That pic is "Vanderbilt's Marble house features a model of the inverted/concave earth."
Vanderbilt Marble House
"Marble House, a Gilded Age mansion located at 596 Bellevue Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island, was built from 1888 to 1892 as a summer cottage for Alva and William Kissam Vanderbilt"
I was watching that.. this was before seeing this pic here. And I'm like.. what's this video even trying to show. Later I see them open up the globe and I go.. oh that's what this means. So I'm there, start this damn video with that. And I scale it up.
This is a bit of an interesting idea. At least it would make more sense than the "flat earth".. where it's like.. what's going on, right. Now, everything could be enclosed in a very much smaller area. That whole ball thing could be, I don't know, where. But enclosed.. so like oxygen and water couldn't get out. And then what's going on with gravity though.
This comment..
Glum-Present485[S] 18 points 1 month ago
We are inside the earth, there is no outside. What is currently called space is actually a rotating sphere inside the earth. The sphere with stars on it, that's the rotating sphere, also called the Heavenly Sphere. In esoteric texts the inside of this sphere is where Heaven supposedly is.
What they've done is they inverted the entire model of our universe. Instead of geocentrism we now have heliocentrism.
[–]Glum-Present485[S] 1 point 1 month ago
These esoteric fraternities already know about this, but they don't want the public to know about it.
The outer shell is supposedly of a hard material. The firmament is said to exist at around where the karman line should be. The positive magnetic waves emanating from the starry sphere and the negative magnetic waves emanating from the earth's shell meet at the karman line, supposedly creating an impenetrable force.
So if you dig down, like that super borehole.. what..
"The Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3 is the deepest human-made hole on Earth (since 1979), which attained maximum true vertical depth of 12,262 metres (40,230 ft; 7.619 mi) in 1989."
So what ya got there, would be them hitting like this firmament underground or the inside of the egg shell.
That's like them with the atom bombs up in the air when they were trying to bust through the firmament.
Leaked Rosicrucian Order documents claim earth is inverted.
From 2 months ago. 406 upvotes, 326 comments. I coulda used that black and white pic in my video.. oh well.
I was checking that pdf and didn't notice what they were saying.. scrolled a bit and closed window. Reading that previous thread, gonna check this whole thing out now. Here's the whole thing from earlier.
If this is the case.. if you had a strong enough telescope, wouldn't you be able to see the other side of the inside of the eggshell. Cause that cosmos ball in the middle doesn't cover the whole area. But you'd have to go like higher up than in the middle. If you look at the Vanderbilt ball.. even just North America, it wouldn't be in the way. Or.. if you'd send a laser, wouldn't it show up on the other side. lol. Where would that be.
Got this damn pdf. Used to be on dropbox.. used my email and reset password. Downloaded that pdf. Now I can read it properly.
This typewriter here.. that'd be like from the 1950's.
Makes sense though.. how these cabal guys like to invert everything. Damn.. you look a normal globe in school.. but you'd be on the inside of the egg shell. Damn.. that's twisted.
Some people were commenting about how the Freemasons get mad when you talk to them about this, because they know. Then I was thinking.. those two pilliars, where you have the globe of the earth, and a globe of the stars. Well.. the star globe would be inside the earth globe. But they have them both as the same size.
And then you got how south america is directly below north america, like I remember as a kid in the 70's, in school, when they'd pull down the roll up map.
Looking up these AMORC guys.. There's your ball of stars in the middle. lol.
What's the deal with these guys.. haven't looked into them.
AMORC is a Rosicrucian organization founded by Harvey Spencer Lewis in the United States in 1915. It has lodges, chapters and other affiliated bodies in several countries. It operates as a fraternal order in the mystical Western Esoteric Tradition. Wikipedia. Founded: 1915. Founder: Harvey Spencer Lewis. Headquarters: San Jose, California
Look.. he's got a globe on his desk.. inside joke. lol. "literally".
What do the Rosicrucians believe in?
Rosicrucian teachings are a combination of occultism and other religious beliefs and practices, including Hermeticism, Jewish mysticism, and Christian gnosticism. The central feature of Rosicrucianism is the belief that its members possess secret wisdom that was handed down to them from ancient times.
Do Rosicrucians drink alcohol?
Members of the Rosicrucian Fellowship cannot consume alcohol, meat or use tobacco. They advocate a vegetarian diet for ethical and spiritual reasons. They also recommend that vegetables be eaten raw as cooking destroys valuable cell salts.
That's like the Apple TV series, Severance.. where that scene where she's eating an egg and her dad's like.. you should eat that raw.
Had to go to sleep for a few hours. Had that pdf open at this page.. this section.. explaining what's going on with gravity in this scenario.
TENTH: From the centre, where the power and force of the universe
radiates through the Sun’s rays, comes all the energy that is used by
nature for creation. This energy manifests in all chemicals and all
animal life because of its rates of vibrations. The so-called force
of gravitation is NOT a pull toward the earth, but instead a centrifugal
force resulting from the revolution of the shell or cell, causing
everything inside of the shell to be pushed from the centre of
the shell toward its inner surface. Therefore gravitation, as we see
it manifested, is NOT a pull, but a PUSH. This means, then, that
all such laws and principles as are based upon gravitation being a
pull are false, and the laws of speoific gravity and weight are false
and therefore the chemical standard of nature's manifestations cannot
One of the commenters wrote: "The powers that be want us arguing about relentlessly: typically dichotomies, false dilemmas, between two and only two options for every category...but never, ever, another option"
That "another" option implies each ones free will of choice. It's choosing to give consent to the suggested choice of another, which establishes a dichotomy aka a division of two.
What do the Rosicrucians believe in?
a) Rosi (rose; rise) cruci (cross; across) aka to rise (life) across (inception towards death)...
b) To believe implies holding onto a suggested side, while ignoring to be the perceiving center of all perceivable.
Notice...cardinal, which implies pivotal (pin on which a wheel or other object turns). Consenting to a suggestion pins ones mind into the circular wheel of logic, which turns against others within conflicts of reason.
Meanwhile...nature directs each being as life sentenced towards point of death, hence not pinned down, but set free at center. What's the opposite of pivotal? Inessential!
a) There's an issue with that...only inside can there be shapes. Trying to show outside to those inside inverts the origin (flow) of shape (form).
b) Con (together) contradicts cave/keue (to swell). Only apart from one another can one swell from the inside outwards.
c) You call everything "universe", yet uni (one) verse/verto (to turn) implies one thing turning within everything.
How could oneness turn? If God implies one, then what does turning imply? Turning implies around; coming into being implies within (life) straight (inception towards death)...
I read The Hollow Earth when I was a child. All it took was knowing tropical plant pieces show up over the "mystery area" of the arctic. Taught me to have an open mind.
The idea is just as stupid as a globe. A planet with an atmosphere could never exist next to an infinite vacuum. the shape of the Earth doesn't matter if you still think it's in space. That's where the retard train starts.
If you can't understand how mass and gravity work together to compress gasses, creating atmospheric pressure on a planetary sphere, you're not worth discussing anything with, as you are a retard.
To all those interested in this topic, I recommend looking into the “rectilineator”. Also please join us to exchange views further on c/flatearthresearch.
That pic is "Vanderbilt's Marble house features a model of the inverted/concave earth."
Vanderbilt Marble House
"Marble House, a Gilded Age mansion located at 596 Bellevue Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island, was built from 1888 to 1892 as a summer cottage for Alva and William Kissam Vanderbilt"
Reddit thread here:
Posted 1 month ago. 135 upvotes, 32 comments. That's where I got those pics from. Added them before this youtube video.
Concave Earth Overview
I was watching that.. this was before seeing this pic here. And I'm like.. what's this video even trying to show. Later I see them open up the globe and I go.. oh that's what this means. So I'm there, start this damn video with that. And I scale it up.
This is a bit of an interesting idea. At least it would make more sense than the "flat earth".. where it's like.. what's going on, right. Now, everything could be enclosed in a very much smaller area. That whole ball thing could be, I don't know, where. But enclosed.. so like oxygen and water couldn't get out. And then what's going on with gravity though.
This comment..
Glum-Present485[S] 18 points 1 month ago
We are inside the earth, there is no outside. What is currently called space is actually a rotating sphere inside the earth. The sphere with stars on it, that's the rotating sphere, also called the Heavenly Sphere. In esoteric texts the inside of this sphere is where Heaven supposedly is.
What they've done is they inverted the entire model of our universe. Instead of geocentrism we now have heliocentrism.
[–]Glum-Present485[S] 1 point 1 month ago
These esoteric fraternities already know about this, but they don't want the public to know about it.
The outer shell is supposedly of a hard material. The firmament is said to exist at around where the karman line should be. The positive magnetic waves emanating from the starry sphere and the negative magnetic waves emanating from the earth's shell meet at the karman line, supposedly creating an impenetrable force.
So if you dig down, like that super borehole.. what..
"The Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3 is the deepest human-made hole on Earth (since 1979), which attained maximum true vertical depth of 12,262 metres (40,230 ft; 7.619 mi) in 1989."
So what ya got there, would be them hitting like this firmament underground or the inside of the egg shell.
That's like them with the atom bombs up in the air when they were trying to bust through the firmament.
Leaked Rosicrucian Order documents claim earth is inverted.
From 2 months ago. 406 upvotes, 326 comments. I coulda used that black and white pic in my video.. oh well.
I was checking that pdf and didn't notice what they were saying.. scrolled a bit and closed window. Reading that previous thread, gonna check this whole thing out now. Here's the whole thing from earlier.
If this is the case.. if you had a strong enough telescope, wouldn't you be able to see the other side of the inside of the eggshell. Cause that cosmos ball in the middle doesn't cover the whole area. But you'd have to go like higher up than in the middle. If you look at the Vanderbilt ball.. even just North America, it wouldn't be in the way. Or.. if you'd send a laser, wouldn't it show up on the other side. lol. Where would that be.
Got this damn pdf. Used to be on dropbox.. used my email and reset password. Downloaded that pdf. Now I can read it properly.
This typewriter here.. that'd be like from the 1950's.
Makes sense though.. how these cabal guys like to invert everything. Damn.. you look a normal globe in school.. but you'd be on the inside of the egg shell. Damn.. that's twisted.
Some people were commenting about how the Freemasons get mad when you talk to them about this, because they know. Then I was thinking.. those two pilliars, where you have the globe of the earth, and a globe of the stars. Well.. the star globe would be inside the earth globe. But they have them both as the same size.
And then you got how south america is directly below north america, like I remember as a kid in the 70's, in school, when they'd pull down the roll up map.
Looking up these AMORC guys.. There's your ball of stars in the middle. lol.
What's the deal with these guys.. haven't looked into them.
AMORC is a Rosicrucian organization founded by Harvey Spencer Lewis in the United States in 1915. It has lodges, chapters and other affiliated bodies in several countries. It operates as a fraternal order in the mystical Western Esoteric Tradition. Wikipedia. Founded: 1915. Founder: Harvey Spencer Lewis. Headquarters: San Jose, California
Who's this Harvey guy..
Look.. he's got a globe on his desk.. inside joke. lol. "literally".
What do the Rosicrucians believe in?
Rosicrucian teachings are a combination of occultism and other religious beliefs and practices, including Hermeticism, Jewish mysticism, and Christian gnosticism. The central feature of Rosicrucianism is the belief that its members possess secret wisdom that was handed down to them from ancient times.
Do Rosicrucians drink alcohol?
Members of the Rosicrucian Fellowship cannot consume alcohol, meat or use tobacco. They advocate a vegetarian diet for ethical and spiritual reasons. They also recommend that vegetables be eaten raw as cooking destroys valuable cell salts.
That's like the Apple TV series, Severance.. where that scene where she's eating an egg and her dad's like.. you should eat that raw.
Had to go to sleep for a few hours. Had that pdf open at this page.. this section.. explaining what's going on with gravity in this scenario.
TENTH: From the centre, where the power and force of the universe radiates through the Sun’s rays, comes all the energy that is used by nature for creation. This energy manifests in all chemicals and all animal life because of its rates of vibrations. The so-called force of gravitation is NOT a pull toward the earth, but instead a centrifugal force resulting from the revolution of the shell or cell, causing everything inside of the shell to be pushed from the centre of the shell toward its inner surface. Therefore gravitation, as we see it manifested, is NOT a pull, but a PUSH. This means, then, that all such laws and principles as are based upon gravitation being a pull are false, and the laws of speoific gravity and weight are false and therefore the chemical standard of nature's manifestations cannot
One of the commenters wrote: "The powers that be want us arguing about relentlessly: typically dichotomies, false dilemmas, between two and only two options for every category...but never, ever, another option"
That "another" option implies each ones free will of choice. It's choosing to give consent to the suggested choice of another, which establishes a dichotomy aka a division of two.
a) Rosi (rose; rise) cruci (cross; across) aka to rise (life) across (inception towards death)...
b) To believe implies holding onto a suggested side, while ignoring to be the perceiving center of all perceivable.
Here's the center of each rosicrucian...
Notice...cardinal, which implies pivotal (pin on which a wheel or other object turns). Consenting to a suggestion pins ones mind into the circular wheel of logic, which turns against others within conflicts of reason.
Meanwhile...nature directs each being as life sentenced towards point of death, hence not pinned down, but set free at center. What's the opposite of pivotal? Inessential!
a) There's an issue with that...only inside can there be shapes. Trying to show outside to those inside inverts the origin (flow) of shape (form).
b) Con (together) contradicts cave/keue (to swell). Only apart from one another can one swell from the inside outwards.
c) You call everything "universe", yet uni (one) verse/verto (to turn) implies one thing turning within everything.
How could oneness turn? If God implies one, then what does turning imply? Turning implies around; coming into being implies within (life) straight (inception towards death)...
I read The Hollow Earth when I was a child. All it took was knowing tropical plant pieces show up over the "mystery area" of the arctic. Taught me to have an open mind.
Nah, this implies there is an Antarctica, but there isnt.
Forget this idea man. Its flat, you would see this concave shit on high altitude balloonflights, but you dont
This is exactly what Auguste Piccard described on the first high altitude balloon flight ever conducted. Just by the by.
The idea is just as stupid as a globe. A planet with an atmosphere could never exist next to an infinite vacuum. the shape of the Earth doesn't matter if you still think it's in space. That's where the retard train starts.
This should be easy enough to understand
Any fiction can be understood, however proving it real requires demonstration.
High pressure cannot coexist mingling with vacuum (low pressure, in reality), the laws of thermodynamics (and many others) prevent it.
Ok, retard
Spoken like a true thinker.
Says the retard
You can’t rationally address any of my comment, and instead cry “retard” like a child to avoid admitting that - but sure, I’m the idiot.
Close your eyes, your ears, and keep crying. You’re sure to continue getting smarter that way…
If you can't understand how mass and gravity work together to compress gasses, creating atmospheric pressure on a planetary sphere, you're not worth discussing anything with, as you are a retard.
To all those interested in this topic, I recommend looking into the “rectilineator”. Also please join us to exchange views further on c/flatearthresearch.
This theory is just as silly as flat Earth.