What are you thinking on this one? Are you thinking this is just a distraction from the blackmail schemes or somesuch? Genuine question. I like hearing your takes on issues.
Absolutely. As a victim, she was likely under the influence of a psychotropic at the time. Makes people far more pliant. A child isn’t going to suck a penis unless they’re under duress of some sort. Hallucinations can mean anything. The jewish media giving a public platform to this obviously physically impossible testimony only sours the rat of the real information in the minds of the masses.
Yeah, I can see that for sure. While it might clarify what he was doing to these minors, you're right, the man responsible for this portion is gone. What we need now are the names of who's been blackmailed and who now holds the videos and thereby the power to continue the blackmail scheme. Thanks for the reply!
"One witness described your penis as oval-shaped, thick toward the bottom and thin and small toward the head portion, and called it egg-shaped. Those are not my words. I apologize."
Still reposting this well poisoning, huh.
What are you thinking on this one? Are you thinking this is just a distraction from the blackmail schemes or somesuch? Genuine question. I like hearing your takes on issues.
Absolutely. As a victim, she was likely under the influence of a psychotropic at the time. Makes people far more pliant. A child isn’t going to suck a penis unless they’re under duress of some sort. Hallucinations can mean anything. The jewish media giving a public platform to this obviously physically impossible testimony only sours the rat of the real information in the minds of the masses.
Yeah, I can see that for sure. While it might clarify what he was doing to these minors, you're right, the man responsible for this portion is gone. What we need now are the names of who's been blackmailed and who now holds the videos and thereby the power to continue the blackmail scheme. Thanks for the reply!
If it's true, he probably slipped her a hallucinogen. LSD or something else. She at least admits that's a possibility.
Well due to the Netflix documentary of him we did find out he has an egg shape weiner...this from multiple victims.
"One witness described your penis as oval-shaped, thick toward the bottom and thin and small toward the head portion, and called it egg-shaped. Those are not my words. I apologize."
very interesting. where is the whole interview?