This entire thing is weird. I certainly do not want to believe this is fake but even the landing video of the capsule into the water looks very AI. Maybe it's shot with a special high speed camera and that's why. Someone totally needs to ask how she dyed her hair in space.
The other part that is a little hard to explain, could be makeup like the orange man uses.
Or maybe they were spending alot of time in front of the windows?
The windows are designed to block most uv radiation, but perhaps they let a little bit through so the astronauts can get some vitamin d without having to consume it all the time. :shrugs:
I did find this quote from her which makes me curious.
"I heard some funny rumor that some doctor was worried about me up here -- not eating enough, bad air (maybe he meant Hair), and other silly nonsense. Well, I am happy to report I am eating like a horse, probably lifting almost 200 lbs for squats and deadlifts, crushing interval running at 90% of my body weight and working bike circuits harder than I ever have before. So -- I am fine. No, I don't have any more tan lines to speak of, people fart a lot here adding methane to the air, and my grey hair looks a little like Cruella. I think you guys know me well enough -- I can deal with all that no problem (I have an older brother, a husband and a chocolate lab to thank for this farty air preparation) -- I am fine, so help me dispel that fake news...or just ignore it."
Yeah, she sounds like a fellow ohioan to me, lmao.
I think this guy played bass for Quiet Riot… or maybe it was REO Speedwagon?
She looks like a big toe.
Hmm so maybe this is an older photo with the dyed hair. Here she definitely has gray
it is. that's a nasa space suit (blue) not a space x (white) suit
It is an older photo. These were in articles with the caption "before" under them.
Only retards still believe this a globe in space
Just remember. For 60 bucks on Teemu, NASA could prove space is real, earth is round, not made of cheese, sun is 90 million miles away, etc etc.
A dash cam or go pro would disprove every single “deniers” claims… and they opt to spend millions on hiring artists and paid actors.
This entire thing is weird. I certainly do not want to believe this is fake but even the landing video of the capsule into the water looks very AI. Maybe it's shot with a special high speed camera and that's why. Someone totally needs to ask how she dyed her hair in space.
I agree it is a little strange but dying your hair works kinda the same way as you wash your hair.
The other part that is a little hard to explain, could be makeup like the orange man uses.
Or maybe they were spending alot of time in front of the windows?
The windows are designed to block most uv radiation, but perhaps they let a little bit through so the astronauts can get some vitamin d without having to consume it all the time. :shrugs:
I did find this quote from her which makes me curious.
Nov 11, 2024
Yeah, she sounds like a fellow ohioan to me, lmao.