I was first told about the fake employment scheme years ago. Allow me to expand on the training...
They would line up all the "recruits" pick 2 at random and tell one to cut off the ear of the other. If he refused, they would kill him and pick another with the same directive. After cutting off the ear, they would tell him to eat it, if he refused the process of killing and having the next one continue on at that point would happen. They told me it was rare that more than 2 "recruits" would be killed. Former military and federalis would then do weapons and combat training. If you didn't comply, they would also kill your family. Sometimes they would make the remainder of the recruits eat the heart of of one that was killed. They also told me that Cartel Jalisco would never hurt the orphans as if it made them good guys. I really do hope Trump can help get that cleaned up. Many of these guys tell me they would love to go home but it's too crazy right now.
I was first told about the fake employment scheme years ago. Allow me to expand on the training...
They would line up all the "recruits" pick 2 at random and tell one to cut off the ear of the other. If he refused, they would kill him and pick another with the same directive. After cutting off the ear, they would tell him to eat it, if he refused the process of killing and having the next one continue on at that point would happen. They told me it was rare that more than 2 "recruits" would be killed. Former military and federalis would then do weapons and combat training. If you didn't comply, they would also kill your family. Sometimes they would make the remainder of the recruits eat the heart of of one that was killed. They also told me that Cartel Jalisco would never hurt the orphans as if it made them good guys. I really do hope Trump can help get that cleaned up. Many of these guys tell me they would love to go home but it's too crazy right now.
I've sometimes wondered if it was intentional to get people to migrate here. I don't put nothing past those in control
Mexican cartels are the trash of America.
Essentially ISIS of the south.
We should declare all out war against them plain and simple. Destroy every single cartel
Probably educated at “The School of The Americas.”
We have to let more in to the USA because of a pile of shoes in Mexico ...
It would be better to help them clean up the mess so a bunch of these guys will go home
It was a reference to the problems in the USA due to a pile of shoes in Poland.
Amazing how well preserved they are after 70 years
Why they don't give us pictures of the ovens?