So I read a thread that Axo was both Venus230, and Highroller390, two of the most prolific spam accounts and trolls that were on r/conspiracy. The Venus account alone wracked up over a million karma in a year and posting upwards of 30 posts a day all from fringe right wing propaganda sites and trolling any users that disputed them. Both of those accounts had ignore reports from Axo on almost every post they made, usually preemptive. ASCII would also turn on ignore reports on all of his own posts.

So Axo, looks like you've been pushing right wing propaganda under multiple accounts 24/7. Who the fuck pays you? You detent this and play dumb like usual, being the dumb manipulative cunt you are, but I thought people would know you're a fake.

There once was a big fat whale and an old decrepit turtle. The whale was so weak that he needed the turtle to protect him at every turn. I forgot to mention this whale was a king. Over the course of his reign, king whale pissed off a lot of the plankton in the ocean so badly that the majority of the plankton decided that they would no longer be ruled by a big fat Orange whale. It was so obvious that the old decrepit turtle could no longer support the whale. The remainder of the plankton, who all loved the turtle before, decided now that the turtle was bad. It didn't matter though. The whale got harpooned by the SDNY and the turtle hung around for many more years ruining the ocean for everyone. The turtle also had blue hands for some reason.

The end.

Hi frens,

It's me Captain Lefty!

I have noticed in my short stay on conspiracy sites before being banned and persecuted for my beliefs (much like the extremely persecuted Christian Americans, the most persecuted race in the planet) that conspiracy folks are very mean and speedily individuals.

My frens, we should be able to converse and share ideas without accusations of shill and faggot and big Nosed Jew! Indeed, I haven't been called a homosexual so much since highschool 25 years ago! It is very hurtful as I'm bisexual and like both penises and vaginas in my mouth (vaginas technically can't go into a booth but you get the idea I hope).

We should be cumming together (heehee) against the evil powers that be like Mr Soros, Mr Gates, Mr Hanks, Mr Bean, Mr Muffler, Mr Cactus Peyote and all the Jews in every corner of the world (sometimes they are in cracks in the floor, be very careful). Also all those transexuals, who could be anyone even Obama and Madonna. They are the best at hiding. Trust me. You could know someone all their life them bam! Transexual attacks are becoming more prevalent in conspiracy circles these days.

So in the spirit of being better friends let's all cum (teehee) together in the condom of life and be nice to each other and stop being so gosh darned mean. We can all benefit from friendliness.

I'm back baby! Let's talk some conspiracies!

Which Trump is your favorite Trump?

Mine is Tiffany. I agree with Donald. She had the hottest tits when she was 1.

You banned me apparently for threatening users with violence which is not true.

If you have proof, post it.

I am going to keep making new accounts and wasting your time until you admit you a liar and I never threatened anyone and that you banned me for disagreeing with you.

You are about as anti free speech as you can get.

You are also a man and not a woman. There are only 2 sexes.