The fiat money system is one of the most complex and effective technologies for controlling the masses. It relies on people not understanding it for it to work. Manipulation of the CPI is a big part of that. If you were to tell someone, get paid and trade in this unit of currency that is going to lose 10% of its value in a year, and that 10% would be distributed amongst the people who control the supply and distribution of said currency (and their business partners), no one would willingly accept it. By controlling how much interest you charge people in a debt based economy, you are effectively choosing who gets the share of that value stolen from people's cash holdings. And of course, poor people disproportionately hold their savings (if they have any) in cash, so it affects the least affluent most. In essence, it is a system designed to siphon in an almost imperceptible manner over time people's time and energy.
Of course if the system isn't well tuned, the inflation gets out of hand and you get market crashes when too many people try to settle up at once. So in those scenarios historically the money printers have used their accrued power over the government to bail them out with taxpayer money, which ironically increases their share of the wealth even more than if their system was just humming along flawlessly. So even when they should lose, they win because people are too dumb to realize that government is a scam as well.
So in those scenarios historically the money printers have used their accrued power over the government to bail them out with taxpayer money, which ironically increases their share of the wealth even more than if their system was just humming along flawlessly. So even when they should lose, they win because people are too dumb to realize that government is a scam as well.
The world’s ten richest men more than doubled their fortunes from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion —at a rate of $15,000 per second or $1.3 billion a day— during the first two years of a pandemic that has seen the incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall and over 160 million more people forced into poverty.
“If these ten men were to lose 99.999 percent of their wealth tomorrow, they would still be richer than 99 percent of all the people on this planet,” said Oxfam International’s Executive Director Gabriela Bucher. “They now have six times more wealth than the poorest 3.1 billion people.”
Drinking my first cup of coffee this morning after only a couple hours sleep and looking at spreadsheets and stock price charts and gold and silver charts It occurred to me just how impactful it would be if studies showed the the consumer price index published by the Federal bureau of labor statistics is heavily flawed and inconsistent and has political meddling to manipulate markets. Consider just how big of a deal it is since we must adjust almost all economic nominal figures for prices or spending or production by this consumer price index inflator figure. But if that figure is a scam, that means most of the field of Economics in the last 50+ years is all fraudulent. Things like "GDP" or the published "inflation rate" are bullshit or the data is manipulated enough to get the final result they desire.
Wondering what you guys think about all this talk about GDP adn inflation. What if the underlying data is bullshit, the multipliers are fucked, and all these four eyed six figure tenured economics professors have been busy body calculating fraudulent economics figures and charts their entire lives? LOL sometimes I think GOD must be laughing at us. All the superstitious crap people believe in, like fraudulent GDP figures or Biden's fraudulent jobs reports that get revised a year later by a significant amount.
I always knew that statistics could be heavily manipulated to get desired results. But I am reminded just how subjective and narrated the field of economics is, meaning it has much subjectivity and manipulation of data and less objectivity or reliance on consistent raw unmanipulated data. The people who specialize in this sort of deceit are probably related to the people who organize data for polls during election cycles.
One project i want to do is find data on the vote counts over a timeline and analyze that data. For example i think vote counting in 2024 election continued for weeks, not with real uncounted authentic ballots, but by fraudulent data being fed in to manipulate the vote counts. The elections are a huge scam and i think it can be proven with the raw data which the government is probably trying to remove or erase or modify on the internet.
This is another thing i notice.
I used to download and save lots of spreadsheets and pdfs and excel files from and other government websites. But now if i go back and download the same document again, it has different data. I've known this for years. I should have posted examples when my head was in that game.
Great observations. Part of GDP considers population. It factors in heavily. That's why they bring in huge amounts of immigrants, to fudge the numbers. We were first to use the technique here in the US and then Europe caught on. They can't find the discipline to reduce spending so they bring in the immigrants. They can't skim what doesn't exist.
CPI was adjusted to include durable products and removed commodities. What affects your every day life is commodities. I don't buy a new refrigerator, TV or car every year. Nixon was the beginning of all this. Normalized relations with China brought about the cheap durable products to hide real inflation. I expect to see automobile imports from China to grow dramatically because they've about played out the other durable products.
We live in a Pyramid scheme economy. The people who see it coming are trying to buy homesteads because history teaches us farms didn't experience much difference when we were in a depression. Life was never easy for farmers before, but it really didn't get much worse for them either.
All that said, a reality exists that we need to continue on the best we can within the current system until we figure out a better way. Divesting a small portion of your income to a self managed insurance policy in the event of a worldwide crash would likely be a wise move. For some that may be starting a homestead. Others may choose to purchase precious metals (such as lead) or digital currency. I have no intention of buying gold, silver or digital tokens because none of those can be eaten or provide shelter. If I have food and shelter, no amount of precious metals can purchase that from me unless I see things coming back around.
Yes, the numbers are bogus but as long as the vast majority are playing along, nothing is going to change
if i go back and download the same document again, it has different data
a) You didn't go're being (life) moved forwards (inception towards death).
b) A jew suggests gentiles to believe in a databank/database aka a repository of information that remains the same. The consent of each gentile implies mass ignorance of moving reality (perceivable inspiration), which in return permits each jew to mimic change through fiction, hence the use of revisionism to distract from the ongoing decline of everything ignored.
Look, EVERYBODY in the investing sphere knows that:
labour stats
inflation figures
total public debt
actual productive (non-financial) GDP growth
money supply numbers
credit stats
yield curve
economic forecasts
Are all lies, manipulated, forged or massaged. Sometimes little, sometimes a lot and almost always knowingly, with purpose and intent.
The question is:
how do you still invest knowing all this and not knowing all the factual/accurate stats, while key insiders have foreknowledge of the actual real stats?
I am not sure what is a good investment. I kind of regret funding 401ks and roths. Of course, people push you into it, the employer offers a match, and we kind of get coerced into it to avoid taxes or get money to grow tax free.
I am not qualified to give investment advice. I do not consider myself a good investor. I think i under-perform SP500 when trying to make my own stock picks.
a) Being implies ones sentence (life) within (inception towards death) index "points out", hence index finger.
Same trick with prices...being implies evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable); while a price is being slapped on the outside to tempt ones evaluation within to sell out.
b) Compare (together equal) inverts "apart different". Drawing comparisons equalizes differences, which is why each jew draws suggestions to equalize differences among consenting gentiles.
The fiat money system is one of the most complex and effective technologies for controlling the masses. It relies on people not understanding it for it to work. Manipulation of the CPI is a big part of that. If you were to tell someone, get paid and trade in this unit of currency that is going to lose 10% of its value in a year, and that 10% would be distributed amongst the people who control the supply and distribution of said currency (and their business partners), no one would willingly accept it. By controlling how much interest you charge people in a debt based economy, you are effectively choosing who gets the share of that value stolen from people's cash holdings. And of course, poor people disproportionately hold their savings (if they have any) in cash, so it affects the least affluent most. In essence, it is a system designed to siphon in an almost imperceptible manner over time people's time and energy.
Of course if the system isn't well tuned, the inflation gets out of hand and you get market crashes when too many people try to settle up at once. So in those scenarios historically the money printers have used their accrued power over the government to bail them out with taxpayer money, which ironically increases their share of the wealth even more than if their system was just humming along flawlessly. So even when they should lose, they win because people are too dumb to realize that government is a scam as well.
U.S. Billionaire Wealth Is Up 88% Since the Pandemic—Now Topping $5.5 Trillion
Ten richest men double their fortunes in pandemic while incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall
Drinking my first cup of coffee this morning after only a couple hours sleep and looking at spreadsheets and stock price charts and gold and silver charts It occurred to me just how impactful it would be if studies showed the the consumer price index published by the Federal bureau of labor statistics is heavily flawed and inconsistent and has political meddling to manipulate markets. Consider just how big of a deal it is since we must adjust almost all economic nominal figures for prices or spending or production by this consumer price index inflator figure. But if that figure is a scam, that means most of the field of Economics in the last 50+ years is all fraudulent. Things like "GDP" or the published "inflation rate" are bullshit or the data is manipulated enough to get the final result they desire.
I didn't read through the entire conversation i linked, yet.
Wondering what you guys think about all this talk about GDP adn inflation. What if the underlying data is bullshit, the multipliers are fucked, and all these four eyed six figure tenured economics professors have been busy body calculating fraudulent economics figures and charts their entire lives? LOL sometimes I think GOD must be laughing at us. All the superstitious crap people believe in, like fraudulent GDP figures or Biden's fraudulent jobs reports that get revised a year later by a significant amount.
I always knew that statistics could be heavily manipulated to get desired results. But I am reminded just how subjective and narrated the field of economics is, meaning it has much subjectivity and manipulation of data and less objectivity or reliance on consistent raw unmanipulated data. The people who specialize in this sort of deceit are probably related to the people who organize data for polls during election cycles.
One project i want to do is find data on the vote counts over a timeline and analyze that data. For example i think vote counting in 2024 election continued for weeks, not with real uncounted authentic ballots, but by fraudulent data being fed in to manipulate the vote counts. The elections are a huge scam and i think it can be proven with the raw data which the government is probably trying to remove or erase or modify on the internet.
This is another thing i notice.
I used to download and save lots of spreadsheets and pdfs and excel files from and other government websites. But now if i go back and download the same document again, it has different data. I've known this for years. I should have posted examples when my head was in that game.
Great observations. Part of GDP considers population. It factors in heavily. That's why they bring in huge amounts of immigrants, to fudge the numbers. We were first to use the technique here in the US and then Europe caught on. They can't find the discipline to reduce spending so they bring in the immigrants. They can't skim what doesn't exist.
CPI was adjusted to include durable products and removed commodities. What affects your every day life is commodities. I don't buy a new refrigerator, TV or car every year. Nixon was the beginning of all this. Normalized relations with China brought about the cheap durable products to hide real inflation. I expect to see automobile imports from China to grow dramatically because they've about played out the other durable products.
We live in a Pyramid scheme economy. The people who see it coming are trying to buy homesteads because history teaches us farms didn't experience much difference when we were in a depression. Life was never easy for farmers before, but it really didn't get much worse for them either.
All that said, a reality exists that we need to continue on the best we can within the current system until we figure out a better way. Divesting a small portion of your income to a self managed insurance policy in the event of a worldwide crash would likely be a wise move. For some that may be starting a homestead. Others may choose to purchase precious metals (such as lead) or digital currency. I have no intention of buying gold, silver or digital tokens because none of those can be eaten or provide shelter. If I have food and shelter, no amount of precious metals can purchase that from me unless I see things coming back around.
Yes, the numbers are bogus but as long as the vast majority are playing along, nothing is going to change
a) You didn't go're being (life) moved forwards (inception towards death).
b) A jew suggests gentiles to believe in a databank/database aka a repository of information that remains the same. The consent of each gentile implies mass ignorance of moving reality (perceivable inspiration), which in return permits each jew to mimic change through fiction, hence the use of revisionism to distract from the ongoing decline of everything ignored.
People just realize this?
Look, EVERYBODY in the investing sphere knows that:
Are all lies, manipulated, forged or massaged. Sometimes little, sometimes a lot and almost always knowingly, with purpose and intent.
The question is:
I am not sure what is a good investment. I kind of regret funding 401ks and roths. Of course, people push you into it, the employer offers a match, and we kind of get coerced into it to avoid taxes or get money to grow tax free.
I am not qualified to give investment advice. I do not consider myself a good investor. I think i under-perform SP500 when trying to make my own stock picks.
a) Being implies ones sentence (life) within (inception towards death) index "points out", hence index finger.
Same trick with prices...being implies evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable); while a price is being slapped on the outside to tempt ones evaluation within to sell out.
b) Compare (together equal) inverts "apart different". Drawing comparisons equalizes differences, which is why each jew draws suggestions to equalize differences among consenting gentiles.