by pkvi
Agent777 3 points ago +3 / -0

So creepy. Why would anyone purposely bring their kid around him? I have to wonder if they do it to please Joe because they think they are safe from any real danger because he wouldn't be able to perform a full on l thorough molestation at a crowded event, so if they just bring their kids and let Joe dry hump them that they will be in good favor with him and no real harmnis being done. They feign ignorance, but so many people in politics or working in washington went to boys schools where they all grew up being molested by all of their teachers. It's all so normal to them . It really is a part of that culture

Agent777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now trust the science and go get some more shots. Lots more eof every kind. Because why not, right?

Agent777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scientist say not to worry about that, that's to be expected.

Agent777 1 point ago +1 / -0

That means it worked.

Agent777 1 point ago +2 / -1

Minecraft fetish

It all starts innocently enough, a little frotaging on villagers in the game but next thing you know...

Agent777 2 points ago +4 / -2

The interest camps are just to get all the free thinkers in one place so the military can keep them safe while Trump wages a war against every other major govt to free the people of the world.

Everyone just needs to go along with it. Once everyone is safely in an internment camps Q is going to release his next drop to inform everyone of what is really going on.

Agent777 4 points ago +5 / -1

They have not vaccinated much more of their population then we have in the US. Yet in the US they say 90% of the cases are in unvaccinated people.

The US also says that the reason Israel has so many vaccinated people getting sick is because they have so much of their population vaccinated.

Agent777 1 point ago +2 / -1

You are such a powerful orator I don't know how I could do anything but follow into battle after such a powerful and moving speech

Agent777 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't think your supposed to start sentences with the word 'and'. Maybe more of an utterance?

Agent777 1 point ago +2 / -1

Obama signed some fucked up EOs when he was in office that would take effect in thenevent of an emergency.

What defined that emergency was left to unelected officials to define and to decide which would give them ultimate power.

The things they are authorized to do in emergencies, that they define are incredible. They can take anything they want from you anything from plant fertilizer, to sail boats and fishing poles to guns and all your canned goods.

by pkvi
Agent777 -1 points ago +2 / -3

He's just saying to get those shots because he knows that Republicans are smarter then democrats, and they will know he is joking, meanwhile all the lose stupid democrats will get the shots and die. Part of the plan. I heard it all explained at GAW.

by pkvi
Agent777 0 points ago +1 / -1


Agent777 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not to mention that the US now claims that 70% of our population has had 1 jab and close to 60 have had two jabs.

They are claiming that over 90 percent of new cases are in the unvaxxed population.

If there is a virus, and if the vaccines are effective that is the type of ratio you should expect, that because 60-70% of the population is vaccinated, 90% of new cases are in the unvaxxed population and roughly 10% are in the vaxxed population.

But in the same breath as proclaimed ng that, they are trying to explain to you that in other countries like israel, or in places like the UK where in both regions have about 60% of their populations vaxxed the reason for the extraordinary amount of infections in the vaccinated population is due to the fact that so they have a 60% vaccination rate. They go into explain this by asking you to imagine that it is not 60% vaccinated, but instead imagine it's 100% vaccinated and then show you how it works that way.

Again, in the us they are claiming that 60% vaccinated means 90% of infections are in the unvaccinated, but in other countries 60% vaccinated means that 50+% of infections will be in the vaccinated population because if 100% of the people were vaccinated all the cases would be in the vaccinated group.

Triple think

Agent777 0 points ago +1 / -1

Problem is we DONT have 100% of people vaxxed so that MSM argument is just to mislead.

How come you can't present that argument with actual data instead of a straw man statistic?

Facts are if 60% of a population is vaccinated that is actually barely more than half the population in not jvaxxed so you would expect a huge majority of infections in the unvaxxed population.

Instead you are seeing a pretty high number of infections that vaxxed half, but then they say, "well just imagine if everyone was vaxxed please, that way we can say that if someone got infected when everyone was vaxxed 100% of cases would be vaxxed".

Facts are 60% and even 70-80% is not even close to the same thing as 100% and so that logic does not fly..

If 40% are unvaxxed you should expect hardly any infections in the vaxxed population comparitively not almost half, or more.

Put it this way.nif 50% of population is vaccinated, and 50% of the infections are in the vaccinated population, then the vaccine is showing to not work at all.

by pkvi
Agent777 5 points ago +6 / -1

They have been talking in the background for over a year now how people faking passports is why we will need something more like a quantum dot tattoo...not only is obtaining fake papers empowering the beast by complying to it, it is also ushering in worse tyranny.

Don't get me wrong, even if no one faked it they will still say people are forging them in order to further their agenda.

Agent777 2 points ago +3 / -1

Their minds are occupied territory.

by pkvi
Agent777 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well for the first time in history, you can't blame nature for the pandemic.

Agent777 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm not under the impression that they are going to stop with this. This is the begining I've easing in to locking down the unvaxxed completely. I lived there for years. It would be awful to live there but basicly have to stay in your apt. It will go there. Groceries delivery only.

Obviously many people willm eave, but tons of people can't leave. It will be hell for them

I lve in the mountains with a nice garden . I hardly leave anyway, but New York would be awful if you couldn't actually do all the things that make it worth while to be there, and just stayed at your apt.

by pkvi
Agent777 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yet over 90% of covid cases are in the unvaccinated population, but some how the reason England and israel have most of their covid cases in the vaccinated population is because they have such a large percentage of their populations vaccinated , 62%

Interesting how the logic, and the movers do not add up.

Agent777 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Awful place to be right now

Agent777 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just the begining

Agent777 0 points ago +1 / -1

I feel like a couple of scenarios could come of the vaccine effort:

A variant evolves that the vaccine induced immune response is so useless at stopping that it that if you've been vaccinated itis actually no different than having no immune system at all when infected by that variant, and all of these vaxxed people end up suffering sever Covid and have to be treated with effective antivirals or they die

Or, a variant originates in the vaccinated population that they have immunit to, but it is super deadly to unvaccinated people so the un vaccinated have to get vaccinated to survive.

In either of those cases, once it's approved they can call emergency, go on a serious lock down, but this time they come door to door with the vaccine.

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