his beloved friends may give him their thanks.
how corrupt. shut it all down. the health agencies deemed themselves royalty to get to decide what 'valid' science for the peasants is. Disband them ALL
Our Police would be crowdfunded
further to it, who are the ones leading these groups? where are there demands of these ones? if not, why not? who else has recognized them? if any
this/ blackpills suck dicks for crack
u sound like a faggot. keep ur gayshit in your pants. thx. dont usually downvote your posts.
yeah, hes not a 'puppet', but he was sometimes led by bad people. theres a difference to be made there.
In every single comparison biofuel emits far more than fossil fuels.
From what studies?
its the business model of flat tvs. they fooled retards to replace a 40yr technology that works well, for one that costs 2-4x as much an only last 10 years, max.
Now thats the model they are following for "new" cars.
this, electric is so they can prevent you from driving to a protest.
There is nothing wrong with electric motors at all. They are cheap and reliable things perfectly suitable for transport. The wrong that they force them with that shitty, insane expensive, short lifetimed, low reliable, temperature dependent, unserviceable and extremly large and heavy batteries with stupidly long refilling time instead of more decent power sources like fuel cells, RITEGs, etc.
But that's whats wrong with electric motors. that they will only use them with unreliable technology. It's almost like its on purpose.
if they wanted reliable, theyd be pushing fuel cells like the Mirai. 2 years free gas.
A French research team confirmed this when they stopped random volunteers in a park. The team separated the groups into vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals and tested their gadgets. The team found that the vaccinated registered an unnamed MAC address. To be clear, the MAC address is a machine dress code, all electronic hardware that makes them identifiable wirelessly. It's a unique address to the device, so it's just a hexadecimal number that identifies particular hardware, and each vaccinated person is disseminating a separate and unique code.
bullshit clickbait. who wrote this? CC. PENG?
Republicans wanted to end the lockdowns. Democrats wanted them to keep going on.
Where did you read Trump was calling for lockdowns?
theyre writing up a story on ivankas crack use as we speak.
https://archive.fo/dl08f archive from op
they might be getting in front of the narrative. whatever evils were done might be way worse than we know for them to put out something like this
they read the history books, and thought the nazis were kina cool
to think 100 years ago you could have paid for a lay with clamshells. CLAMSHELLS, JERRY!!
im not zuby
hold your cock up! THIS IS A STICK UP..
and its also fucking with planes.
that last accuastion is super loaded, lmao
yeah and what the fuck is this 'AFRICAN american' shit. IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE
TrUmPf StOlE mY CovIdhOoD -fauc