ONCE AGAIN REMOTE CONTROL, THIS TIME A FULL THROTTLE DIVE. The jet came in so fast it looks like a missile or meteor. That is why whoever got this video is questioning what it is. It is astounding a learjet held together this well at an obvious supersonic speed. All the jets will go supersonic in a dive but under normal circumstances their avionics systems prevent it. Remote control changes that....
Jim's site with the full analysis is at http://jimstonereloaded.com/. Daily updates will make it scroll off the page, so that day's specific page is at http://www.voterig.com/.ue0.html. Finally, since he's one of the most censored guys out there, a Wayback Machine snapshot is here.
The crater photo isn't good, so--astoundingly from the MSM and federal government--here is a local ABC affiliate's story that includes crystal-clear NTSB video:
New video gives closest look yet at site of plane crash in Northeast Philadelphia (6ABC 2/2/2025)
The false dialectic on this one goes like this: For the normies, it's, "just a sequence of events thing that happened nothing to see here we're experts trust me bro". For the conspiracy theorists, it's, "it was a missile and they're hiding it who was on board". All bogus and will lead nowhere.
So what is really going on? IMHO these were clearly messages to Trump, along the lines of, "We may not have stopped you taking the Presidency, but we still have moves and you better slow your roll."
The proof is that he's said almost nothing about either of these huge incidents, Nor has the media pressed him very hard even though everything else is 100% his fault. The message was to him, not to the public, and more attention does not serve Them.
For anyone reading who has doubts about this analysis, let that serve as additional proof. Imagine Trump trying to explain this Silent War to everyone, including your mom who still watches "The View" and your dad who has CNN on all day long. The truth may be true, but there are times when it's counterproductive to try to spread it.
About the blackhawk helicopter collision in DC.
Anyone catch the latest news about the discrepancy in height reported by the crew? and height on radar?
Blackbox may have water in it so data may not be recoverable? LOL
Somebody posted about this very issue on r/conspiracy just yesterday:
Huge Difference in Altitude readings Between BlackHawk and CRJ Eagle at moment of collision. H=200 ft. vs, E=325 ft.
You can see everyone's take there, and my comment was:
You say Jim Stone in your title but I think you mean ChatGPT
If you didn't notice, a lot of it was mine, and I didn't mention me either. Nice try at reading comprehension, though! Keep it up!
Thanks my literacy is a woke in progress
Whether or not that's a typo, I like it.
United 93 vibes.
Careful bud, that's qtard territory.
Haha, I'll roll the dice! But I found something fascinating at that link. I never followed the Q stuff at all, but....
I'm very far behind and have been very uninspired lately, but I have collected research for a post that concerned Kenneth Arnold, DB Cooper, the Space Shuttle Challenger, the Maury Island UFO Incident, and several other topics. Long story, as you may imagine.
One of the elements was that incredibly odd "Horizon Air Q400 incident" back in 2018. Among other things, the nighttime video of the widespread fires in the area looked like a missile strike, which fits my thesis about that region being a certain kind of Elite "stronghold".
Lo and behold, at that link you included, I come to find that Q thought the very same thing in 1846:
The answer is no, I pretty much do not believe in coincidences any more... lol