Facts of real physics should be our primary method to determine the world's shape👍

✅Water at rest is level. ✅Spinning balls produce centrifugal force. ✅Air can NOT sync speeds over a moving surface. ✅Chicago is visible from 50 miles. ✅I can go on, and on, and on.

It is tiresome to see the same lame arguments trotted out again and again for the globe, especially those that depend on iffy sources (government agencies). The as told model is not correct, is not factual, is made up and synthesized and you're basing your belief on the made up "social proofs" and video testimonials.

Many cowards have committed to the legacy globe model so hard they will never admit they are wrong even if they know it isn't true. Others are too stupid to realize they've been tricked.

When a man comes face to face with a conspiracy so big, so earth shattering and outrageous, he becomes paralyzed and cannot accept it, even though it's staring him right in the face.

And it doesn't say much. Here's a few quotes:

The UAPTF has indicated that additional funding for research and development could further the future study of the topics laid out in this report. Such investments should be guided by a UAP Collection Strategy, UAP R&D Technical Roadmap, and a UAP Program Plan.> And also: > The limited amount of high-quality reporting on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) hampers our ability to draw firm conclusions about the nature or intent of UAP>

Fake shit. They know what it is whatever it is. Horse and pony show. Launder some money out to some sub contractors to "investigate" and push the alien agenda, probably spend 1/1000000th of the money to pay some video editor off Fiverr to create some fake videos. If the craft even is real, it's likely military anyways.


Been there, it's shit. No electricity much of it. People on propane powered scooters, eating dogs and cats/foxes, no cell service, dirt roads, dismembered pan-handlers and child slaves selling flowers everywhere. No toilet paper anywhere. Pizza But is like eating super fancy over there, it's a big deal wear your Sunday best for pizza hut. Hong Kong is about the only place that's really nice, otherwise you're going to see shanty towns and old dirt roads in between the cities. Trash everywhere. There's no overwhelming big brother surveillance hindering the citizens everywhere, it's more like nobody gives a shit and if you get robbed or killed, oh well. They might come intervene, but likely don't give a shit to do so. Also if you're a foreigner they will go through your shit every town you enter and try to find a reason to confiscate any electronics, try to take your cameras etc, they don't like you taking pictures. I'm sure there's tons of slaves in china, literally gangs will chop off all your limbs, tongue, and eyes and leave you with one arm begging for change and pick you up and throw you in a van at the end of the day. China is not a threat. The 5 eyes countries are though, those should be your concerns.

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