One preacher i studied with claims that the jews of this time period you reference are since extinct and already destroyed and that the jews we deal with today are the impostors described in Revelation 2:9
Mystery Babylonian kabbalistic devil worshipers who belong to the Synagogue of Satan did it, the Roman EL-ites and the Pharisees have always worked together in lockstep.
He's wrong. The Rabbinical Jews that exist today are the descendants of the Pharisees. It's easy to see if you study the history. Sounds like this guy didn't.
I've heard two guys mention it. One this preacher who i studied with when i was traveling. And the other someone on this forum who explained it.
I do notice that the way the jews behave today seems like the same behavior of the pharisees in the bible. So this similarity in behavior credits your theory.
I don't have time to give you a more authoritative source but here is a Wikipedia article on how the Pharisees that escaped Jerusalem after its destruction in 70 AD created Rabbinical Judaism:
Look at the footnotes for more authoritative sources.
Heck, do a Google search and you will find several Jewish websites that talk about the history of Judaism and they openly admit that Rabbinical Judaism was created by Pharisees....
This is not even a controversial point to make. It's just hard, easily provable fact.
Holding onto ignores being moved. Motion changes the shapes of what was into what is. Holding onto shapes (apparition; spectre; ghost) possesses one.
Periodos aka peri (around) hodos (way)...the former implies a shape; the latter the motion within one shapes. A jew utilizes suggestion to tempt gentiles into circular logic, while ignoring the perceivable way of life from inception towards death. Notice that living within the process of dying implies being in shape.
Consent given to suggestion deceives oneself within perceivable by giving others a false appearance.
Deciding for others shirks ones response-ability (free will of choice)...that's what kills, because it permits others to wield ones weapon of choice.
An allegory (rome/roam) for the wandering jew, just like egypt (a gypsy)...
our sins
Singular (one) consent to suggested pluralism (our) implies sin/syn (violation of divine/divide law). Nature sets each one apart from one another, which few (jew) invert by tempting many (gentiles) together.
Nature differentiates being...few sin/syn-chronize many to follow orders; follow leaders; flow with the mainstream; consent to suggested etc.
God's will
God (need) gives each being will (want)...each being needs to resist wanted temptation. Wanting implies from one another (suggested), while ignoring all needed (perceivable).
Sounds jealous to me. Cock so large that it had to be snipped to be tamed? Aldo they, as a whole are better looking, smarter and more successful. The only reason you hate is because you can’t compete.
Since Yeshua was probably just another messianic preacher from Galilee, and the stories that the work of fiction called the Bible (created by the early church at the Council of Nicea) and almost every attribute comes from other fictional deities, who cares who had him killed?
Well, MANY other writers, Christian and non, were referencing the New Testament books before the Council of Nicaea in the 4th Century, so that's wrong, and non-Christians writers, like Josephus, even acknowledged that the historical Jesus existed... I would recommend you study history more. God bless!
The Didache, Clement of Rome, Epistle of Barnabas, The Shepherd of Hermas, Polycarp, Papias of Hierapolis, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Cyprian, Aphrahat, and many others... All writings or writers that reference the New Testament and Jesus before the Council of Nicaea in 325.
Regarding non-Christian writers or writings that reference the historical Jesus, we have Josephus, Tacitus, Celsus, and the Mishnah, to name a few...
He gave some examples of possible corroboration of the PERSONHOOD of Yeshua, and even some of them are dubious at best. He gave no examples proving the DIVINITY of Yeshua, because there are none.
One preacher i studied with claims that the jews of this time period you reference are since extinct and already destroyed and that the jews we deal with today are the impostors described in Revelation 2:9
Mystery Babylonian kabbalistic devil worshipers who belong to the Synagogue of Satan did it, the Roman EL-ites and the Pharisees have always worked together in lockstep.
He's wrong. The Rabbinical Jews that exist today are the descendants of the Pharisees. It's easy to see if you study the history. Sounds like this guy didn't.
I've heard two guys mention it. One this preacher who i studied with when i was traveling. And the other someone on this forum who explained it.
I do notice that the way the jews behave today seems like the same behavior of the pharisees in the bible. So this similarity in behavior credits your theory.
It's not a theory... I am speaking fact.
I don't have time to give you a more authoritative source but here is a Wikipedia article on how the Pharisees that escaped Jerusalem after its destruction in 70 AD created Rabbinical Judaism:,orally%2C%20explains%20the%20Written%20Torah.
Look at the footnotes for more authoritative sources.
Heck, do a Google search and you will find several Jewish websites that talk about the history of Judaism and they openly admit that Rabbinical Judaism was created by Pharisees....
This is not even a controversial point to make. It's just hard, easily provable fact.
Holding onto ignores being moved. Motion changes the shapes of what was into what is. Holding onto shapes (apparition; spectre; ghost) possesses one.
Periodos aka peri (around) hodos (way)...the former implies a shape; the latter the motion within one shapes. A jew utilizes suggestion to tempt gentiles into circular logic, while ignoring the perceivable way of life from inception towards death. Notice that living within the process of dying implies being in shape.
Consent given to suggestion deceives oneself within perceivable by giving others a false appearance.
Forgive them. They know not what they do.
In the digital flesh
No, I mean forgiving them is no_ez. Haha! But hey, though.
No ez task indeed
No one came to speak on behalf of Jesus when Pilate asked.
All the apostles but one, ran and hid.
There had to be Christians in the crowd, but they said nothing, did nothing.
I'm guessing that all the Christians were expecting a miracle to occur.
But God does not work through cowards.
There could not have been Christians in the crowd....what a silly thing to say...
Didn’t we kill all you guys in Germany around 1945? What a retard. Jesus hates you!
Didn't you guys get kicked out of 109 countries? And I'm not sure Jesus would love the guys who say he's boiling in a cauldron of piss and shit.
Everyone is just jealous. Like you!
Jealous of what? Your oversized ego or your mutilated penises?
Gods 'will' =/= unbelieving Jews.
Sooooo, which would it be?
Are the Jews stronger than God's will?
Or is this just part in the trials and tribulations of "destiny"?
Deciding for others shirks ones response-ability (free will of choice)...that's what kills, because it permits others to wield ones weapon of choice.
An allegory (rome/roam) for the wandering jew, just like egypt (a gypsy)...
Singular (one) consent to suggested pluralism (our) implies sin/syn (violation of divine/divide law). Nature sets each one apart from one another, which few (jew) invert by tempting many (gentiles) together.
Nature differentiates being...few sin/syn-chronize many to follow orders; follow leaders; flow with the mainstream; consent to suggested etc.
God (need) gives each being will (want)...each being needs to resist wanted temptation. Wanting implies from one another (suggested), while ignoring all needed (perceivable).
Sounds jealous to me. Cock so large that it had to be snipped to be tamed? Aldo they, as a whole are better looking, smarter and more successful. The only reason you hate is because you can’t compete.
Since Yeshua was probably just another messianic preacher from Galilee, and the stories that the work of fiction called the Bible (created by the early church at the Council of Nicea) and almost every attribute comes from other fictional deities, who cares who had him killed?
Well, MANY other writers, Christian and non, were referencing the New Testament books before the Council of Nicaea in the 4th Century, so that's wrong, and non-Christians writers, like Josephus, even acknowledged that the historical Jesus existed... I would recommend you study history more. God bless!
Name your sources...most have been proven worship a myth
The Didache, Clement of Rome, Epistle of Barnabas, The Shepherd of Hermas, Polycarp, Papias of Hierapolis, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Cyprian, Aphrahat, and many others... All writings or writers that reference the New Testament and Jesus before the Council of Nicaea in 325.
Regarding non-Christian writers or writings that reference the historical Jesus, we have Josephus, Tacitus, Celsus, and the Mishnah, to name a few...
Not evidence of deity however, evidence of person whose name, as it has been Anglicized, cannot exist in Judea...
You worship a myth...
He just named plenty of examples while u give
Keep denying! Loser
He gave some examples of possible corroboration of the PERSONHOOD of Yeshua, and even some of them are dubious at best. He gave no examples proving the DIVINITY of Yeshua, because there are none.