I believe Hitler was a patsy who got played by the jews and he's the biggest strawman ever created in history. He's literally Goldstein in 1984. It's bloody genius really. What's your take?
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If he was a plant, he was most certainly not one who was aware that he is a plant or in the very least he realized the real game around 1942 or late 1941.
One obvious proof for me was that the Germans actually trained the Palestinians against the Rothschild trained Jewish militias and did a joint operation against these Rothschild Jewish militias.
Operation Atlas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Atlas
Abdul Qadir Al-Husayni received high quality training from the Germans. Same as Hasan Salama. That faction of the Palestinian resistance was the only real faction fighting Jews. There were other Arab factions who were for show and to pretend to the rest of the Arab population that there was a war when they had agreed to hand over the lands to Jews.
But the devil is in the details. I think Hitler only realized what was happening later in the war. (Early 1942 or late 1941 to be precise). After that he tried to switch gears and realized he was put in a trap.
Same as with Saddam BTW. He only realized invading Kuwait was a trap only when it was too late.
Had the Germans discovered the atomic bomb in time (The Americans stole the work of the German atomic scientists BTW) or if Hitler hadn't interfered in the Messerschmitt Me 262 so that it would have been finished sooner and had the Germans discovered the treasonous Wilhelm Canaris sooner or the Japanese actually attacked the USSR perhaps the outcome would have been different. But I guess it's a lot of ifs and hads.
Based on some Catholic accounts of WWII Germany, Hitler seemed to be genuine but there were people feeding him bad intel and trying to pit Germans against each other.