I wonder who the shill is... The guy advocating for a working block user function or the guy saying to not implement one.
You shills are so transparent.
I guess you won't get your money if everyone has you blocked.
BTW, the way the block would work someone wouldn't need an up to date block list. Only the person posting would need a block list and it would block all shills from interacting with everyone on the thread, not just themselves.
Sheesh. Look at your shill doublespeak. Its hilarious.
Baby want his bah bah?
Your pathetic.
I can't be blocked because the block feature doesn't work. Also, in committed to this. If I get banned I will just create a new user and post again.
I have unlimited proxies and VPNs.
Created a working block feature or as far as I'm concerned this forum is just a way to separate everyone and purposefully neutered.
I blocked u/Graphenium and he is still there.
Doesn't work
I'm in the conspiracy community and I'm not even sure Mars exists in the way that CGI picture depicts it does. NASA probably just photoshopped those volcanos in to be honest and then charged the taxpayer a billion dollars..
Its because this site is broken. You can't block users so you get turned off by shills. You have to wait until a mod bans them and then have to deal with the onslaught of fake complains about censorship from the ALTS.
It gets tiresome. I wonder if the block user function is purposely not working.
Can you see this post: