Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one dies, everything is fake and nothing is related to anything else.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

233 motorcycle accidents and 227 people fell off ladders.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

A firing squad for twitter? Fuck man, you've gone off the deep end. Get a grip.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well, nothing in the world is a black and white issue. While you may see it as them being all heavy handed big brother in America due to perceived bias against conservatives, they've also given millions around the world in terrible countries a voice they never had before.

The perceived value of a good can be different for different people.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +2 / -3

Someone is paying for these sites and making money off them (most likely). Follow the money.

by pkvi
Axocomeoutandplay -3 points ago +3 / -6

I see and acknowledge your point and offer a counter point.

Language, even more so when it comes to scientific achievements, is ever evolving. Would you expect all definitions in dictionaries to never be updated?

Or is a faggot really only a pile of sticks? Or is it also OP?

Axocomeoutandplay -3 points ago +1 / -4

Serious question, should we cheer on people watching political propaganda?

Is views good or bad, or does it depend on who is in office?

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

I simply stated a fact that you disagree with, and then here you are crying for me to be banned like a pussy and to go away because you can't handle my words. "I want an echo chamber", that's all your arguments ever are. You can't handle a different point of view and you want it censored, just like the big tech people on here always cry about.

Me, a lefty, has never called for anyone to be banned. Strange how when you lump up everyone into neat little groups you end up being wrong often. I can also do this, but I'm aware and I can admit it, and unlike what seems to be every single person on this forum, I can admit when I'm wrong.

Some of you fucking people should try it sometime. And maybe stop telling everyone with a different point of view to leave. Fucking asshole.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'll let it go if you quit banning people here for their opinions and just labeling them as trolls. You gave me a 7 day ban at one point for saying Trump was a narcissistic asshole and a mod message of "concern troll" or some bullshit.

Stop censoring things. Stop accusing me of being a shill or some part of an organized group against you. I'm one person you straight up unfairly banned for calling out one of your bullshit posts.

If you can do this, we won't have issues. Sure, I might point out your partisan blinders are on full pin, but you can also do the same to me.

If we can't openly call out each other without fear of always being called a shill or being banned, then this community will always lean towards being a shitty echo chamber, or do you only want a single point of view?

You tell me if anything I said here is unreasonable.

Axocomeoutandplay 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was quoting Axo you dumbass. He literally has typed those words on the internet. Take it up with him.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

I posted this in a thread you made:
* Organizing a brigade and telling people to go there and vote against it is against the rules. Linking to a topic and people following the link and doing what they want is NOT against the rules in any way. Anyone that tries to convince you of that is lying. There is a share button and crossposting for a reason. The whole site is based on sharing links from other places.*

You then banned me within minutes. You never address this and always say your bans are well deserved.



You banned me simply because I didn't agree with one of your whiny threads. The proof is right in the r/conspiracy mod logs.

In fact, it's even more damning. Sabremesh had banned me for bullshit, and you unbanned me after I made a post here and you said "If you're here you're doing something right". So you unbanned me.

One day later you ban me because I write my quote above in one of your posts.

Do you get off on power trips like this? How can you defend this behavior at all and claim all your bans are worthy?

You're so full of your own shit and only these little right wing psychos you're cultivating don't see it, or they're so partisan they won't acknowledge it.

You're a fucking phony.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +2 / -3

I'm bitter because he claims to be about free speech when he banned me on reddit for this comment:

"Organizing a brigade and telling people to go there and vote against it is against the rules. Linking to a topic and people following the link and doing what they want is NOT against the rules in any way. Anyone that tries to convince you of that is lying. There is a share button and crossposting for a reason. The whole site is based on sharing links from other places."

Now tell me, what's ban worthy about that comment? He made a thread and was crying about brigades and I posted that in the thread and got banned. So I'm no longer able to participate at pretty much the biggest conspiracy board because of that bullshit.

He does what every conservative cries about then everyone backs him up doing the same thing. It's blatant hypocracy and partisan bias.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +2 / -4

And for the record, this is the comment that Axo banned me for, you go ahead and tell me that it was a justified ban:

Organizing a brigade and telling people to go there and vote against it is against the rules. Linking to a topic and people following the link and doing what they want is NOT against the rules in any way. Anyone that tries to convince you of that is lying. There is a share button and crossposting for a reason. The whole site is based on sharing links from other places.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +2 / -3

And to the fucking loser EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL who posted in that thread, yes I was NelsonMandelaffect, and no, I am not in that reddit thread anywhere since Axo unfairly banned me from conspiracy and my 2 accounts were suspended after I accidentally responded to a post there (ban evasion) on another account. So I read reddit but do not get to participate on conspiracy anymore.

You can thank Axo for me being here, it's all his fault.

But you can send the rent check to me anytime for thinking I have 500 accounts you dumb cunt.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +3 / -3

Axo's account was 12 years old I believe. This account is 12 years old. Has barely posted for the past 2 years. Wakes up about a month ago when Axo's main is banned. Then posts this? Look at all the replies. Has intimate knowledge, access to Axo's post history.

Writes exactly like him. Uses the same talking points.

I mean, come the fuck on. I get accused of being every left wing user here including Magapede and Serenade, but this alt here on reddit writing a complaint diary about Axo isn't him?

Please mate. He wrote almost the same shit on here.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +2 / -4

I'm not Magapede lol. But yes, I was angry before at Axo banning me on reddit for disagreeing with him in one of his posts. That's exactly what you all preach to be against. You're all so blind about him.

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +2 / -7

"From what I saw he regularly denounced Trump."


Fucking denounce Trump here then. I want to see you denounce Trump here, then tell the admin Doggos that you denounce Trump.

Do this for me and I will NEVER POST HERE AGAIN.

Axocomeoutandplay -4 points ago +2 / -6

All the Trumpers here might love this as well from your hands to the keyboard:

"Fuck Trump, fuck Russia, fuck war and fuck this geopolitical theater."

So really, FUCK TRUMP? After posting 100's of articles backing him?

Fuck Trump?

Transparent, pathetic mother fucker.

Axocomeoutandplay -3 points ago +2 / -5

Like you actually wrote this about yourself:

"Axo is a legend and probably the greatest account to emerge from r/conspiracy in 10 years."

You're a fucking pathetic tool you dumb cunt. You banned so many people for no reason and continue to fucking lie about it and say they broke the rules. THERE IS PROOF.



You are banning any left wing people here by labeling them as trolls.

Get fucked you censor happy Trump shill.

by TlKr
Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's not the people who think Michelle has a dick that are mentally ill? There's fucking videos of her in yoga pants with no bulge. I guess thats magic.

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