Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

Rittenhouse did not cause a shooting, he was attacked by several people and lawfully defended himself. Rittenhouse was the victim.

Corporis -11 points ago +2 / -13

There are people here too harassing users and breaking rules, being toxic etc. There is even vote manipulation being done to harass users, all because they are sad fucks with no life... maybe they are organizing it from reddit, who knows.

by pkvi
Corporis -8 points ago +4 / -12

A sad piece of shit is stalking my account and using bots to vote manipulate my posts and comments, instantly placing up to -10 score on them.

Corporis -15 points ago +5 / -20

What sad fucking person you are OP. You are stalking my account and vote manipulating with -10 votes almost instantly, using bots I would surmise.

Go get a life you sad fuck, or if you are on a payroll I hope karma comes along one day and brings misfortune on your life.

Corporis -13 points ago +1 / -14

jubyeonin is so fucking stupid it's sad to watch. I stand with Palestine.

Corporis -13 points ago +1 / -14

I've told you this before, you piece of shit. I stand with Palestine.

The pedophile here is probably you.

by pkvi
Corporis -10 points ago +4 / -14

Karma is catching up to that piece of shit Soros.

Corporis -12 points ago +2 / -14

OP is just yet another toxic idiot here to police what can and can not be posted.

Corporis -12 points ago +2 / -14

You seem like an idiot, honestly. Also, are the parenthesis suppose to insinuate that I am a jew or connected to Israel??

I stand with Palestine. Israel is an apartheid state and everyone should support the BDSMovement.net organization.

Corporis -12 points ago +3 / -15

Oh, look, another toxic moron here to police what can and can not be posted by me.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

I and others are the target of organized vote manipulation. I enjoy frustrating the sad fucks so I reposted the link.

Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

It's either a toxic user using bots or organized vote brigading from off-site. Useless trash is what they are.

Corporis -10 points ago +3 / -13

The vote brigading/vote manipulation going on here started when that piece of shit TheGhostOfKyiv began posting here.

Corporis -10 points ago +3 / -13

It's not genuine or organic, it looks like either someone with multiple accounts or a bunch of bots being used against us.

Corporis -7 points ago +6 / -13

Google will strike his channel for reporting on the war and not following the approved narrative. That's already happened to others.

Corporis -11 points ago +2 / -13

OP is a piece of shit that is harassing users of the community, making false claims and acting like a toxic turd.

Corporis -11 points ago +3 / -14

OP is the piece of shit that have been harassing users and ban-evading (he has had lots of alts by now). Don't expect anything from him other than trolling. The fact that he is getting upvoted here is mind-boggling. OP is a toxic troll, people!

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

No, that is your modus operandi. I work with facts and read award winning true journalists like Aaron Maté. You are just a shill.

Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

That's about the gist of it.

Corporis -10 points ago +3 / -13

FYI, OP here is the piece of shit that have been harassing users, me included, and despite being banned keeps violating the rules and ban evading to keep posting his toxic shit.

Corporis -9 points ago +4 / -13

Israel is a fascist apartheid state that is the modern nazi state. It is no surprise they support other fascist states.

Corporis -8 points ago +5 / -13

No, that account is a toxic troll that keeps violating his bans by making new accounts to ban evade. He should be ip banned from the site as a whole.

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