De (division) feat/fait (action) + Devil aka diablo aka dia (across) + ballein (to throw)
Action divides into reactions by throwing (life) across (inception towards death).
Devil also implies DE (division) VIL (will), hence ones free will of choice in-between need/want balance, hence vilify/vilis - "cheap, base"...selling oneself out when buying into another ones suggestions by free WILL of choice.
Being implies native; one inside all; hence separated/differentiated from one another aka native/natif - "natural; inborn; innate; produced by birth"...
Help implies "support"...only motion (inception towards death) supports separation of matter (life); not matter holding onto each other aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together).
raise the vibe
Vibe/vibrare/weip - "to turn"...turning native and foreign against each other diminishes growth, hence nature setting each one apart from one another to make room for growth.
Their goal it to ruin the high vibe frequency of Earth so they can exist here. They cannot stand the sun because sunlight is high vibe too. Vampires are based on shapeshifting Reptilians who can turn into Human form.
Shapeshifting Reptilians on Earth's surface are hybrid human/reptilian groups which is why they are better able to stand sunlight but full blooded Reptilians underground can't stand it.
These demons want to be able to possess any Human at will and exercise their power on the surface but cannot do so with the Human vibe frequency being too high for them.
When Jesus died, he released the high vibe Spirit of Truth which made it impossible to involuntarily possess Humans. Therefore Reptilians decided to lower the vibe using 440hz frequency, terrorism, financial issues, poisons, DNA alterations, .. in a bid to win the frequency war.
Whales and Dolphins are psychicly connected to White Hat ETI who have been using them to increase the vibe frequency of Earth from under the Oceans but Reptilians later found out their plot and has launched some underwater attacks on them.
The only way to get near dolphins is in Sea World. They don't want us getting close to the other ones as the high vibe ETI are able to use them as a medium to do telepathy with Humans. Eventually Humans can do telepathy directly with ETI without a middle man.
If the Reptilians win, full implosion would happen in a major cataclysm. Their strategy to convince Humans they don't exist is to prevent us from defending ourselves. If we don't know the enemy is there, there is no defense.
Many ETI are extremely interested in turning this World to the light side but everything hangs on Humanity deciding to act from a higher place, cut off all low vibe making "poisons", and emit a higher frequency which would drive Reptilians off this entire planet.
Reptilians also have a perfect soul deep, deep down inside them that cannot connect to their brain because they drifted too far from it and God. Their low vibe ego would simply die if the vibes got too high. This is why they w ould run because they want their ego to live.
When the ego dies, the true self emerges from within who is basically a whole different person. Think of spiderman being engulfed by the evil Venom. That is how ego works.
The only solution to saving the World then is to lift the vibe frequency of Earth through good thoughts, words and deeds. If just 1 person does this, the entire grid worldwide improves.
Lastly the Secret Societies that have been harming Earth are all controlled by them. They run them. These Archons stem from the Lucifer rebellion which has fizzled out but we are still dealing with the remnants of it.
This is the age of good deeds. Do good deeds mostly to strangers you never met before. Give a crackhead $5. Help someone lift something heavy. Pay for someone's meal at a restaurant. Mow their lawn. Think well of everyone. Speak well of them. Good vibes nuke evil. Let's go!
PS - This is why they make their agents in Hollywood or DC or Rome do sickening stuff like eat shit or cannibalism. It is meant to lower their vibe to such a low extent that it matches the vibe of the demon who can then possess them.
High vibe stuff to counter the evil ones:
Loving thoughts, words and deeds
432 hz classical, jazz or anything from John Morrison who is the highest vibe
Silver and gold especially silver. Also colloidal silver
De (division) feat/fait (action) + Devil aka diablo aka dia (across) + ballein (to throw)
Action divides into reactions by throwing (life) across (inception towards death).
Devil also implies DE (division) VIL (will), hence ones free will of choice in-between need/want balance, hence vilify/vilis - "cheap, base"...selling oneself out when buying into another ones suggestions by free WILL of choice.
Strange/strano - "foreign, outside of", hence estrange - "separated"...
Being implies native; one inside all; hence separated/differentiated from one another aka native/natif - "natural; inborn; innate; produced by birth"...
Help implies "support"...only motion (inception towards death) supports separation of matter (life); not matter holding onto each other aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together).
Vibe/vibrare/weip - "to turn"...turning native and foreign against each other diminishes growth, hence nature setting each one apart from one another to make room for growth.
Native grows outwards; foreign restricts outwards growth...native supporting foreign destroys native.
Their goal it to ruin the high vibe frequency of Earth so they can exist here. They cannot stand the sun because sunlight is high vibe too. Vampires are based on shapeshifting Reptilians who can turn into Human form.
Shapeshifting Reptilians on Earth's surface are hybrid human/reptilian groups which is why they are better able to stand sunlight but full blooded Reptilians underground can't stand it.
These demons want to be able to possess any Human at will and exercise their power on the surface but cannot do so with the Human vibe frequency being too high for them.
When Jesus died, he released the high vibe Spirit of Truth which made it impossible to involuntarily possess Humans. Therefore Reptilians decided to lower the vibe using 440hz frequency, terrorism, financial issues, poisons, DNA alterations, .. in a bid to win the frequency war.
Whales and Dolphins are psychicly connected to White Hat ETI who have been using them to increase the vibe frequency of Earth from under the Oceans but Reptilians later found out their plot and has launched some underwater attacks on them.
The only way to get near dolphins is in Sea World. They don't want us getting close to the other ones as the high vibe ETI are able to use them as a medium to do telepathy with Humans. Eventually Humans can do telepathy directly with ETI without a middle man.
If the Reptilians win, full implosion would happen in a major cataclysm. Their strategy to convince Humans they don't exist is to prevent us from defending ourselves. If we don't know the enemy is there, there is no defense.
Many ETI are extremely interested in turning this World to the light side but everything hangs on Humanity deciding to act from a higher place, cut off all low vibe making "poisons", and emit a higher frequency which would drive Reptilians off this entire planet.
Reptilians also have a perfect soul deep, deep down inside them that cannot connect to their brain because they drifted too far from it and God. Their low vibe ego would simply die if the vibes got too high. This is why they w ould run because they want their ego to live.
When the ego dies, the true self emerges from within who is basically a whole different person. Think of spiderman being engulfed by the evil Venom. That is how ego works.
The only solution to saving the World then is to lift the vibe frequency of Earth through good thoughts, words and deeds. If just 1 person does this, the entire grid worldwide improves.
Lastly the Secret Societies that have been harming Earth are all controlled by them. They run them. These Archons stem from the Lucifer rebellion which has fizzled out but we are still dealing with the remnants of it.
This is the age of good deeds. Do good deeds mostly to strangers you never met before. Give a crackhead $5. Help someone lift something heavy. Pay for someone's meal at a restaurant. Mow their lawn. Think well of everyone. Speak well of them. Good vibes nuke evil. Let's go!
PS - This is why they make their agents in Hollywood or DC or Rome do sickening stuff like eat shit or cannibalism. It is meant to lower their vibe to such a low extent that it matches the vibe of the demon who can then possess them.
Edit. High vibe stuff to counter the evil ones:
Loving thoughts, words and deeds
432 hz classical, jazz or anything from John Morrison who is the highest vibe
Silver and gold especially silver. Also colloidal silver
Incense or rose smell
Organic fruits and veggies
Praying or blessing others or stuff
Their goal is to usher in their Nachash mashiach, the serpent from the Garden of Eden who literally is satan/lucifer himself.
Demons can manifest in all shapes and forms, not only reptilians btw.
Yes true but they can’t stand high vibe stuff. Here’s the highest vibe song currently known. Just listening to it made me feel all good inside.