Whatever happened with this post there was acomment by u/Vlad_The_Impaler :
My belief is that Trump and Putin are completely beholden to ZOG and jews are working both sides of the Ukraine/Russia war and Russia had to back down to allow Israel and ZOG to invade Syria.
There's a holohoax museum in st. petersberg. LOL that's all you have to know.
Well, I told multiple time that Putin is a hardcore USSR internationalist. (details and differences for curious are described in that thread - https://conspiracies.win/p/19AdbnE1A1/x/c/4ZJ45fek9SN )
Putin will meet with Judaists, Muslims, Buddhists, whatever and will meet with any etnicities and will not make any difference. He met with Buddhist lamas from Buriatia, Kalmykia and other Buddhist regions of Russia. Suddenly nobody cares. He do that not because he like Jews or Buddhists, but to show his internationalism and state religious freedom for propaganda.
If you recall, the Putin hate in the West started just after when Rothshild puppet Khodorkovsky and his tribe thugs like Magnitsky and others was put in jail. Khodorkovsky was very influental Jew, IDK, imagine something like in USA somebody like Pritzker (or Soros) and all his thugs arrested and jailed.
He did it not because he is antisemite or nationalist or it was because of YUKOS or whatever shit many could imagine, but just because Khodorkovsky start to play dirty undercover political games against Putin. Putin did it just like he did it with other figures, but nobody cared because they was not Jews and Rotshild puppets.
Then, comes Berezovsky and many other filth. It's just happens that Jews like play dirty political games a lot, much more often than others.
So, around 2020 only 2 powerful Jews left around Putin - Fridman and Abramovich. But war with Ukraine finished them as such, when Jewish curator over Russia from Bilderberg Club Anatoliy Chubais flee to Israel.
But all above does not mean Putin is nationalist or antisemite or that he would not talk with Jews or whatever. He is exactly same soviet-style internationalist he was long before anybody heard about him.
It is just happens here, since 1400s (heresy of the Judaizers) when Jews tries to somehow grab (always in dirty, manipulative and concealed way) the power in Russia.
Regardless of relations of top leader with Jews it always end bad for Jews. It's Russia itself, as time-space phenomenon do that, not some person in power.
About holohoax museum. I commented on that topic not long ago - there is only one thing that Jews could name holohoax museum - it is an exposition (never saw it, but Jews state that it exists) in sinagogue in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. There is also mosque, church and may be buddhist temple in that place.
The catch is that Orthodox Christian would be penenced for visiting sinagogue. Russians are not very religious, but most have definite Orthodox background and would not do things like that, things that could screw that transcendental matters of soul, just because of curiosity or advertising. So, no sane Russian will ever enter synagogue (except for pogrom :) ). This also protect Russians from forced So this exposition in sinagogue is doomed to be just a useless account for received foreing aid or local Jewish financing.
There is blockade museum in StPetersburg and it have nothing to do with holohoax. However, 1941-1943s photos of starved to death inhabitants of blockaded Leningrad from that museum often used in Jewish propaganda on holohoax topic. Looks like whole museum used too now. Jews lied. Anyone surprized?
More about holohoax and Russia/USSR (with others confirmations - https://conspiracies.win/p/19A1GqZmT4/x/c/4ZHlEDrpw0n) - https://conspiracies.win/p/19A1GqZmT4/muh-free-world-countries-where-h/c/
Thank you for the info.