Yes because it doesn't look curve it means it's not curve because if you do the math you would know that from 120,000 ft the curve should be f****** drastic.
Think about what it should look like from 120,000 ft. The curve should be beyond obvious. You would be able to see hundreds of miles which means lots of curve because the Earth curves much more steep than your cultural programming has told you to assume
Isn't my vision supposed to be blocked by the atmosphere?
Or am I actually able to see further because my line of sight is no longer blocked by the curvature?
Like, it's not even a challenge. Now I'm just trying to see how many different ways I can debunk the same assertion. I'll come back if I think of more.
According to Globe Earth theory, the radius of the planet is around 3950 miles. That's 20,856,000 feet.
120,000 feet is around 0.006% of the radius.
For context, if you had a ball with a two inch diameter, this is what the curve would look like if you were 1/16,666th of an inch away from the surface.
This took all of five minutes to debunk. That's less time than it took this stupid video to make it's point in the first place, let alone the time it took them to set this up.
You literally have a containment board for your proven jewish hoax. Do not post your proven jewish hoax off of your containment board.
Why can everyone south of the equator see the exact same stars rotating in the same direction around the same fixed central point in the sky due south of them if they’re supposedly all looking in different directions?
Why are the distances between degrees of latitude uniform and don’t grow exponentially away from the equator?
Why does everyone on Earth get the same result for the Eratosthenes experiment, when people nearer the equator should get a much smaller circumference for the Earth than those nearer the poles?
Come to think of it, was Eratosthenes part of the “round Earth” conspiracy?
Surviving records show that the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians based their astronomical forecasts on calculations assuming the Earth is a globe. Did this conspiracy begin at the dawn of civilization, or are all ancient artifacts nothing but Victorian forgeries? If so, why has this never been detected by modern carbon-dating techniques?
Why do arc lengths of given angles of longitude decrease rather than increase south of the equator?
Why does the sun not rise in the northeast and set in the northwest, year round, for everyone on Earth?
Why DOES the sun set, when the law of perspective states that the angular size of the sun’s altitude, like everything else, can’t become negative?
Why does the sun’s angular size not change throughout the day or year, since it is “moving toward and away from us” and is “closer than we’re told”?
Seriously, did you fall asleep during geometry class, or are you just completely demented?
If you believe in zeteticism, why do you keep relying on magical and unprovable solutions, which can’t be shown to exist with your own eyes and clearly don’t exist at all? Apparently, zeteticism is just code for “make any old bullshit up and pretend it’s true.”
If all photographs of a round Earth are a hoax, why not simply create photographs of a flat Earth?
A property of mass is that it has gravitational force regardless of size. If the Earth did not have a gravitational field, wouldn’t that imply that the Earth doesn’t physically exist?
Where is the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station located if the south “pole” is the whole circumference of the Earth?
Wouldn’t creating such elaborate fakes and conspiracies cost an equal–if not greater–amount of money than the science they are supposedly covering up?
The idea of the Earth as a sphere has existed at least since the time of the ancient Greeks, long before NASA. What were their financial motives?
What financial motives could NASA have, since their budget is still cut every year?
How could the sun be a spotlight if it is a sphere? On the flat Earth, the light projection would have to be a semicircle.
Why does the North Star goes to the horizon?
Why do constellations appear to be different in the Southern and Northern hemispheres?
Why is the Coriolis effect stronger near both poles, instead of stronger in the north and weaker in the south?
If the circumferential south pole is preventing the oceans from pouring over the edge of the flat Earth, why didn’t the oceans disappear during the incredible amount of time it would have taken for that ice to form?
If the oceans would–if they could–pour off the edge of the flat Earth, where, then, would they go? Does this mean that whatever keeps the oceans on the surface of the flat Earth only operates in a downward direction on the uppermost surface and is absent on the underneath?
Why are satellites visible from Earth with a pair of binoculars and even the naked eye?
How could a flat body maintain an atmosphere?
Why are other celestial bodies spheres but the Earth is not? How, and why, was the Earth created differently?
I just knew it would be one of the nigger lovers to mention Eratosthenes. What a fucking joke. Not that I even believe he was real(same as thinking bill gates made microsoft) but if he was they would be duplicating the experiment every year to celebrate.
You're so strong and powerful and are the tallest of skills, yet here you are repeating the same shit day after day month after month year after year. You think you don't have to increase your talents that were given from above. You think you're fine the way you are. You are the biggest of nigger lovers, you talk and think about them all day. Just go live in Compton so you can have your fill each day and not have to bother everyone here and we can start organizing, we can increase your useful talents!!!
Thank you for admitting the Earth is not flat. You literally have a containment board for your proven jewish hoax. Do not post your proven jewish hoax off of your containment board.
By the way this post is being used to list out which people are dangerous, aware of the globe deception, and which people are safe, that protect globe deception unwittingly
There's still a lot of programmed retards on this site. None of which are ever going to take this seriously. It's because they've been gullibly duped by all of the psyop.
There are no real flat earthers out there. Just people who realize the Earth isn't a f****** globe. Doesn't mean I'm part of some goddamn cult.
You blindly believe the science and images that are shown to you about space then you're a f****** idiot
Looks curved tho...the corners of the image are slightly lower than the center point.
The human eye can't tell if a wall in your house isn't straight, looking dead on like this, up to 10° (without special tools).
Even if it doesn't look curved, that doesn't really mean anything.
Yes because it doesn't look curve it means it's not curve because if you do the math you would know that from 120,000 ft the curve should be f****** drastic.
Think about what it should look like from 120,000 ft. The curve should be beyond obvious. You would be able to see hundreds of miles which means lots of curve because the Earth curves much more steep than your cultural programming has told you to assume
Do you know what the curve should look like from 120,000 ft It would be beyond obvious just do the math.
Why can I see further away the higher it goes?
Isn't my vision supposed to be blocked by the atmosphere?
Or am I actually able to see further because my line of sight is no longer blocked by the curvature?
Like, it's not even a challenge. Now I'm just trying to see how many different ways I can debunk the same assertion. I'll come back if I think of more.
You can see the horizon doesn't curve. Nothing else really matters
According to Globe Earth theory, the radius of the planet is around 3950 miles. That's 20,856,000 feet.
120,000 feet is around 0.006% of the radius.
For context, if you had a ball with a two inch diameter, this is what the curve would look like if you were 1/16,666th of an inch away from the surface.
This took all of five minutes to debunk. That's less time than it took this stupid video to make it's point in the first place, let alone the time it took them to set this up.
Why do you want this to be true so badly?
Why do you not understand what's happening? Are you too scared to look?
That's why I asked bud.
Do you not have a video where someone explains it to you?
Really bad logic bro but I'm not going to help you
You literally have a containment board for your proven jewish hoax. Do not post your proven jewish hoax off of your containment board.
I just knew it would be one of the nigger lovers to mention Eratosthenes. What a fucking joke. Not that I even believe he was real(same as thinking bill gates made microsoft) but if he was they would be duplicating the experiment every year to celebrate.
Answer the questions or drink bleach.
You're so strong and powerful and are the tallest of skills, yet here you are repeating the same shit day after day month after month year after year. You think you don't have to increase your talents that were given from above. You think you're fine the way you are. You are the biggest of nigger lovers, you talk and think about them all day. Just go live in Compton so you can have your fill each day and not have to bother everyone here and we can start organizing, we can increase your useful talents!!!
Thank you for admitting the Earth is not flat. You literally have a containment board for your proven jewish hoax. Do not post your proven jewish hoax off of your containment board.
The earth is not a pancake, the earth is not an oblate spheroid.
I with u...if pilots at 50,000 feet still don't see a curve and the horizon is absolute horizontal than somethings up.
I am Yog'Hammon
Fuck you
By the way this post is being used to list out which people are dangerous, aware of the globe deception, and which people are safe, that protect globe deception unwittingly
The earth is flat also looks like the other side of dichotomy.
More realistically it would be discoid or oval.
Besides, wouldn't the calculations that indicate in the flat direction also be true for larger earth?
YoU hAvE tO gO hIgHeR!!!!
There's still a lot of programmed retards on this site. None of which are ever going to take this seriously. It's because they've been gullibly duped by all of the psyop.
There are no real flat earthers out there. Just people who realize the Earth isn't a f****** globe. Doesn't mean I'm part of some goddamn cult.
You blindly believe the science and images that are shown to you about space then you're a f****** idiot