by -pkvi-
-pkvi- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh agree BUT one war we are losing is communication subversion aka propaganda and ayh believe in our disadvantage, it does not hurt to make the job harder for our enemies. Why give them the easiest path to us? Aym using "noses" now bcz it is a far more generalized data point.

But also yes, they know where we are bcz they have effectively cornered us and we don't like to admit it.

-pkvi- 2 points ago +2 / -0

Print versus tangible assets may appear like wealth but all sides know that if the power goes out and their is rebellion, print means nothing.

Ayh direct your attention to the excess property purchasing by the big three. They need to turn that "print" in to asset

-pkvi- 2 points ago +3 / -1

The prevention of his intervening on "tests" was critical to the hoax.

Do not forget that the following month SEPT2019 Zion Don signed a mysterious executive order for flu vaccines

Then of course in OCT2019 we have Event 201

NOV2019 Hong Kong protests -- which was a perfect foil to use a fake hysteria disease to contain dissidents

DEC2019 oh ah this disease but we understand it

JAN2020 CDC has a test for it

FEB2020 People around the world test positive for it despite the technological impossibility of distributing that many "tests" you know.. unless all they did was change a label to "COVID-19"

Also disease does not spread as quickly as they made it out to -- it took years for SARS-1 to spread and only infected 16,000 people globally. Amazing how it become hundreds of millions in under 6 months internationally.

CoVID was not real -- the label on the test was and Kary had to go for that to sustain.

-pkvi- 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the accounts were "anonymous" but Gab surrendered the IPs to LEO without a fight. Every time he acted like a patron saint of "freedom of speech" ayh remember when he played ball in the beginning.

As for twitter style version --> ayh started writing one bcz the options were so bleak and lacking transparency. It was modelled on self-hosting with a RSS feed as a "follow" means and those feeds aggregated in to an app or a product centric page. Problem is my coding skills are good but not great and never sought some one to step it up. Ayh ended up using it as a personal microblog and cms. It is still a good idea --> imagine having a light weight microblog application you host thus only you moderate, on a free site, paid site, even other options. Totally portable and 100% self controlled site wide. The only restriction was the token allowing the aggregation to permit your RSS "follow" in to the primary system.

The notion of every one having their own "hosted self" is not far off to be honest but will be heavily resisted freedom wise. Since every one has a device -- why not have your entire hosted content on your device and it shares at your discretion and your moderation? It is how it shd be.

Ayh then moved on trying to write a cleaner imageboard style forum to escape this forum (honey pot) -- basically 4chan style but less ugly and more lightweight. Just more "good but not great" problems.

TBH ayh have been pulling back online bcz in my version of events going forward -- ayh believe the only way to win a peasants war is to disable the internet entirely and start over after -- so committing to building some thing now becomes demoralizing. :)

Ayh am welcome to hearing your opinions on other forums for our style of content bcz there are few and going thru the process is tedious now.


-pkvi- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Western Medicine was corrupted when oligarchs funded the creation of Big Pharma. There is a pivotal moment in the 1900-1910'sG when Rockefeller dumped all that money in to medicine that changed the course of health -- and not for the better -- but for the profitable.

-pkvi- 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is listed as the "agent" which could mean many things but he is affiliated with in those terms regardless.

The process of events is what needs attention -- When it was it was filed in Delaware which is notorious for skirting laws for LLCs both good and bad. Remember, no revenue was being generated at this time. was purchased and Patriots LLC was filed by the Kentucky Democrat lawyer. Again, no revenue was generated so where is the business and/or need for an unvetted lawyer to file what any slob can file?

This is where the red flag shows up for me --> any slob, literally, can file an LLC.. its a ridiculously easy process. Easier than a drivers license. So why would this mysterious owner pick a lawyer in Kentucky at this firm (who by the way only has one other client -- a large one) for this process and to be listed as legal representation when again, no revenue to retain the lawyer?

A lot of questions come up about why this lawyer --> Lets say Zion Don party people sustain it -- why pick a Democrat lawyer?

Let us say he is merely legal representation -- these forums were strictly created after being censored for right wing commentary so you are telling me that upon creating this LLC they did not vet their lawyer who over sees legal protections for right wing users?

What ever the answer is --> the lawyer for is a Democrat and that shd be a huge red flag.

-pkvi- 3 points ago +3 / -0

The name listed as "agent" which is either the representative of Patriots LLC or the actual owner (still not certain) is the lawyer. Either position he holds is a huge red flag for users.

-pkvi- 2 points ago +2 / -0

100%. The volume of new papers versus the natural progression of new data has been greatly skewed in favor of quantity over quality. This is why the branding of "ideas" and products has exploded in the last 10 years in every field of science -- there is checks and balances when corporations are funding both the research and publishers.

-pkvi- 3 points ago +5 / -2

This belongs on Consume Product not here.

-pkvi- 0 points ago +1 / -1

Any details on who runs it, server locations, etc?

Ayh bailed on Gab 5 years ago when users were being visited by local police from ip tracing Torvis was clearly giving access to. Kept warning people but ~(o.o)~

-pkvi- 1 point ago +1 / -0

consent by choice

How educated must the average human being be relative to the apparatuses of competitive modern living? You can not claim that 90% of modern living is necessary or has evolved at a rate suitable to adaptation. Asking some one born in 1947 to adapt to digital literacy and compliance when 80% of their life was analog, slow and accommodating, is combative.

regardless of brainwashing

How astute must the average human being be? That study a few years ago revealed an estimated 60%+ of people do not have an inner monologue. They are walking zombies. To claim we as humans shd be more coherent is abstract of biological science. We shd only be capable of basic biological requisites. We far exceed that and have higher expectations for the 60%+. Is that fair or do we have a duty as insightful patriarchs of the human race to protect our group?

As much as we would like to believe that human civilization is as black and white to be an individual ..we are a collective. Civilization is not about what, but who leads.

-pkvi- 2 points ago +2 / -0

do not blame others

That is contrary dogma to either being here on these forums or choosing to fight or flight -- these things are influenced by out side forces.

Ayh blame others. Ayh lived a comfortable nomadic life style unconcerned for loved ones -- since CoHoax that changed and ayh had no control over that.

Now ayh am a radical and must choose one or the other. Ayh will absolutely blame others.

-pkvi- -1 points ago +2 / -3

mathematical correct

That is stretching it a bit. Typically the variability is so expansive that it is neither correct nor incorrect. Variables for unknowns are often hilariously excused, like "dark matter" well then we will account for it as /i/ and ta da. Aym an avid reader of the latest black hole theories of the day and they are expressly only variables and no assigned values. Is my rant :)

-pkvi- 0 points ago +3 / -3

There is a popular TikTok Insta science lady who does

"365 Space Facts in 365 Days..."

She has not stated a single fact yet and yet do not let that stop her from spouting theories or partial data as fact. Amazing how she is so sure about the composition and distance of extra solar planets :/

The minute some one says "black holes are.." they lose all credibility and join the Neil Tyson list.

One more rant --> amazing how people like Hawking is celebrated as a scientific hero while having been proved 0 times. Not once. That is the field of astrophysics. The "sounds good enough" part of the scientific method.

-pkvi- 1 point ago +1 / -0

Far easier when it is about compliance. We have seen what the very threat of compliance can do to fence sitters and that is what will move nationalists from majority to minority and then it is just a matter of digital compliance after that over 20 years

-pkvi- 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is also how ayh can not just "flight"

We all have ties to people, whom we even may dislike, but care for, and we will be leaving them behind to suffer what we know is coming. Consciousness is a mistake -- but it exists -- and the consequence of that is that will feel guilt from inaction.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

-pkvi- 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good job, glowie me. Just a few more posts and the entire nationalist community will fall in line and become servants to my Hebrew masters. Heil Jew God! Which ayh presume is a beef sausage or some thing twirly.

Ayh hope you are real so that one day you feel the regret and misery of being so tragically misguided on whom to attack.

-pkvi- 3 points ago +3 / -0

Until we can remove conspirators (((conspirators))) and %%%conspirators%%% and [conspirators] then what ever restoration of freedom we feign seeing is merely an illusion to have us feel empowered before taking another two steps forward deeper in to enslavement.

(((America))), has to go, not just quirky half measures.


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