "proving" is debunked with modern day observations. Light will naturally bend through a liquid medium this is proveable and measureable. You cannot prove that sun rays travel in a complete and straight path from the sun to earth, which these old time proved theories are based off of that assumption. The horizon line remains at eye level throughout any elevation, so indeed going in a balloon would be great to show you this, observing a level of atmospheric lensing is irrelevant and also means nothing.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also why are you giving photography instructions? Undoubtedly you'd be non polar aligned. I didn't state anything contrary to this, not sure why you want to give a photography 101 spill. If your camera is viewing south of where Orions belt would align you'll get the opposite rotation. Easier to get both rotations in frame closer to the equator.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

You would have to be near the equator for this kind of shot. Taken at Fort Jefferson 70 miles off the coast of key west. Key west is at the end of the line the furthest south west of Florida you can get (near Cuba). The mentioned frames of opposite star rotations would be Pointed towards the equator.. Spinning stars are visible anywhere above or below the equitorial line, and they spin in opposite directions north/south from the Equator. This would seem plausible on a globe earth, except for the fact you can capture rotations of both directions in a single frame. This would only be possible if the stars were actually moving and not the earth.

by pkvi
FortheGenerations 0 points ago +1 / -1

This response is too much dancing around the subject. We can see too far. Give me undeniable proof and I will stop. "Ancient people's recognizing" and "personal experience having participated with peoples who have used balloons and rockets" also isn't saying anything really.

by pkvi
FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

#15 is disputed.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

They do some really heinous shit though. They had a guy out in the middle of the street begging for change... No legs, one arm, both eyes gouged, gets picked up in a van at the end of the day. Lots of organ harvesting going on. Snatch you up, take your kidneys etc.. Little girls selling flowers (everywhere), but then get picked up by the Chinese mafia at the end of the day. Who knows what happens after they grow up some? .. Most places you are expendable.. It is not like an organized ant colony, more like a bunch of wanderers scrounging for any resource they can possibly find, with human predators everywhere that don't give a fuck about you except for what they can possibly extract/steal from you resource wise.... Even the M.P.'s are just trying to rob you if they can. Recommend to visit travel about 5-6 hours from the airport. Welcome to the real world..

FortheGenerations 0 points ago +2 / -2

Idk man, seems kind of a cringe of a post you linked to. Possibly it's just a scare tactic by the MSM, to get everyone worked up. Not sure what to think of it. Regardless it's something to be aware of

FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0

The two go together.

FortheGenerations 0 points ago +2 / -2

I tell every person I can that Elon musk is a fraud.

FortheGenerations 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you look at the list of wars from the 1800s on wikipedia, You will see it is very possible and even likely that history was/has been changed.

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