Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

What, connecting diplomats to this, is an exercise in being a retard. It's autism.

Sending a diplomat to plan the top secret attack guys. The best, you fucking retard.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

No, you're an idiot. I support the Jews over terrorists being armed by Iran and other actors.

Obviously there is a lot more to this than what it is.

But it is not your little fantasies, of nonsense. They don't use those guys. Those guys aren't failsafe.

For something to be failsafe, it doesn't need diplomats. Dumbass. You're literally a spaz.

The worst spaz that existed. So much conjecture. It doesn't air the other side. Only your absurd bias. Where you think the other side are naive? They're fucking idiots. Because you thought up this pathetic artwork? It is so sub level, only autists could be programmed by it. Only retards.

You comment, like all your comments, everything that was and has ever existed is a jewspiracy.

You are guilty in causing this. Correct. See right there is that conspiracy here. Look no fucking further. You're pummelling that narrative. It is causing it. Where did you steal it from? That's the conspiracy ain't it.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

You're a retard. It went there because of the regional peace talks. Regional normalisation talks. There was pushback to the judiciary reforms as well.

Inside your little bucket it was to do something else. I mean that makes sense. It could use a blower. Red phone right to Israel.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

America hasn't got a wartime Potus. But it has the ability to blunder into it. It is currently using proxies while trying to uphold regional security and in doing so it provokes something. I don't know how many gaffes are left?

As far as the Iranian problem, it's a big fucking problem. But could America go to war under this Potus. Doubtful. But it could always be dragged into it.

America has acted far more craven recently. Because it doesn't want a war. It is something, something?

Leftists do this, have very bad comedy. It is because any stakes are high. So it tries to calculate, crunching those number, a billion more to you, and comes off without much resolve, producing the narratives, it cannot collapse and it cannot war, providing more aid to everybody else.

In doing so, you tell me.... contains the escalation, by escalating the containment.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I have no idea. Never really studied the regional campaigns there. Except for an outline. I should look it up. I know Egypt was used repeatedly in that time period.

Obviously that would've been a move into Ottoman territory from Egypt which homed the British army. It used a lot of militias against the Ottomans and sultanates. There was large campaign into the Sudan. Again across the Arabian Peninsula which had British bases. Persia wasn't favorable to the Ottomans. Of course it wasn't simply the British there were French and Russians.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It was aired in his press statement, national address, because of all the assumptions. Lots of assumptions. He said in certainty it is 100%. It will. But when is only up to Israel. This was as talk of Thaad would delay that action and other negotiations by third parties and calls for more aid. The first bunch of aid was arranged by America for 2 hostages another 2 after it had been fully delivered. The Americans wanted all hostages, not happening despite more promises. Hamas being schooled by third parties know what to barter. Here, all the hostages for a nuke. Nuke Israel. No.

But aid, fuel, water, is gone again, more concessions. More bullshit.

Logically it needs prep. Prep won't go in on December it kind of wants to be already started, yes, before then, otherwise bad morale. Maybe? Otherwise it waits till after, no, that's too late and again the bad morale.

But I don't know. Suggesting any statement as there's those other talks of Thaad and more aid and more nonsense like Santa, means it's sooner I'd imagine?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Stop being a retard. Literal retard. 1918 had 700,000 population 20% mixed. 1947, 1.9 million 30% mixed.

If we go back to the 1800s it had all of about 500 people documented

I know you're a fucking autist. It gained what kind of population since the British ruled it. Sure they set up a government subject to change, and change occurred under international charter in 1947. This part is now Israel. Yes it contained idiots, when doesn't anywhere contain autistic spastics, and squatters. Piss off.

Did Palestine draw its border then in 1947, no it didn't. It wanted to rule all of it. That's not Israel it's Palestine it needs to have a Palestinian government in all of it. We know how that goes.

Palestine have never dealt since ever. They've never claimed asylum either. All that sympathy immigrate. That's what they did except back into it, it recruited all terrorists to attack Israel

Who did Britain use to help defeat any former government there? I wonder this, I've always wonder who betrayed the former Ottomans. Did it surrender? Where they Egyptians? Egypt was actually its protector under the Ottomans. Why else did it slaughter it in the 1800s?

There you are talking crap.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nope you're wrong. Completely wrong. It is going in or the Israeli PM just lied when he said in absolute certainty it is going in. Absolute clarity.

When is a number of reasons anybody can guess and get wrong but many are obvious.

I'd suggest it was soon. But who knows when. They've already gone in to some limitations.

There isn't just Gaza. There's other dangers. The Americans want Thaad and other batteries as it proceeds. That will take longer on the current news. But you never know.

Almost every conspiracy on this conflict has been wrong and contains foreign Ops.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. Not in a proxy war. Iran launch on a nuclear power. It nukes. Does everybody get involved? No, because everybody is involved.

There is zero point in speculating that. Because it's bullshit. There is no doctrine there.

What would happen is somebody else decides to use that logic and repeats it again somewhere else. Then it keeps reacting.

But I'd take that gamble. Because as I said the risk for Israel is more. Iran launches a figure of missile of various warheads, and they start beating defense. It hits a nuclear power station. It hits silos. Israel is potentially fucked by conventional means. So it launches nukes at Iran, and launches as Iran launches.

Sure there are Iranian allies. On the premises of war against it. Not on fucking idiotic martyrs.

Or I'd almost hedge surgical strikes disabling it. They talk bigger. However another flank will spill. Those allies of it will decide they'll attack somewhere else.

But Iranian shipping is fucked, anyway. It won't sail anywhere without another escort. And Gaza is gone regardless. At this rate it could also mean the Iranian coast. Hezbollah are also gone at this rate.

Iran might try to beat Isreal with Hezbollah that could be some bullshit. But there goes their nations. Collateral say this word. It is when a bigger force attacks a smaller nuclear power. What does it do. Collateral.

But according to you it's because a handful of Palestinian terrorists are worth tell me your logic?

I honestly don't know what would occur that's up to anybody making decisions and making a strategy. They've been so craven. Trump probably had his nuts squeezed, and now it's back there anyway. This time it's problematic. Again it's bigger talk, and dumber rats. But it needs something. Like Damascus gone. Hahaha.

However I am attempting a statistical analysis. Instead of listening to cravens and martyrs.

I am under the absolute impression you give an inch they take a mile. They're advancing on that notion. Whatever happens it will without these dumb words.

Let's run this without nukes. It means larger war. It draws everybody in. Nukes might. Or they could halt it. In a scenario they don't use nukes allies get involved.

Who knows who cares except it's getting real tedious this constant nuance. Collapse at this rate will cause a lot of shit and could lead to war anyway. Collapse occurs as oil soars. Oil will soar more whatever happens. As it happens it empowers extremists. War occurs. It is. It simply get bigger. In that collapse where food becomes scarcer and oil gets pricer. It brings conflict.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Can you use your head. I explained it already. Literally explained it. All of sudden it's the autism. Read my last reply.

The iron dome cannot stop every missile aimed at it.

It can stop a significant number. If one breaks through, it still needs a deterrent. It is an even larger payload.

The USA is rushing to add more defensive systems like Thaad etc. But there is still offense. It is returning any fire and stopping it firing.

In the case of Iran. What probability do you assume, if it fires directly at Israel?

In fact at the current rate of probability it makes no difference. Iran are attacking indirectly regardless. I am not suggesting the aforementioned odds. I am suggesting any conflict is becoming problematic. Whether the USA is dragged into striking them to prevent Israel causing that response, or if Iran attacks directly.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No it doesn't. It shouldn't. Remove the terrorist. Line them up and extinguish those notions. If it were only as simple as it used to be. It used to be simple. Today it cares too much. Perhaps not enough. It provokes it.

It isn't simple because the spectator perpetrates it.

This is also an ideological war. Religions picking sides.

But in absurd ignorance they are blindly at odds across the Islamic World. Prior examples.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't care about archaic manuscripts or supposed conspiracy.

I rationally, no matter the nation across the globe, don't want terror or terrorism.

I understand and support war if it is necessary preventing terror, or by it providing peace.

Yes war needs to win so in conclusion there is peace at least until it repeats it

But the constant provocation or terrorism or warfare is not a world the peaceful should live.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What? Palestine has always rejected its own border that it assumes is not Israel. It always wanted to be married into the regional government. As a result terrorism and conflict has occurred, where it repeatedly provokes it. As a consequence it loses any notion of Palestine. Israel simply emerged over this other nonsense.

Rationally it is nonsense. The land was a provincial territory of a former Empire that fell. As it did a bunch of nations emerged from its provinces and sultanates. Many haven't agreed, some have had new borders recently, others are in conflict today.

The region was split. Palestine rejected the border, it claimed it was not Israel. Yes Israel removed Palestinians squatting in its granted region. Since Palestine have caused further conflict, Israel have repeatedly gained parts of that former offer. What would you do. What has every war done? It gains territory. Every single one. Yes. All over the globe.

But the fact is Palestine have rejected their own border and they only arm anyway against Israel. Until it walled off Gaza. The West Bank also incites the same response.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You are inciting terror or conflict. Why not air every other conflict and terrorism. Seriously why this one? Why does it rattle you? You're not Palestinian. So why pick the side of terror and then go wahaaa civilians got hit?

They do in every war. In terrorism who wants that? Nobody wants that. Nobody sane. Correct?

I don't want any civilians getting hit. In war it's unavoidable. But this notion of supporting terror and then war occurs, but all of a sudden you've turned irrational correct?

How do you stop that terror? Because everywhere else in the immediate region and globe it causes causality, but you're picking the side causing terror. It's remarkable or in conclusion absurd.

You don't complain when Turkey or Iran kills those Kurds causing terrorism. You aren't complaining about civil wars in Sudan or Yemen. Etc. You're supporting terror because it's against Jews.


Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

We don't know what they are. We haven't seen them in a long time. But simple science suggests bombs, explosives, munitions have gotten far more destructive on a scale of a huge area. Simple science. I don't know what a nuke is. I don't want to find out

However make no mistake there is something there.

This is why the USA have entered here. Because Israel won't get hit. That size and population will return any fire on a scale of collateral to even those odds. Unless they have a security partnership. Like the USA entering. Yes? Otherwise the potential for a nuke increases, or a lot more collateral.

So in a case of the likes of Iran, a huge national surface area, in comparison, and 10x that population number, potentially more conventional fire power. How does it even those odds? The nuke. Or alliances.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

WTF. If you support Palestine you've got no IQ. It has nothing to do with vax. A personal choice. Why aren't you supporting the Kurds? Who are you supporting Armenia or Azerbajian? What about in Yemen? Who do you support in Syria? Who are you supporting in Libya. How about most of the Islamic world and the Globe?

You're a retarded squid. It bothers you when it's Palestine because you're a two faced cunt. You support terrorism. It is what you support . You're a woke triggered extremist. I meant leftist.

It has nothing to do with civilians either. Just because it's Israel.

Your IQ test just failed. You support terror. You have the autism.

Where are all the posts for the Kurds? Come on all those civilian terrorists being killed. What about the Armenians? So many so many.

Where is your IQ? You cared because tell me this. The terrorists. Obviously.

Sorry I am half asleep now. I read a really dumb article. It is completely bullshit. I have created numerous posts with intelligent arguments against madness. That article is nonsense. I am annoyed.

I am asking why you pretend to care when you don't. You're fickle. You have zero problem with Iran killing Kurds, Turkey killing Kurds, Iraq killing Kurds. Syria killing Kurds and rebels. Yemen in civil war. Azerbaijan invading Armenia. Afghanistan in tribal violence. Sudan in civil war. Ethiopia. Endless conflict and causality.

Suddenly you're fickle. No I.Q.

Yes they are different but terrorism it doesn't matter if it's Hamas or another group of terrorists anywhere on the Planet they get killed yes, and civilians are often caught in it? It doesn't matter. Terrorism is destroyed.

Anywhere on the Planet? Yes. Anywhere. Obviously if civilians support that terrorism what occurs? What happens in war. Invasions or conflict?

Where is the same Conspiracy? You're inciting tell me? Terrorism or conflict. No. I.Q.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Notre Dame was an inside Job. It needed renovating and magically only the roof being renovated burnt, the rest was fiscal. Look at all that funding and tourism that occurred. Presto. Funding granted. Repairs completed.

Others who knows. Notre Dame, stunk of camembert.

Sorry I misunderstood some other terrorism? Wasn't following. They herald their demise. Why are they terrorists. They are absurd.

I want war when war must be necessary. When it bangs some sense into madness and it changes all the bullshit.

I often support war. Because it is necessary. Especially wars we actually put boots in. Our soldiers their duty. Others with stupid funding and crap. Nope not so keen.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Hang on. Funding is easy for Palestine. The World's largest religion at about 2.5 billion people giving 1cent is what? Absurd isn't it, that it buys rockets.

The issue we are discussing. Palestine was given an opportunity for its own border. It want to rule some suggest conjoint. Have you lived under a coalition government. Honk. Try again. It specifically rejected all deals towards a separation marking its border. Until Gaza was literally fenced. While the West Bank has been as problematic.

Terror towards Israel for the rejection of it. It's not Palestine and why can't Palestine sit on Israeli government presiding over a territory it has refused to divorce and separate until forced from violence it has perpetrated. Outside of Israeli founding where it was separated and removed people off its granted land which Palestine refused. Granted by international charter into a former provincial terrority. Every time it attacks it gets smaller. A consequence of its actions.

People shout the Westbank is so different but it escalates it all the same. It from an attitude that it's not Israel's land. It is Palestine's. Hang on. NO real border, and refused any longstanding peace, it goes and incites violence 5 minutes later. Consequently it decreases.

Oh but the settlers and no no that was theirs. The settlers moving in. Were they prior to the escalating violence. Haven't numerous deals been offered? Hasn't violence only increased.

It's called autism. Perpetrated by the spectator. They're not Palestinians. Most aren't today. They identify through the mindset it's not Israel. It is Palestine.

So on comparison, a tiny nation Israel, by geographical comparisons, hosting a dense population of under 10 million in various terrain and climate. Compared to other neighbouring populations dwarfing it. At what point can it keep getting hit? Is this why it reacts to absolutely halting terrorism? As it does any notion of Palestine dissipates. It cannot be trusted with anything. Like Palestine.

So all these other nations and their sectarian feuds. Are they different? Name them. But wahaaaa Palestine. Right. Wahaaa. Look at Syria, Iraq now and formerly, Yemen, even Turkey, Armenia. Yawn and Yawn. Suddenly wahaaa. No. Not at all. I am sure there are far more. Like Iran. Nope. Terrorists don't deserve ground. It decreases when they attack. Nobody is creating Kurdistan either. Far more in the Islamic World. Suddenly you are only concerned with bullshit. It's pathetic how that works.

There are some who care and it's the same damn story everywhere in the World. Terrorism is stomped. Civilians get hit. The notion of those terrorists is often absurd. Why are you making it an issue. Oh but Jerusalem. Who wants terrorists?

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

That's fucking bullshit. Complete gibberish.

Where are they hosted. Don't answer a hypothetical. Israel is tiny. It could host a few but not of any major significance. Unless it's cohosting or has them located somewhere else. How many warheads. Like numbers on that landmass. Then that problem becomes they could be beaten by conventional armament. Unless it preempts. So it also needs another location or joint security. Or it's cohosting like Europe? It probably isn't, but then the number becomes less correct to keep it secret.

Blackmail nukes. Hahahaha. It sounds like the Europe's. Europe hosts a number of American nukes. Part of the MAD doctrine. They've all got them. Not quite.

Conspiracies there are far more than claimed. A lot more not claimed today. But these nations tend to have warheads and not the facility to enrich and produce.

Of course nukes can be smaller now. But then any damage scales and so does any supposed fallout and detonation.

This topic has gotten insane. Blow up New York. Freaking dumbasses. It wins nothing. Except the sky's blotted out by them

I don't trust wiki's projecting a program that doesn't supposedly exist. Israeli population cannot get hit. Under 10 million. It projects. It could preempt overwhelming odds. Or launch to even the odds. But that number and silo and delivery scale to what kind of figures?

Aside is this why Israel have been so determined to halt hostile attacks. Obviously they cannot get hit. A smaller population and landmass.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is that the sounds of a 🐙. Wahaaaa. So seriously. Wahaaa.

I was being serious. Instead of answering. Read it. You've turned into a squid. Wahaaa. They just need more water. Wahaaa. How can you not hate Israel. Wahaaa. It's Palestine's. Wahaaa. It's all, everything, is the Jews fault, all the time. Wahaa.

Seriously, it's all you've ever said, ever.

We were actually debating why you're inciting and sponsoring terror? How you've perpetrated conflict. Legitimately.

I probably shouldn't have answered you. You didn't answer me. But unfortunately I am trying to show you what you just did. It's absurd. Illogical.

I detailed a thoughtful response. Then you trolled like a 🐙 with your outrage. It didn't answer me.

Again Palestine have never accepted Israel. Everytime Peace was offered they wanted to be married into it. Instead of separately bordering it. Even after borders were made, it constantly brought conflict. Until those notions of Palestine have always equated terror towards Israel. In response they've lost those notions of Palestine.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

Reverse psychology. The only psychology here.

It's ridiculous. I support peace. Unfortunately all Palestine has brought is war.

I support war when war is necessary. Unfortunately how does this resolve.

Ep0ch -7 points ago +1 / -8

I don't care about Palestine. Nobody rational does.

Let's discuss why you care? You're inciting what? See what you're doing.

Palestine have had years to claim asylum from the globe, and instead they cause terror. Where they've refused almost every peace deal offered. Almost every single one, that's it, and that's not. Since day one. But instead weaponise against Israel bringing conflict. The consequences have decreased any supposed notions of Palestine. They've done this because according to Palestine, it's not Israel.

Why would I care? Why do you? You're inciting conflict. I support Israel so there's peace.

It is as I said the perpetrator like yourself posting this crap causes it. You convince nobody rational.

Ep0ch -9 points ago +1 / -10

No you are. You've turned into a leftist. Woke and gay and gives a shit.

What was the conspiracy? Your outrage.

What are you outraged about. Let's discuss this.

Israel isn't Palestine. So why are you trying to convince me it is.

Now let's talk peace. When has Palestine ever accepted it? Any deal has gotten less and less. Why logically is this?

It has never accepted Israel. Why therefore by the same rationality should it?

So tell me, exactly what you're doing? You're perpetrating any conflict. Triggered

Ep0ch -11 points ago +2 / -13

I am here because I don't care. The spectator perpetrates this conflict. The spectator funds it, arms it, causes it.

Lastly what do they even want. Rationally. A state to weaponise against Israel from. Autism.

Instead of conspiracy. Instead of any conspiracy. This board has turned into woke activists demanding to cancel Israel. You are guilty in any supposed suffering. You are complict. You also call for conflict.

Until anybody sane doesn't care.

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