Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know what nukes are, they aren't an effective weapon. . . A hypersonic guided missile is a much better weapon.

What do you mean "Israel won't get hit"? I know they have the Iron dome and laser defenses, but those systems can be overwhelmed. The Nuke threat is no longer a deterrent because too many people know the truth about them now.

Both the US and Israeli's militaries are somewhat archaic, current warfare is drones and missiles, not tanks and planes. Yes the US has good ISR capabilities, but that won't protect our ships from hypersonic missiles and our opponents generally don't have any high value targets to hit.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Insane is the right word.

Nukes aren't real in the sense that they have tremendous explosive power, they don't. What they do is create heat, millions of degrees at the center of the explosion and after 50 meters the temperature is the same as conventional explosives. What they don't do very effectively is produce pressure thermobaric bombs do that much better than nukes. Also precision guided munitions have eliminated the need for large area explosions.

The real problem in Israel is that Israel will probably lose if they try to invade Gaza, just like they lost when they invaded Lebanon. If they just stand off and bombard Gaza, they will lose in the eyes of the world.

What is the saying? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gravity isn't a force, that is the point of General Relativity.

If you understand the time differences in the example I provided you would know why gravity isn't a force.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

You seem to be implying that clocks in orbit (GPS) satellites don't run faster than clocks on the earths surface.

Also your statement that Einstein only joined the Manhattan Project after the first atom bomb explosion is a complete lie.

"Albert Einstein was famously a pacifist, but he signed a letter to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 urging him to develop the atomic bomb."

Another point to bring out is that atom bombs have very limited explosive power, the created energy is almost entirely heat and radiation.

Why not focus your energy in a productive direction, like how the Big Bang never happened (JWST observation) or how Heisenbergs Uncertainty principle is wrong (attosecond light pulses let us see electrons).

Bayesian 4 points ago +4 / -0

If the police had a warrant they would have broken down the door and entered the house.

The police are no more than armed thugs, who illegally trespassed on her property.

Police will get the respect they deserve.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apparently you have never looked through a telescope. Saturn is amazing.

Bayesian 1 point ago +2 / -1

Surely you can do better than this?

Why isn't anyone talking about how JWST is blowing astrophysics up. There was no Big Bang, the present understanding of the Universe is wrong.

by DrLeaks
Bayesian 6 points ago +6 / -0

They want to control your money, food, healthcare, housing, transportation, sex, everything is under attack.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes of course, but my point is that the acid in the stomach destroys the protein chains, to the point that none of the 'information' gets absorbed into the body.

The 'information' needs a clear pathway into the body, inhalation, mucous membrane or injection.

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

Our digestive system has been effectively dealing with mRNA, DNA, viruses, etc. for millions of years.

The problem is the original covid19 virus, with the gain of function spike protein. That virus can get into our cells.

The bigger problem, is that some type of Marek's disease develops that the 'vaccine' protects against and unvaccinated people are vulnerable to, because of vaccinating into a pandemic.

Also if the 'gene therapy' hurts the animals and makes them sick (which it will), the ranchers will very quickly quit using it. They only use stuff that will economically benefit them.

Bayesian 1 point ago +2 / -1

I am convinced Trump and Q got caught flat footed by Covid and the hype around it. It didn't help that Peter Navarro sounded the alarm about potentially huge numbers of deaths.

It was a genetically engineered bioweapon, that either quickly mutated to a less lethal version or was aided in its lethality by the approved medical treatments, hard to say.

In any case, closing border access to China and Italy, gave us time and saved millions of lives.

The problem was that Trump declared a State of Emergency, which allowed the Deep State to run amok and destroy our sides plans and steal the election.

The whole drama of lockdowns, masks, hydroxychloroquine, ventilators, remdesivir, vaccines, etc are just issues to use to attack Trump and us by proxy.

The covid scare was so successful that they apparently are going to try it again.

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh... sorry, I guess you're very young.

What do you base that assumption on? I am assuredly older than you are.

There was no attenuation of death with any vaccine.

You obviously don't know what attenuated virus vaccine means. Also if you don't believe tetanus vaccines haven't saved any lives, well it saved mine.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Carnivore works better with carb cycling. Weekend are no meat, just carbs. Still avoid toxic veggies and processed shit.

Binging on the weekends is just stupid. It takes your body most of the following week to recover from your binging. It is better to do what Paul Saladino does and eat fruit and honey with your meat.

If you think I'm not a glowie, great, watch this https://www.bitchute.com/video/CIUsHgYigZXa/

You do know that Socrates and Plato used dialectic arguments instead of science?

at 15;00 measles is a result of a child going to school and being ripped apart from its mother, and its skin being too thin?

Incoherent rambling from then on. Our nervous system is a superconductor? Who knew? Nerves supply liquid to the whole body?

Lactic acid causes strokes?

The pot belly announcer uses harmless rays to detect and cure people? Life isn't cellular, Proven?

31:00 Genes are all imagined. Gel turns Volts into Ohm's, someone should tell Maxwell.

Water is compressible?

Thanks for the laughs. For a government operative I have to admit you have a sense of humor.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Manipulating basic conditional probability is lying and I try not to do that.

Instead I try to determine what bullshit artists like you are trying to hide and expose that to the world.

You are trying to hide the dangers of the modern processed food diet, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, by shifting the discussion to some idiotic anti vaccination, anti antibiotic discussion. Instead of the real 'cure' which is to quit the horrible modern processed food diet. Avoid seed oils and food which isn't high in nutritive value, eat lots of meat and eggs.

Also attenuated virus vaccines are very effective, for some specific viruses. Otherwise boosting our natural immune system is much better, and Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, can help a lot too. Viruses are obligate parasites.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

What side are you on? Support the science pettedled by THIS fucked up establishment?

I am on the side of Truth. I also vociferously disagree with most modern 'medicine', however I understand basic biology, which is true, as is germ theory.

We know that modern 'medicine' has been manipulated into profit centers. We know that the modern processed food diet, causes heart disease, diabetes, auto immune diseases, obesity, cancer, etc. All of which produce immense profits for the food and healthcare industry.

We also know how to reverse all of those 'diseases' simply by avoiding seed oils and processed food. Personally I like the Carnivore diet.

That is why spouting off about germ theory being false, leads people from the Truth and is harmful. It is also how I know that you are a glowie, sent here to divide and distract people from the Truth.

Bayesian 0 points ago +1 / -1

Now, assuming that I've not been mislead, this suggests to me that the problem is that the dirty water is making the cholera proliferate. But if the water is clean, then the cholera can't proliferate, so we're unaffected by it.

You have been mislead. The point is if you are infected by the Cholera bacteria you may get sick, depending on how good your immune system is. That is the Germ Theory.

You are implicitly agreeing with Germ Theory, while at the same time denying it. That pretty much makes you an insane government operative infiltrating us, Glowie.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been carnivore longer than you Glowie. Insulin is a very necessary hormone and it isn't the spike that does the damage it is sustained high levels that do the damage.

Disease Bacteria like pneumonia, cholera, tetanus are Germs. Germ theory is that they make you sick and may kill you. Do you deny that they exist? You have to if you don't believe in Germ Theory.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you got too much toxins. Like insulin because of too much carbs, bacterial infection thrives because there is toxic tissue to consume.

Insulin is a hormone, not a toxin. Bacterial infection is germ theory. It is nice to see you agreeing with that.

Bayesian 2 points ago +2 / -0

If some bacteria don't cause disease, then why and how do antibiotics work?

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have read and seen talks about how the moon and sun could be a projection from outside the firmament, it's pretty advanced theories based on observations. You probably wouldn't be capable of understanding. I've been awake to true earth for years and had to relearn everything.

You are right, I don't understand gibberish. And that is what Flat Earth theory is, gibberish. It isn't falsifiable or make any testable predictions, which makes it useless.

Flat Earth Theory, is based on dialectic reasoning, which is not science. Instead dialectic reasoning created Religion, Communism and Flat Earth Theory.

So yes, it does make me suspicious that you are a glowie and executing a stalking horse strategy to infiltrate and damage our movement.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

well, basic physics is what says the stars move faster in the south. this is because they are further from the Center, and have a long circumference, but still move at the same rotation as stars in the north

From personal observation, the Southern Cross moves very little, it makes a tiny little circle above the south pole.

Also you claimed in another post that the southern stars move in the opposite direction to the stars in the northern hemisphere. It would be nice if you are consistent.

oh yeah, your right, the video does say no one knows what the moon is. my bad.. since no one has been there and its transparent and its close to earth as determined by math,

Kind of hard to determine where the moon is if it disappears and may not even be real?

the stars appear to be pretty high, but i don't know. but of course, optical perspective will always apply, no matter what. did you look up Aireys failure? are we getting anywhere? or are you still thinking you are fighting.

Obviously the stars aren't real either if the moon isn't real and the Sun as you said could be a reflection.

What is the point of promoting the Flat Earth Theory if nothing is real in the Model?

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

the southern star is not fixed, that is correct. but i fail to understand why you say it doesn't exist when we can clearly see that it does.

Au Contraire, the Southern Cross is very close to being 'fixed' at the South pole, contrary to the FE map which indicates the Southern stars move the fastest.

and it also makes zero mention of the heavens being an illusion, a reflection of self creating.

The video says that the Moon, may be an illusion, self creating or a reflection, revel in the mystery or something like that. The Video infers that everything up there is completely unknown, that is why I said the video said the heavens is an illusion. What other conclusion should I come to. You even said that Sun can be a reflection.

the stars you see are not all the stars that everyone else can see. this is because of the distance. as you move away from a star, its goes down in the horizon and new stars begin to come up from the horizon. this is not because the earth is a globe, but because of optical perspective.

How high are the stars? If they are high enough there is no optical perspective.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

whoa there, what? southern cross doesn't exist? no, that was never claimed by me or anything in that video i sent. i literally have no idea where you got this idea.

The Flat Earth map. It shows that the Stars rotate around the North Star, which corresponds to the north pole.

There is no south pole and the stars above the outer edge of the FE map have no fixed point of rotation which means that the Southern Cross is not in a fixed position like the North Star. Therefore it doesn't exist.

According to the video, pretty much everything we observe in the heavens is an illusion, or a reflection, or self creating. A wonderful mystery.

Bayesian 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched the video and learned that the moon is self illuminating, just like the sun. I learned that the Southern Stars like the Southern Cross don't exist ( I am not to believe my lying eyes). The moon disappears and is transparent sometimes? especially when it gets close to the Sun? Revel in the mystery?

So let me see if I have the right? The North pole is at the center of the Flat Earth Map and the stars spin around the north star above us at the same speed the Sun makes circles over us and the moon appears, lights up and disappears in some kind of retrograde motion? and the Antarctic is some kind of Ice barrier around everything holding the oceans in?

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