Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It means shit. I don't care who they are.

You don't even know what they're claiming either, because none of them have said the bullshit you have.

None of them have said humans don't cause climate change. None of them have said humans don't melt glaciers. None of them have claimed humans don't cause desertification.

They are arguing certain reading's. But who cares what they claim, when it's not a fact. Nope.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I haven't been proven wrong. You have. You are fucking retarded. You are the same stupid fucking shill spewing flat earth. Same idiolect same attitude same dumb fucking nigger brain. You constantly cherry pick bullshit.

None of your links are verified either. They are second hand information that has been manipulated.

But even in what has been shown on its unverified information, the temperature is on an increase. It has steadily increased after the Dust Bowl. The Great Depression. Where it shot up in a huge extreme fell and has been climbing. It never fell to pre levels.

Lastly it was only a dumber average. It hasn't proved its claim. Where is the official reading from the met offices claimed. No where. It could be for anything. You got it from somebody else claiming what. It isn't the official statistics. Because you're claiming they moved those stations.

Hurricanes again increasing count them.

The other crap you've linked is total bullshit. The press of some dumb idiot never studied history. The PDF links I would never touch. They're bullshit, somebody's opinion from who cares where, is not a fact.

Facts you continually deny with total bullshit.

Now fuck off nigger. You are dumber than shit. Spurious means disingenuous not authentic. You fucking retarded nigger. You mince every concept in that stupid head. Have done all over this forum. As you bombard shit. Disgusting to converse with. It isn't a conversation with an equal, somebody intelligent. It is with somebody so warped they know nothing. Nothing else. No practical knowledge or experience.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I clicked on your dumb links. They were nothing what I claimed. When you claim bullshit first, it put me off the rest of them. Bullshit, no glaciers in the Alps, everybody knows there were, Hannibal.

Outside of that. Your links are spurious. You actually make yourself look dumb. Hurricanes have increased in frequency. The temperature falling slightly after the dust bowl has been rising. Where was its bar. It was lower than today. In the last 100 years. Apart from in the great depression everybody knows of that extreme.

I am not downloading shit on my phone at all. Had big scare from virus software, it was the virus. Literally spammed my calender with alerts every hour and disabled my shields.

Dunno what other erratic Claims you're establishing off unverified sources spewing, stupidly.

I asked a simple question, again testing your intellect. If everybody shat on the street would the climate change. Undoubtedly it would, it would stink, every time the wind blew, it stinks of shit. What else would it cause?

But you cannot even comprehend the concept of ice cream. We take it out the freezer and it melts. Do tell me what happened to the Glaciers and permafrost. Humans did what? You don't comprehend the concept of deserts either, where if we deplete our water sources what happens. Humans don't cause warming. They have right there. Only you are the dumbest asshole on this planet stating no they don't

You link bullshit. I cannot establish those graphs are correct on any link you provided. But they have rose steadily. Small drop supposedly as a projection ahead no more than concurrent, but look at the climb from their entry.

Rest of your crap is also spurious. Why would I bother. It was finally an attempt to be polite. You never answered simple stuff, my line of debate, you can't, it would make you stupid, you are, before selling me that crap over and over. But you're too stupid to even read it.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Your world is. I am not repeating anything except facts. Somehow you keep linking shit to me. It isn't factual. I will not click on stupid links either. I don't know what you're even saying. I would if I read it. But it is moronic. Why the hell should I. I claimed something else.

The temperature has massively warmed recently. Only somehow you're telling me it hasn't. When it has. No debate. I provided an example, even a two year old would grasp, iceream go on how does it melt, no seriously, but somehow can't even understand that.

Next you bombard bullshit to me. I didn't claim any of that. You did. It wasn't my argument. It's your bullshit.

I claimed humans cause climate change. They factually do. I provided specific examples of it. Facts. Not your bullshit.

We are done you are fucking stupid. It's like you don't understand the meaning of words and concepts used, or have even studied basic geography and how weather and ecosystems work. Importantly you don't know how to communicate either.

Instead you pull bullshit out your asshole. I didn't claim any of that shit.

You live in a world your actions don't affect it. I pity you. You're selfish stupid and morally wrong. That's what you have told everybody. Your actions don't affect anything. Humans cannot cause climate change. They can on huge scales. We did that. But in your stupidity you've claimed your shit don't stink. Go peddle it to somebody else. You vile disgusting piece of shit. It's literally how stupid you are, you'd shit on street, and claim go on, read it. It doesn't affect the World. Where does your shit go. But oh no, shit on the street, it won't affect it. Basically it's the extent of your argument. Your actions do not affect anything. Humans cannot climate change. It's okay folks, shit on the street. If everybody shat on the street it wouldn't affect the weather. It actually would. It would stink for a start. What else would it cause?

Pathetic down vote. The temperature on your graphs has been rising. After the warm event that led to the dust bowl and great depression. Steadily. Where was the bar at. You admitted it's only average. Not specific states. Hurricanes have also increased. I am not downloading crap links. Or reading bullshit press like no glaciers in the Dark ages. Factually wrong. Hannibal lost how many elephants in the frozen Alps. Forgetting the two years of darkness. The mini ice-age from Vesuvius. There was also a warm period of extreme heat droughts slightly later. Another of extreme winters in Europe about 200 years ago. I never claimed rising oceans. I think population is actually causing a worse affect to any rise, drinking it quicker.

The rest of your bullshit is tedious. Cannot verify those sources either. Spurious.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What? Obviously you like the vegan tits. Vegans have the mutant tits and the Chinese have slanty tits. Come on, battery tits aren't much fun at all.

But there is a conspiracy on why the natural tits are in rapid decline.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They all have fake tits today. Tits have shrunk, and it's in the baby formula and probably the pill and toothpaste. But tits are in rapid natural decline. So they go out and get the zipper tits. Sometimes these quite remarkable, if they really pay for them, but many are wonky unless they keep unzipping them. But it's when they go out and get the fake nips as well. These are really annoying and often have no sensation, don't do fuck all, your nipples get harder, or too much sensitivity. Damn that fake bullshit sometimes, aesthetically, until they cheap it. But no where near to natural, unless they have the battery tits, today these are a larger majority. Small tits.

There has got to be a conspiracy on why the natural titty population has been shrinking? I am definitely blaming the vegans and the Chinese.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wtf. No there isn't by highest capital comparisons and density. Not by the same populations.

You also named 3 countries previously, probably counting them all as China. Hell Tehran is higher, Kabul is higher, Yemen, big city higher, then your bullshit. You never named Bhutan either. It is way up there.

We are again for elevation's sake suggesting total population evelated above significant existenial sea level rise for the sake of elevation. It provides us with as a claim of the highest elevation. Not summit. Because it has the most people residing at elevation. Providing us with an argument. No it's not the closest point to the stars.

The closest point to the stars is the summit in Ecuador, not Everest. It is densely elevated as a country. But the highest point in the World at elevation is Bolivia as the populated area, and as the majority of its country. But does it have as much population elevated? No. Where is this? But it is no wonder these people worshipped what they did. Why did those Incas chase the stars. They put their temples on the highest peaks. Many suffered climate changes in their attempts at the divine.

Yes the Steppes of Asia is massively elevated but those populations are all quite small. Africa has far more countries with cities at higher elevation. Bhutan very high has a relatively tiny population. Nepal isn't as high up as its summits of Everest and K2. Again it has a relatively small population by other comparisons. Even India has higher claims or areas of population in those peaks, but it isn't the vast majority of its population

Yawn you're so tedious.

What are you babbling about the NWO for?

We were talking about glacial melt. Before you opened your dumb mouth. How Ethiopia is no longer Frozen, and it has specks of snow on its tallest peaks, these in the past were frozen, glaciers, the source of the Nile. And would you look at Switzerland today, those glaciers are faster retreating. It has significantly warmed. Because go on. The Sun. It was shining long before people escaped the Romans.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Asian Steppe countries are tiny comparitive populations.

They aren't higher elevation. Is there metropolis on mountain in Asia. There is in the Andies. Oh look at Ethopia. But where is Kathmandu or it's town at base of Everest? Wrong answer. Mexico City, capital is way up there and more of its other density. High. Same in other places of Europe. Like Andorra tiny population, and Switzerland far more but smaller comparisons to South America or Ethopia. But we're talking population for the argument of it. We never spoke, you never asked. You called me what. I am not.

It's the way you speak. You're not clever.

You don't count three countries, so dumb, bad monkey, when we're specifically talking about a country with the highest significant population above existential sea level rise.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What the fuck is that. I linked why Ecuador summit is higher than Everest. I did that already you dumbass. Next I linked Capital cities at highest elevation. Now we do their population, significant sea level elevation more than existential rise, we're suggesting critically, not because it has beach and mountain, the population elevated above sea level rise on the topic of polar melt. Look into it rising by 750-1000 meters. Where is that majority? Educated not bananas. Ethopia or Latin America, much bigger populations, few contestants, not hypothetically, there already, but it could be Mexico.

So now after an educated debate the highest elevation. Not a dusty summit you failed at. See how easy that was monkey. Easy to beat monkey. Hell it is fun. Try to beat me. Please I could be wrong. But you are so wrong. It makes up for it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're dumber than shit. Should have just said monkey not dude. I give bananas to monkeys. I am not wrong. Read the links. Glacier 4 in the Alps of Switzerland and I can link more, but they are still providing some melt to their believers. Unlike your charlatan.

Highest elevation above sea level is the population elevated. Wouldn't you concur? Not some dusty summit you failed at. Read the link. Ecuador.

But population above significant sea level. Hmm I wonder if it's Ethiopia somehow it stuck. But it might be Mexico, or Ecuador or Colombia. Dunno. Figure it out.

Where is Nepal's highest city or capital on those lists? Wrong answer.

Now fuck off. Monkey.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Dude you just linked an opinion. Not a fact. I am not screaming.

You are a completely moron.


Don't know why it says glaciers.

Look at that retreat. Tell me, they're the Alps.

No it factually isn't Everest. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/highestpoint.html

Bhutan as a nation is higher than Nepal's elevation. If we are going there. I don't know why I claimed Ethopia. Except for the simple reference to the Nile. And it has the 4th highest Capital city on the globe at elevation. Probably because it might have the most population above significant sea level. Lastly I just wanted a debate. One I knew you'd fail at. Claiming Everest.


Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a paradox. Simple causality. Revelations simply describes, seige warfare. Sacking of the once great city states and kingdoms they once ruled from. It hasn't changed metaphorically. Despite being figuratively reworded and reconstructed.

What visions did he see from those caves, calling on the gods of his exile in his stoicism, none I daresay. Simple coursework, and a team of monks, yes yes it has happened endlessly, timelessly, because it is always set to befall the faithful. You have a two tier system of godly versus the ungodly. Easier controlling the godly causing the ungodly too, and so sets a motion of it repeating endlessly. Because there will always be the religion we have bestowed, and it always draws the eire of hell. Every enemy so named. Their gods are not our gods. They are savages and demons.

It could be any sacking, ending, and collapse of civilization. The devoted, the godly, against the unbeliever, and enemy. It is doomed to repeat, give it some clause to win, got to draw the patriotism and believers foremost providing them their valor. Until in their decadence and decline they fail, but belief must not fail us. Despite the faithful crushed on the distant battlefield, versus the spawn of hell seiging the faithful's last bastions. Until there is respite, despite of the constant loss, a seige to the faithful seeking salvation, and the religion bestowed on them. It cannot forget, so it will always be a fortress, seiged, until a second coming reinforces its will, less it is completely forgotten and sacked by hell. The design is both simplimistic and eternal.

Jerusalem, Alexandria, Babylon specifically before, where it all constantly repeats itself from, it has been relayered, from so many of those manuscripts, at least he had a few left in those caves like the illiads of Troy, Rome again, Constantinople. Etc etc. Imagine what they thought of their enemies and why they fought, and what gods and virtues they held. How their belief simply reminisced.

A paradox. Where the scripture becomes the ironclad armor providing religion and victory to their believers, until as always its bastions become a metaphor for any revelations.

If you believe it you apply it. No other reason to forget it.

If there is another cosmic design, it was only regret. The city fell and had to be saved by its savior,, when it failed, because belief was all but lost in the destruction ripping it out and removing it. This narrative has been cemented into the paradigm of Christ. Hell it was Promethus.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It hasn't been proven false. You need help. Real help. I don't think a hammer over your head will fix it either. You need a lobotomy, put human skull in monkey.

Glacier gone. Why. Those humans right there populating. They warmed the climate. They drunk the source, the glacier. If there was gradual change they expedited it. Gradual change, Ethopia at one point was completely frozen. Hell not many know this.

No you are. Ethiopia is the highest elevation on this planet. We aren't talking specific mountain range and peak. We are talking elevation above sea level. The next two are in the Andies, Ecuador and Colombia or Bolivia I think, then the Steppes, possibly Tajikistan? But you must have thought you know Nepal Everest or Tibet. Wrong look it up. You retard. Yet again, dumb monkey.

Not going to continue this. I have tried. You're too dumb to prove me wrong. I did an easy one. You'd know. Well you wouldn't. It takes study. Something you haven't. Something you utterly refuse. You still haven't learned to communicate either.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It does care to certain expectations or nuts don't go boom. They wilt real quick if they aren't fucking. Because a fuck is a fuck, it ain't pretty, if it's wild. It wants to be pretty to fuck again. But it don't care when it's fucking. If it thinks it's pretty when it's fucking it breaks.

Hell I don't know what they think, I like the ones who fuck.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You just said, read it, the glaciers melted. Why. Because the humans populated there.

If you chop down trees depending on where, which climate, what happens it either gets colder, or often hotter. Colder in the Arctic trees don't grow in the permafrost. The climate has warmed. When they do in the Arctic circle and outskirts, it's only by smaller averages. It used to get much colder much colder in our seasons for much longer there Siberia, Canada, Alaska. Documented even in the last 100 years. In hot climates they provide shade. They're rainforests, or swampland, many on coastline are a barrier for typhoon and hurricanes. Now whoosh.

Trees break wind, and provide shade. That climate changes without them. It also changes with them.

Importantly they hold the land together, enriching soil and stop flooding providing cover.

What are you talking about? Zero to do with humans. They built tombs and pyramids on the Nile. They didn't build them in a desert. That would be so stupid to worship their deities in a desert. According to you they have these big temples, under the sands. Because 15k years ago it had nothing to do with humans. Why fucko. Climate change. It's a desert now, instead of those rich fertile Nile deltas. Because they sooner put agriculture and cities everywhere daming the Nile into huge retreat. It was a hot climate, and it got a lot hotter. The desert after a few other natural and man made catastrophes completely buried their civilization. Much of the region. The city of Petra was in a fertile valley. The cedars of Lebanon had huge forests. The same as most of Mesopotamia the cradle of civilization, today fucko it's all mostly a desert. Yes disaster occurred, population did, wars, but so did natural occurrence like the volcano and earthquake. It was in retreat to the hotter climate. Then whoops big change that huge volcano or impact on top of agriculture and cities goes hahaha, you're a desert now boys. Of course today they've gone and melted the source of the Nile. Look at it by comparison. Ethiopia the higgest elevation on the Planet. No more snow cover. Why those humans or simply the sun?

Every single temperature reading, what? Go back to bullshit school. They are claiming bigger increases.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't fancy it tonight. Was going too. Double checked, no, dick too big, you what, apparently they all don't like it in that size. It's a real asshole, them, not, and acting stupid about it. They act so stupid. It's like listening to idiots. Baby comes out. How the fuck. It ain't your first rodeo. But I'd rather not there if that was even suggested. Because it would be this pathetic act of omg then the bullshit. Many do, but they all want too be somebody else about it, while squealing. Fuck them, but it don't my nuts. Next was bitchy, no. Then somebody, yea. By that time, effort. Would be late seeing, after getting ready, tried to rearrange, but she got bothered. Rather just sleep and watch something. Maybe next time, I'm on it. If we're talking about this. Last week so pretty, so bitchy. Turn off. Can't you just be nice. Doesn't compute if fuck. It wants to be in charge of getting fucked. No just fuck is okay. The other two that week were nice, but not as pretty. Didn't care, if fuck. Fuck doesn't care, it fucks. It better be, make nuts.

There you go.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I did. I made a joke of it, Pikachu attacking Starlink with its wind attack. You just get all bothered when somebody calls you a dumbass. Or a dumber ass. Baby steps you'll get over your phobia. It's okay to be dumb, and an ass.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Dumbass. Use your head. Satellites are in outer orbit. Not in cloud cover. Those are moving fast look at the trail, straight line huge speed, not the clip of waves. That wave is bullshit, looks like an anime dragon, wind attack, flutters wings like pikachu or whatever. Haven't seen that shit anywhere. Not saying it doesn't exist, but I haven't.

Except in missile strikes or the criss cross supposed chem trails of aircraft. Now we play it on YouTube with the Xfiles theme songs. Sure enough pikachu strikes again at the satellites.

But you never know. Starlink can't afford to keep losing satellites. Ukraine better start paying for them?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oscillating waves of something, not a natural occurrence of clouds and at that speed. If we're gullible. But it's way too low for satellites. Maybe for drones or disruption to radios if that's what it is.

It might just be missile strikes trails recorded and sped up as the trails moved dissipating as the day changed.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Love and the whip.

People loved their nation, or feared it, but they employed people, artisans, stone masons, knowledge passed down generationally by apprenticeship and by guild. They worked much harder and with their hands, instead of crappier automated machines that cannot sculpt and cannot carve, but can make these other tunnels, and skyscrapers and concrete tenements. Production crafted specific molds and employed dedicated tradesman from guilds. They ruled with ironclad resolve to achieve what machines cannot. Machines make it easier until working that stone in the same methods becomes more of a lost art. Where today, despite some functionality. How long does it take to make a stone mason today. They really don't exist on the scale they did then. Where more was stone and wood then. It goes for much of that World then, everything made by hand, or by hands creating everything. Replaced by machines using less hands and making things that don't last.

No love, no whip.

Most of it was killed off in the World Wars. Replaced by automation and corporation. Yes there are still dedicated studies today, except by being high demand, faster replaces it with something breakable, and does not last. It isn't cost effective. Somebody else will invest and create something even uglier.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have proved it. If the glaciers were there suddenly humans populated where did they go? Where.

You are clinically insane. You have no rational thought. You don't communicate properly. You rearrange what I said and insert bullshit. So I have insulted back. Because you deserve it. There is nothing on this entire planet worse than somebody like you. The way you talk. You are not an authority. You're cherry picking opposing data. It isn't factual. Factual to the obvious causality. Instead you have sat here being the most stupid person anybody could attempt to communicate with.

Proof you scream, I have linked, I have discussed it and numerous changes humans make. Only somehow in the dumbest brain to have graced civilization you respond with crap. Insulting crap. I don't need an idiot mincing my words. But despite it being documented since Egypt, you have ignored. Fertile deltas, desert. Climate change. Temperature change. You haven't studied anything. I am speaking to the clinically dumb. The dumbest. Humans don't cause climate change. A forest fire will tell you otherwise. Deforestation. I chop down those trees what happens. That climate has immediately changed. You fucking nigger. If we get rid of rivers again what happens, without water the land becomes have a guess. Only somehow you think it will keep being the same temperature despite these obvious environmental changes and on a global scale of increasing population.

Go study something you clinically insane nigger.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I linked Glacier retreat. Simple cause and affect. You retard. You haven't provided the proof.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is to a nigger. Why can't more assholes change climate. Honestly why can't more assholes change the climate. Don't worry they have and it doesn't give a shit. It will change on them much quicker.

You're saying the weather is a colonialist trick, because the weather won't tell people what to do. It does. There's drought in Alaska. No what? All that Snow and it had a drought? Canada did. Not sure if it was in Alaska. But Alaska had a heatwave.

Yet somehow you've pulled a nigger out your ass? Seriously, why can't just shit everywhere. It doesn't affect anything. The weather hasn't changed, despite of the heatwave in Alaska. You dumbass. Look it up. Heatwave in Alaska. Last year or present. Heatwave in Alaska. Oh but I am making it up. It happens all the time the polar bears need a tan.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again with your retarded nigger. It is autistic.

I haven't refuted anything. Unlike yourself. Look dumbass. You continue to think my words are false refuting them. It doesn't take a genius to see you're full of shit. Simple cause and affect. Only there you are refuting probable outcome with conjecture.

Probable outcome. Glaciers, permafrost. No why. Honestly why. Obviously population settled. The temperature sooner increased. Otherwise nigger, the glaciers and permafrost would still be there. Causality. Not your autism.

I am arguing this with the insane. You have something so inherently wrong with your critical thinking. So hugely wrong not to understand simple affect. Did humans change the environment. Of course they did. There was glaciers now there aren't as quickly as they've populated. By changing the environment has temperature increased. Is Anchorage a warmer climate than surrounding Alaska. What affect is it causing. You stupid clutz. Now why aren't they admitting it. Go figure. They are. But you're still denying it with they fudged the data. Because you have proof of what? You haven't got proof. I provided it.

Don't worry buy the HAARP, it will make it snow. They'll be driving the EV, they'll make the snow edition soon for the Alaskans who need to run it on snow. Because the oil is off.

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