Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

Finland was foolish to join NATO and damaging relations with Russia. There were no Russian troops within 1000km from Finnish border before but now Russia has started building new military district right at Finnish border and plans to deploy 100,000 troops to Finnish border.

Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

Finland has only a very tiny & pathetically weak military and most of the equipment is decades old cold war era junk that probably doesn't even work anymore. USA is forced to open 15 new military bases in Finland and deploy 10s of thousands troops to Finland for Finland's protection.

Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

Russia doesn't have problem protecting its borders or hiring enough troops, NATO is a paper tiger that is falling behind hiring quotas. NATO has limited resources & troops and they have to take those troops from elsewhere to protect Finland's 1340km long border.

Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's actually thinning NATO defenses elsewhere because NATO has limited resources and they have to protect Finland's 1340km long border now.

Chukna 4 points ago +5 / -1

They're getting desperate. Hiring people to help Ukraine in counteroffensive in exchange for citizenship in the EU or UK.

Chukna 1 point ago +2 / -1

An article published on the news pages of the German broadcasting company ARD According to the report, a mysterious Andromeda sailboat was moving near the site of the attack before the explosions, which researchers have managed to trace through covert companies to Ukraine and its army.

The people who traveled on the boat must have traveled with fake passports. According to the investigators, one of them was a soldier of the Ukrainian army who traveled with a fake Romanian passport.

The same sailboat made headlines earlier this spring when it was revealed that it was the target of an investigation by the German authorities.

Chukna 3 points ago +4 / -1

Russian military is extremely modern and NATO doesn't even have anything equal to Russia's hypersonic missiles or anything that could stop them. NATO would lose conventional war against Russia.

Chukna 2 points ago +4 / -2

Vladimir Putin does not give in to emotions in the face of the reckless actions of the West, this is what prevents the outbreak of the Third World War.

Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Stockholm prophecy says that the Russian army will march into Finland and Finland will be forced to hand over eastern and northern Finland to Russia. Finland will lose the northern and eastern parts of the Kymijoki River, Kuopio and Oulu. There will be a shortage of food. No one will help Finland then.

Prophecy reports that Russia is also advancing on the Kiiruna mines and on the Atlantic coast of northern Norway. Oil and gas deposits in the North Norwegian Sea will be taken over by Russia. Not even NATO would stand in the way of Russia's march to the Atlantic.

The recipient of the prophecy, Yrjö Säkkinen, did not want his name to be revealed and has therefore been anonymous for a long time. The prophecy is known only as the Stockholm Prophecy because it was given in that city. There is also a book of Malachi in the Bible, whose author's real name is unknown. Yrjö Säkkinen lived and worked as a metro train driver in Stockholm. It is now exactly 39 years since the Lord gave this prophecy to Yrjö Säkkinen on 28 May 1984 and 70 years of peace with Russia. The prophecy was distributed in Finland as a c-cassette recording from 1985 onwards.

The prophecy was brought to Finland by Rauha-Lilja Ben-Kiki and spread by her brother Olavi Syväntö. They live in Israel. The Stockholm Prophecy was given by the Lord and is widely appreciated in Christian circles.

At the time of the prophecy, the country was still the Soviet Union, but the prophecy already called it Russia. It can be said that the prophecy foreshadowed the break-up of the Soviet Union, which took place in 1991.

The Stockholm Prophecy has three main messages:

-The Finns have fallen into a life of sin and the Lord will send Russia an army to discipline the Finns.

-Finland will have to hand over Eastern and Northern Finland to Russia. The crisis will also cause food shortages in Finland and food prices will rise very high.

-In Finland, a powerful prophet of the Lord steps up to defend the Finns and causes a great spiritual conversion.

What is interesting about the Stockholm prophecy is that it continues the same message that Archbishop Gustaf Johansson said he received from an angel in Turku Cathedral in 1920.

Johansson says he saw the following: 'One late dark evening in 1920, Gustaf Johansson was out for an evening walk. He was walking past the cathedral and noticed it was brightly lit. Curious, he went inside to see what the occasion was so late. When he entered, before the altar of the church, in the central aisle, stood a huge bright angel with a drawn sword in his hand. The angel, sent by God, announced that Finland would face three severe judgments. "First, the tip of the sword will get wet, second, the sword will go halfway, and third, the sword will go up to the hilt. Your people will experience three such sword strikes and will see three great wars, when the sword will strike Finland. One blow has already come, but two are yet to come. Finland will endure these two sword blows, but the third will sink deep and to the hilt, unless the Christians of Finland return to the Bible and are filled with the Holy Spirit and repent in all things where repentance can be found."

After Finland had been an independent country for a few years and had suffered a civil war during the First World War, an angel came to tell the future of the Finnish people. It would be chastised three times with ever-increasing punishments. The first small stroke of the sword was the civil war during the First World War. The second stroke of the sword would be greater, as the Second World War was. A third strike and an even more serious war would be yet to come. The Lord did not give the prophecy to Archbishop Johansson directly, but sent an angel to tell it to the Archbishop in the main building of the Lutheran Church in the Cathedral of Turku, which means that the angel's warning would also apply to Johansson himself and to the entire Finnish people, including the Lutheran Church. The Stockholm prophecy of 1984 specifically refers to the third stroke of the sword, from which Finland will never recover. Most of the country will fall under Russian rule and the independent part of Finland will suffer great losses due to severe food shortages and war.

Chukna 0 points ago +3 / -3

I respect Putin because he is protector of white culture & Christian values against satanic globalist cabal. He is also protector of the free world while west is under rule of the previously mentioned satanic globalist cabal. That's also why I respect Trump.

Chukna 2 points ago +4 / -2

Finland is only about 100km from Russia's 2nd largest city which has also been historical capital of Russia and one of the major reasons of the war between Finland & Russia during WW2. St. Petersburg is major port city, one of the few Russia actually has and very important for that reason and Russia needs safe corridor in gulf of Finland & Baltic Sea but with Finland in NATO that safe corridor doesn't exist anymore.

Finland belongs to Russian sphere because it is important buffer between Russia & NATO where the NATO would have been stopped during the Cold War before they reach Russia.

Chukna 2 points ago +3 / -1

Finnish defense forces are fully under American control. The generals for example have received training in the USA.

Chukna 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have a problem with people, who use "literally" incorrectly... Even you might've noticed that they didn't "literally" go bankrupt.

It's practically bankrupt. Finland is the next Venezuela.

Do you even know what a communist is

I literally live in East Europe so yeah.

At this point, I can only conclude that you don't have the full picture or your purposefully divert attention with your comment. So, I guess better research the whole picture before posting these one-sided and faaaaar tooo specific opinions by unproven sources

I literally have 1st hand experience.

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