DRQ- 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry, no free energy. High energy sources is the best we can do, like nuclear fission and maybe fusion, although after 50 years they still don't have it working.

DRQ- 1 point ago +2 / -1

That won't affect you.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Riccardo Bosi needs to be our next president, once we have a revolution against the tyrants that have been running the world. AustraliaOneParty.com

Watch him on YouTube in The Arc by Joel Jammal.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

StopWorldControl.com has the key videos, Plandemic, Joe M "Q - The plan to save the world" and a good one on the vax, as well as Fall Cabal.

BitChute has "JFK to 9/11 - Everything is a rich man's trick". It was on TheirTube for a long time but is mostly gone now.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's just CV21. Same scam as CV19, just scarier, to keep those sheep under control in the prison of their own minds.

DRQ- 3 points ago +3 / -0

She's dead. She went offline and someone found her death record.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch Joe M "Q - The plan to save the world" on BitChute. It is also on StopWorldControl.com Then, watch Fall Cabal on either platform, all 10 hours. Q posts can be found on various platforms eg. qagg.news or operationq.pub Q is a backchannel from Trump and his military to give us a heads up as to what is going on in the greatest war in history. A war for your mind, between good and evil, communism / world government / WEF / UN / satanic cults and the rest of us who just want to live free and be left alone.

DRQ- 9 points ago +9 / -0

We know the virus was fake, Q told us 'why do influenza medications work' because CV19 is just a name for this year's flu. That's why the USA 2020 death count of 250k is the same as all the previous years. Just kike Angus burgers are a rebranding of McDonald's burgers that were always made with Angus beef cattle (mostly). I think it is as simple as it looks: the CV scare with fake Chinese people dropping dead in the street was just a scare to get the sheep to take the vax, which alters their DNA and prevents them from breeding. The death rates from the vax won't be that high, but the sterility will be 97% as per their original animal trials. Q built us an arc to save those who can think for themselves.

A second theory is that the vax is actually also fake, and just saline, which allows Trump to open up the country and declare the pandemic over, since the deep state controlled demonrat governors can't justify the lockdowns. A fake pandemic necessitates a fake vax. But I can't find anyone who has analysed the vax. Probably because if the MSM got hold of that they would spin it that Trump has faked the cure.

Either way, I'm not taking it, even if they take everything from me, job, travel, freedom, whatever.

We don't have long to wait, Jan 6th looks like it is shaping up to be a big reveal and a million MAGA party in DC.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hidden in plain sight - Q

DRQ- 13 points ago +13 / -0

97% effective in sterilizing the animals in the trials (prior to this year, when they skipped the trials). So, you wont be seeing any children from them.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's CV-21 right on schedule. See "Trudeau Leaked Mem", or Q post 4941

DRQ- 5 points ago +5 / -0

We had just one FF here in Australia, lost our guns in 1996, and this year, our freedom. Ours was called the Port Arthur massacre. Same method: professional shooters and a lone gunman patsy, then a media blitzkrieg.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

With the 'vaccine' officially available, the demonrat governors have no reason to keep their states closed, and the scamdemic going which is the biggest problem. Nobody has confirmed exactly what is in those 'vaccines' but the large number of fake 'TV vaccinations' is odd. To end the plandemic all Trump would have to do is ship a hundred million doses of saline and call it a day. The death rate would stay the same as previous years, so no pandemic.

Q has already told us vaxes are a scam, to think for ourselves, and "we're not going to take it" and that the MSM lies, so there will be no Q followers lining up like sheep.

DRQ- 2 points ago +2 / -0

Netflix is deep state controlled propaganda pushing globalist agendas.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

China, Russia and the USA have space based laser weapons that can target anywhere on earth. Space is the new battlefield. The secret space program is just Space force, brought into public knowledge. Been going on for decades.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch all the videos on StopWorldControl.com including the 10 part series Fall Cabal, then go to BitChute and watch all of the sequel to Fall Cabal, each week a new episode is released: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BRizDPuLs8c4/

DRQ- 2 points ago +3 / -1

Q is what Q has always been: a backchannel from the US military and Trump, giving us a heads up as to what they are doing, and the war they are in against the cabal. Very few parts are disinformation, many have been useful to us, just at the right time, such as 'do not fear' when the CV fear plague hit, and HCQ as the cure. As for the vaccine, Q posted 'we're not going to take it' which when combined with Trump not making it mandatory, is the confirmation we need to choose not to take it. I'm trusting the plan. Biden goes to jail, Trump is the president for another four years.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm going to trust the plan. I believe the patriots are in control. Biden has been swapped out, he changed in August 2017 if you look through all the videos of live events, not newsreel stock footage. Gina Haspel has disappeared, which aligns with the story that she was in a gunfight in Frankfurt over the election server. Every vaccine video in the past two days is clearly fake, using syringes without needles, or missing the arm, etc. Q (qagg.news) is still talking to us, and his last post was 'we're not going to take it'. E (EWillHelpYou on Parler) confirmed in his Q&A that Biden goes to jail, Barr is out, and in the end we win. I agree, things look pretty freakin grim, but have faith, we will win this war. And today, Trump has sent everyone in the WH home. Rumours are the Queen is dead and this will be announced 27th Dec, and that "The Storm is upon us" tweet is coming Friday, 25th. We shall see. Better to be positive, regardless of what the future brings.

DRQ- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Took me a while to overcome years of programming by the school system and media, but the more I looked into it, the more I became convinced nobody has ever been beyond the Van Allen belts. As a geologist, the rocks show weathering that is impossible without water and an atmosphere. The geology is from earth. As an engineer, the NASA photo of the lunar lander is clearly a poorly made movie prop, and there are too many impossibilities in the whole scenario of launching from the moon and docking with the orbiting craft. There are many good documentaries listing all the other common issues, lack of blast crater, photos, etc. Even the Mythbusters episode failed to prove anyone went there. Once you realise 9/11, Covid, WMDs, babies in incubators, global warming are all fake and staged, it gets easier to accept that the moon landing was too. BTW, Kubrick shot 2001 during the day and Apollo in the evenings with a skeleton crew. The monolith in 2001 is representative of the movie screen. He was saying it was all just a movie. This guy does a good video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSo6s_xrj4c

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