He's been diagnosed with aphasia and that was announced in 2022. I never saw anything about it before that. Guess what aphasia is commonly caused by? A stroke. Guess what caused strokes en masse starting 2021? The clot shot. I personally know a couple of people who got strokes and heart attacks shortly after the shot and thousands such cases have been reported but also there's a surge in neurodegenerative diseases. Could be other reasons in Willis' case but Occam's razor tells me it was the shot. Yes, I do think celebrities got it because they are divorced from reality and basically normies.
That definitely doesn't help, but he already had some sort of degenerative brain disease before the Shanghai shivers hoax rolled out.
He's been diagnosed with aphasia and that was announced in 2022. I never saw anything about it before that. Guess what aphasia is commonly caused by? A stroke. Guess what caused strokes en masse starting 2021? The clot shot. I personally know a couple of people who got strokes and heart attacks shortly after the shot and thousands such cases have been reported but also there's a surge in neurodegenerative diseases. Could be other reasons in Willis' case but Occam's razor tells me it was the shot. Yes, I do think celebrities got it because they are divorced from reality and basically normies.
Publicly announced, yeah, but he was showing symptoms before the coof. Vax probably made what he already had worse.
Turns out, when your body is battling something, it's a bad idea to suicide your immune system, big lols.