Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not trying to start shit, but I've seen exactly the opposite. I've watched this insane deification and hero worship building across right-leaning forums over the last year. All based on the occasional spicy tweet. I mean like Q-level mesmerization.

Thinking that the richest man in the world is going to save us, or that anyone is going to save us for that matter, is a very strange position to hold. Nobody is going to save us and nobody is going to do the work for us, especially not a billionaire that has been pushing the climate hoax for over a decade, who is pushing implanted human-computer interfaces, who says things like "we will authenticate every human alive" or that "the science is unequivocal on this vaccine", who regularly manipulates investments, etc.

Look, I like Musk too, and root for his apparent conflict with some of the ruling class to be sincere, but I don't buy the hero story and I'm happy to see some critical thinking finally coming back. The hero worship and delusion was getting frothy there for a while.

EDIT: I'm also a bit conflicted on this particular statement in the OP. On one hand, working from home is far more productive than spending all day in meetings on site, and it is petty of him to seem to dismiss this. On the other hand, he is clearly trying to break a spell (the covid spell), and that I think is awesome.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know. These are clearly both FFs and psyops, but this seems like a strange thing to focus on.

Looks like these are sandals or slippers, with no back on them. When I need to run in sandals, I usually end up kicking off the sandals instead of trying to keep them on. They really make it more difficult and slow you down because half of your energy is focused on keeping the sandals on your feet, instead of just running.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not relevant to your post, but I think you mean crow eating, not dog food eating.

Eating your own dog food is when you yourself use the products or tools you make. When you eat your own dog food, the end result tends to be better because you actually experiences the quirks and bugs and fix them if they are painful.

When you are in the humiliating positing of having to admit you were wrong about something, that saying is "eating crow".

Donkeybutt75 3 points ago +3 / -0

All of this is planned though. As is the next phase of building back better after the collapse is done (and we are still in the early-to-mid phases of the collapse plans).

If you want to build a new system after the collapse and not be stuck in theirs, better be doing that now by building community in the real world that is able to survive outside their system. And their system is still going to exist, you can’t stop that, but you can build and live in a parallel system.

Donkeybutt75 3 points ago +3 / -0

This tactic is as old as humanity. You do something that hurts yourself but hurts your enemy far worse, and you endure it temporarily because it will severely weaken or kill your enemy.

That is the whole point of sanctions, for example. Look at the constant celebrity messaging of how they will gladly pay $15/gallon if it hurts Russia (though that is actually fake and will hurt us far more than Russia).

Same reason the mega corporations were so supportive of covid restrictions, it would hurt them a little bit temporarily, but it would kill small business.

The intent with the “covid out of control in China” is twofold: keep supply chains broken/disrupted and keep the fear going so more lockdowns can come back to the west.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm pretty sure what is happening is they need an extra boost to get conservatives on board with this war. Levin, Hannity, et al, going full anti-Russia maybe hasn't had as much sway as they'd hoped. This works a couple of ways: it's going viral with conservatives, and it will also get libs talking to their conservative friends about how we should be doing more and Trump would do more so therefore more is good.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I interpret it a bit differently. Look, everything is a show. Every narrative the media is pushing and same with the dark messaging stuff (when you notice a massive increase in messaging on forums all at once and in coordination with media narratives), all a show.

That out of the way, I interpreted the storyline more as the US is funding and directing research in the Ukrainian biolabs. And they likely developed and released covid either from these labs or wuhan. The US was about to release another bioweapon and blame it on the Russians. And that is why Russia moved in basically a day after the Biden regime was telling the media that they would, to get control of those labs before it could happen.

I'm not saying this is the reality, just that it is my interpretation of the storyline that is out there. It does sort of fit together, probably better than most of the other storylines they are pushing (though that is not hard to do).

The other narrative coming out of this seems to be the WHO messaging to setup the next pandemic as coming from this war, either more covid due to the conditions of war, or a new virus accidentally released from these labs.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bingo. People underestimate how easy it is to get the population on any new narrative they want because they control an omnipresent and all-encompassing propaganda machine.

Donkeybutt75 3 points ago +3 / -0

It provides the basis for the new world order tracking and control system. It facilitates the control of your movements and your survival based on your compliance with their system.

As others have stated, the advantage of digital is scale. Once the infrastructure is in place (which was a primary purpose of covid, the infrastructure is now largely in place in large cities and large corporations), much of the operation of tracking and validating IDs can be automated, allowing a much grander scale of operation. Whereas with a physical ID card (or vaccine card), you would need a human to stand and check every ID (like they do at bars and casinos) in order to determine if each person is eligible for shopping/travel/money, with digital, it can all happen automatically with sensors reading your ID as you walk by and checking the central data store.

Your digital ID will be tied to your health record (tracking all of your vaccinations and tests). If you are behind on vaccinations or test positive for the disease of the day, you cannot participate in travel or shopping or events like concerts and sports games or even private parties. And if you do something like publicly question the government, you will be punished with losing access to your digital wallet (since your wallet is now tied to the central ID system also, and all currency is digital). If you try to escape in your vehicle, it will be remotely shutdown.

It allows all movement of the population to be controlled. It allows a population to be forced into compliance at all times, even in "private". And there will actually be no "private" because all of the devices in your home, in your car, at your workplace, in every business and lining every city street will always be watching and listening and analyzing. Dissenters will be identified quickly and punished until they comply.

This isn't fiction anymore. This stuff is already in place to varying degrees, what they are doing now and for the next several years is wearing people down and manipulating public mindset into thinking it is necessary for them to actively use these systems of control. Viruses, cyber attacks, false flags blamed on freedom groups, climate narrative and wars and politics causing shortages of oil and food, all of these will lead to a majority of the population demanding the centralization of power and then it is over, no escape.

The only solution is parallel society. Form communities that are not dependent on the system, and form coalitions of such communities. This takes time and work, and nobody is going to do it for you. If you want to live free, that is the only choice for now. If enough of these communities form then over time they will endure while the mainstream system collapses from its complexity. You are not going to beat these people at the game they own and control top to bottom, but you can play a different game and let them have theirs.

Donkeybutt75 5 points ago +6 / -1

Your descriptions don't really fit what is going on. That type of urban warfare develops over years of occupation (i.e. after you've won the war and are then trying to win the peace), not a couple days into a seige.

If you tried this type of tactic during the initial seige, then the invading force would just pull back, surround the city and lockdown transport of people and goods. Then setup delivery points for food and supplies that the population needs to survive. That early on, the population is completely dependent on the invading force for survival, and would actually turn on their own soldiers if they messed with access to food and supplies.

Capturing a city with an overpowering army is fairly straightforward. The hard part is occupying the area long term if the population wants to rebel. That wouldn't happen here, though. The Russians would take over quickly with as little disruption to life as possible, which would allow people to keep their jobs and homes and businesses once the siege is over. People who have jobs, businesses, homes and security have no interest in rebellion, so any rebels would be outcasts not heroes.

Donkeybutt75 3 points ago +3 / -0

My kids have blue eyes and my wife has brown eyes. There can be recessives in the ancestry that are passed along.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I started watching this a few days ago and stopped probably earlier than you did. You can tell the host is biting his tongue and trying not to call bs on this guy.

What made me turn it off was the constant harping that "China was able to stamp out the virus due to their total lockdowns" and that the U.S. didn't go full commie (we only went 87% commie), and that's why it was worse here. There is now, and has been for decades, all the data in the world that shows lockdowns, quarantines, contact tracing, masks, make absolutely no difference in spread once you get past a handful of people.

And then reciting CDC death counts without question. A few other things he said threw red flags for me also. This guy is either the stupidest person on the planet or is a disinfo agent.

Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it's pretty commonly accepted even in the mainstream that Kamala is in the top 3 or 4 choices.

It saves the dems all of the potential issues with replacing Biden on the ticket in 2024.


Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t they do that last fall too? Tighten, then ease up for a while, then tighten then ease up for a while...

Donkeybutt75 10 points ago +10 / -0

This exactly. It is a defense mechanism of the brain. Foundational beliefs, those that we base our life decisions on and build our reputations on, will be defended by the brain at all costs, because the alternative is facing the reality that the foundation that you've built your life and reputation on are false. The brain will warp reality however it needs to in order to make the foundation still appear valid, and the first line of defense is to lash out and de-legitimize anyone saying the opposite, because if you can do that then you don't need to think about it any further.

Obviously, most everyone is capable of eventually coming to accept the truth, but almost no one is capable of doing that instantly. Trying to get them to flip their core beliefs instantaneously is ridiculous. The brain can only move a little bit at a time on core beliefs. Waking people up needs to happen incrementally. Expecting anything else to work is just as silly as them denying reality.

Donkeybutt75 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, and why did they have a friend video this call to her doctor and focus on the phone before the boom was delivered? Like they knew in advance that they should focus on the phone to hear something important. Seems pretty fake.

That said, there is a lot, a lot, of messaging going in this direction. Dr. Malone seems to be moving in the direction of a big script flip. The media undeniably went through a bit of a narrative shift, we'll see how long that lasts.

Interesting for sure. Still can't quite see where they are leading, or if they are just trying to stall while they get more pieces in place to go back to that narrative. Feels like the scam is over and they are prepping to move to the next thing, but that they are dtermining whether they might actually be able to save the narrative.

Donkeybutt75 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can really only watch a show or two of Owen before I need to take a break for a month again. Certainly, at a high level view, he advocates for the right stuff, but he is extremely narcissistic and sociopathic.

Most of his show every time is "guys, I am so smart, you have no idea, I'm like way smarter than anyone ever...I see every pattern and I'm the first to see it...I'm so amazing, I'm the funniest and most popular comedian in history and everyone steals my jokes because I'm so amazing". Except he's really not that bright a dude, and the patterns he sees just come from distilling post of the viewers in the chat rooms. He literally never has any understanding of anything he is talking about, and yet talks with so much authority.

The rest of the show is usually trying to destroy anyone who has ever said anything critical of him, or absolutely tearing apart viewers who don't say something the right way in the chats (e.g. some guy, one time, wrote a letter offering to be a caretaker of the new land for a small stipend and Owen spent a half hour mercilessly ridiculing this guy and trying to destroy him...the guy just had a misunderstanding of the situation and thought he was helping and thought he could make a living off of it...Owen felt he needed to be destroyed...that's dangerously sociopathic, as in it is literally dangerous to get too closely involved with a person like that).

All that said, he does generally advocate for the right things. Just be very careful following a person like this, it usually doesn't end well.

by qbqb
Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously, you are intellectually lacking. Nothing you say makes is cohesive, you just jump from one random unrelated idea to another and keep intentionally ignoring what I am saying.

There is no doom and gloom. There is ups and downs, ebbs and flows, rises and falls. Cycles are not doom and gloom. It's like saying spring, summer, fall, and winter repeat, or that the earth keeps orbitting the sun and you are not going to stop those things. Is that doom and gloom?

Two-party system is a result of humans being manipulated into believing those are the choices..because like I keep saying, humans are easy to manipulate with fear (i.e. "voting for a third party is just giving [other team] your vote"). We haven't been "losing" pure democracy, we're closer to pure democracy right now than we have ever been and we keep moving further in that direction. That is why the propaganda is so over the top, because they just need to convince a majority to allow tyranny and they will have it, since they have eroded the protections against tyranny that a republic offers.

There is no point in interacting with you. You will not address anything I've said, you just keep coming back with completely unrelated arguments and don't even complete a thought, you just jump all over the place and hand-waving and "technology makes it possible...somehow...I don't know exactly how...it just does".

Answer the actual point I've been making. Humans are easy to manipulate with fear. So in a pure democracy, all they have to do is scare people and create an enemy for them to blame and they will vote for whatever tyrannical system you ask them to vote for and then the democracy is over.

This isn't hypothetical, it happens over and over and over again. It's human nature. It's not doom and gloom, it's natural cycles. Utopia is not possible unless you rid the world of everyone who disagrees with you, which sounds like what you want, but I'll let you in on a secret...once you rid the world of everyone you disagree with, you will find that you start disagreeing with the ones that are left, because that is how reality works.

by qbqb
Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get it, dude, you don't like freedom and think anyone that disagrees with you should be murdered or imprisoned.

Good luck with that. The thing to remember is that creating the angry mob is easy, but stopping them when they turn against you will be the hard part.

by qbqb
Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did Trump and Biden come from? It's all a fucking show, dude, put on by those that actually run the system.

I'll take one more crack at it in case you are real. The problem, though, is you seem to be so invested in this that no matter how much reality I show you it won't make a difference, your brain will twist and contort it to fit your world view (this is what humans do, no way around it).

As to your terrorists comment (BLM and QANON), you are missing reality. Both are movements created by the powers that be. QANON is almost certainly a CIA operation and BLM is a Soros operation. They create narratives and the common folk get pulled into it, by design. This is but one small example of how easy it is to manipulate humans. Look around the internet, the business world, the tech world, etc, BLM is plastered everywhere (I'm not just talking organizations, but for like 6 months half of LinkedIn had BLM banners on their pages because they were manipulated into doing so). Look at how easily QANON is able to capture the other side as controlled opposition.

If you refuse to acknowledge basic human behavior, unchangeable human behavior, then you are exactly the same as those people. Exactly the same. All of those people have been manipulated into following belief systems that "if we just get rid of those people that disagree with us, utopia will commence", and so have you.

There will always be significant numbers of people competing to manipulate the masses, and they will continue to succeed, because it is extremely easy once you have them centralized and have the resources. The trend of human civilization is now, was in the past, and forever will be to centralize and consolidate power. Power centralizes, and eventually there is a collapse (whether collapsing from the weight of the complexity, or from natural disasters, or from revolution). This then decentralizes things and the centralization starts again. It is beyond the scope of this discussion, but there is no way around this cycle.

Look back at any mob behavior you have ever witnessed or been a part of. Has the mob been fair and just and reasonable in the heat of the moment when they've been whipped up into a frenzy? No, of course not. And yet, almost all of those people in those mobs were actually fair and reasonable people just a few hours/days/months before, but they got caught up in mob mentality and made terrible decisions. This is what happens with pure democracy every time.

You don't seem to like Trump, but Trump is exactly the type of result you get with democracy/populism.

Oh no...I just re-read you final sentence. Nice work, troll :) Roped me into one more response lol.

"The majority would vote to save you from yourself...". That's communism/collectivism in a nutshell. And communism or fascism are always where you end up with pure democracy, which is why you want it so bad.

by qbqb
Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a retard. Thinkers being those like Plato (pre-Islam) and many, many others.

Nothing you are saying is even close to cohesive. It's a bunch of words. I don't like to insult retards, I know you were born that way and can't do anything about it, but you waste a lot of people's time and energy being retarded.

In any case, I'll say it again: there is no perfect system, sorry. If you think there is, you should just stop thinking because you are not good at it. Yes, our current system has reached its zenith of corruption and centralization of power and it is time for it to collapse, but that is no excuse for replacing it with something even worse.

The natural thing now is decentralization. What you propose (though I'm not even sure you have any clue what you are proposing other than "ooh, blockchain, I heard it's cool") is hyper-centralization. You are literally proposing the centralization of all of humanity. When power is centralized, humans don't just leave it alone, they fight to acquire all of that power.

I know your intent here is to try to trick people even more retarded than yourself into agreeing to a new global centralization of all of humanity, so I don't expect you to stop and think about what you are proposing.

For others, though, stop and think. Look back through history. When has centralization of power like that ever been left alone? There is a reason for that, it can't be left alone, it is human nature.

And again, if you think mobs make good decisions and really stop to think about what they are doing, look at what is going on now. When has mob behavior ever been the right thing? The blm riots? nope. The covid lockdowns? nope. The vax mandates and vaccine passports? nope. Buying into any of the terrorist fears in our lifetimes? nope.

As individuals, we are intelligent, but as mobs we are fucking retarded and easily manipulable. Smaller, non-centralized, societies are where we shine. Move towards that. Pure democracy actually work well in small groups, but it does not scale past very, very small groups before it gets corrupted.

Stay small or create a republic. Don't give up all of your identity and your individual liberty to a new centralized global system that pretends to be utopia.

by qbqb
Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

But also, there is no perfect system, even a constitutional republic. Every system will breed different kinds of corruption. And, more importantly, power will always centralize and consolidate over time.

Every so often there is either a true reset where things decentralize again and the cycle repeats, or there is a change in the power structure where another group is able to take over power.

Either way, utopia does not and cannot exist, and getting fixated on the idea that it can is dangerous. Understand that life is a constant struggle, in varying degrees, and things ebb and flow, but our job is to continually strive to live the life we believe is right, and do what you feel is necessary to make that life possible.

by qbqb
Donkeybutt75 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a reason most thinkers consider democracy to be the worst form of government. It is mob rule, and without fail leads to totalitarianism every single time. That is why the media and political system have spent 50 years repeating the mantra that we are a democracy, even though we are not intended to be.

In a true democracy, you just need to scare the population and create an enemy and they will predictably vote for totalitarianism. Seriously, this happens every single time. Look at the situation now. A majority would vote for mandatory vaccinations, mandatory masks, full social credit system because they have been scared and given an enemy.

A republic, a constitutional republic, is the only system that gives a decent balance of power and protects against the rash and frenzied behavior of a democracy, protects against tyranny of the majority, etc.

I feel like everyone on a conspiracy forum should already know that. Strange indeed.

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