Axocomeoutandplay -12 points ago +2 / -14

Fucking cheering on the police, like they could have never planted evidence.

What the fuck is 2 pills with his DNA on it? If they weren't taken who the hell cares?

Also, who gives a fuck if he was on drugs?

You are really fucking lost if you're defending the fucking cops kneeling on someone for almost 10 minutes while they slowly die, no matter WHAT THE REASON WAS.

Fuck the police you dumb fucker.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you gone to school ever in your life? I;m struggling to figure how someone can be so stupid.

Your comments read like a fucking psycho typing the keyboard while laughing maniacally. Get help.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

This really isn't a post about transgenderism or identity politics, it's about poolitical whoring

Ahhh, so you admit it has NOTHING to do with conspiracy and EVERYTHING to do with politics, you partisan hack.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Well, let's look at it from another point of view. If you were to charge someone unarmed do you believe the appropriate use of force is to kill the charging person?

And again, as I said, everyone involved was stupid and everyone involved lost that day. There were no fucking winners. Pure, unadultered backwater American gung ho stupidity.

Axocomeoutandplay -3 points ago +1 / -4

I read it, and in my opinion it's bullshit. And coming from 4chan, double bullshit. Am I not allowed to have that opinion? Do I have to look at it and only post if I agree with it?

Fuck no.

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

Every waking moment? I didn't see me mention the mod here in this post, why it isn't even one of his posts!

Is it you that has an obsession with me? Or would you like to build more strawmen for me to knock down.

I believe in a free and open internet with the right to say what I want. I have never called for anyone to be censored, I rather just point out that you're a piece of shit and let people decide for themselves.

But you do you, you're a flat earther so you're already fucking retarded, so don't expect me to answer you at any length after this besides something like: "Hey, you're a fucking flat Earth idiot! Go jump off the fucking edge dumbass!".

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

More bullshit divisive identity politics from you. You're interest in this shit is sad to watch, and really provides no value to anyone.

Most of your posts, frankly, come off as an unhinged charicature of a right wing lunatic that the democrats always try to paint you as. Congratulations though, cause you meet all their expectations.

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +1 / -8

Well, I added the fact that maybe one out of 100000 things posted on 4 chan actually comes true. So there's that. You however actually added literally nothing.

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +1 / -6

One guy threw a bottle and ran at him. If you think that's a good reason for execution, well, you do you. I however don't think so. Again, everyone in that situation was stupid. If they had all stayed home, some windows would have been ruined instead of 4 people's lives.

What the fuck did this scenario do besides polarize people even more than they already are?

Axocomeoutandplay -4 points ago +1 / -5

Sure, but one guy was unarmed and threw a bag which didn't hit him. He killed that guy because he charged him.

Is charging someone worth killing them over in your book? If you're that afraid of someone charging you you shouldn't be out there with a firearm in my opinion, because you get this. 4 people's lives ruined over some fucking windows at a gas station.

Congratulations, stupid won out that day in America.

Axocomeoutandplay -3 points ago +2 / -5

Waaaaah daddy, hide the bad words from my eyes I can't read them!

If you can't read someone else's comments without crying censorship, you are truly pathetic and closed minded.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want you to print out that last message you wrote and show it to your family. I dare you to show them what an embarrassment you are. You write like a fucking child that has max grade 3 education and just found a new word.

Twitter will do just fine, in fact it will be better without you. You can hide away in your little safe space here and scream about the jews and the immigrants and the trans people, and the rest of the world can get on just fine without your whiny ass.

Toodoolooo tard muffin.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Your shill accusations are older and more tired than Keith Richards and invalidate anything else you have to say. Fucking Mike Myers as the love Guru was less embarrassing than your contrived bullshit.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +7 / -6

More garbage identity politics from you. Playing into the elites game of division. Fucking tool.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

We should force them to list it.

Also, we should force them to list my book on the positives of child transitioning and child rape, and how to easily influence kids into both those scenarios. It's called: Private Business, or how I want to force them to fit my World View.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Let them" take Taiwan? So do you want America to play world police or not? Does the US own Taiwan? I'm trying to figure out here if there's any sort of logic or just only posts that make non GOP people look bad.

You want war? Intervention? Sanctions?

What are we talking about here?

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +2 / -3

Are you always an asshole in real life or just on the internet? You try to portray yourself as some all knowing spiritual guy, and then you're a dick in every single thing you post.

You have some work to do guru.

Axocomeoutandplay -4 points ago +1 / -5

Straight up politics from a site literally called bigleaguepolitics that has ZERO to do with conspiracy.

None of you even knew this guy's name before he said nice things about Trump.

So that being said, you can tell me how I'm wrong and explain to me what the conspiracy is about a media site crying about donations. I'm down to listen.

Axocomeoutandplay -10 points ago +1 / -11

The first thing that should tell you it's a larp is that it's on 4chan.

I mean, there's like a couple times anything posted there has panned out, but that may just be the infinite monkey scenario. If 1/100000 are actually real, they might as well all be dismissed.

Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +1 / -9

He killed two people, shot another, and one of them was armed with a scary plastic bottle.He shouldn't have been there, the whole situation and everyone on every side was stupid that day. This is what happens when you put an irresponsible kid out there with a long rifle in a heated emotional environment.

The kid's life is ruined either way because of these actions, and he has to live with killing two people, justified or not, because of stupidity.

A sad situation any way you look at it.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, there's a ton of people making a living off of twitter and others just straight up making tons of money from views. There's also many businesses that use it for self promotion that have received tons of business because of it.

Blanket statements like there is no value are stupid.

Plenty of people get a shitton of value out of it. Why do you think Trump was on it every fucking day? Because it had no value?

Don't be dumb, think a bit and stop talking in absolutes.

by pkvi
Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything evolves, such is life. Adapt or get left behind. What was 20 years ago is not not. What was 20 years before that, was not 20 years ago.

Everyone here seems to be afraid of any change.

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