My family left the Catholic Church a couple generations back. When I think of them, it reminds me of that skit Adam Sandler did. "The night time is the right time! The night time is the right time!" They believe their bread turns into God and they actually laugh at the rest of you during mass at the thought of you thinking God would go into your crackers. They believe God turns his nose up at that and that's why they do it to you. Couldn't be farther from God...
Unity implies being within state of separation...not the God that separates beings from one another.
In short...only within whole (unit) can there be separation (unity).
Many denotes separation from.
To denote (identify; identic; same) contradicts separation from one another. God doesn't generate many by putting together...God generates each by setting apart.
Holding onto the suggested word "God" aka a suggested denotation/identification, tempts many together, while ignoring the ongoing state of separation.
Words themselves do this as they attempt to conjoin in communion, no?
a) Word implies shaped by letter. One being tempted to LET another shape words into denotations/identifications/definitions etc. implies the already successful attempt to conjoin in communion ones consent and another ones suggestion.
b) Yes vs no reasoning can only exist after one already LET another shape words into denotations to reason about. Whatever side one chooses reconfirms the same conflict aka that which imbalances ones choice against another.
c) A word cannot do...God does sound by separating each instrumental being from one another. Words are then shaped by instrumental beings to trick many to play along few, while ignoring Gods sound.
And once again...GOD implies such a word tempting many to follow few. Holding onto the word "god" tempts one to ignore moving sound.
Oxy-moronic, like the word.....itself.
Letter into words implies a being who freely lets another being bind together.
If one uses FREE will of choice to let another choose for one, then one restricts self. One isn't free because of is FREE (choice) because of DOM (balance), hence not "because", but cause (balance) of being (choice).
This is how an oxymoron can be reverse engineered by using implication (if/then) over reason (vs)...yet, one can only do this by self, not for or from others. If you agree with my statement, then your agreement implies an oxymoron aka another contradiction to your FREE will of choice.
I chose to discuss rather than argue against with you, because you're always half right.
Discuss/discutere - "to shake apart" oppose to arguing "against" one another within a conflict of reason.
The issue..."you're always half right" implies 50/50 hindsight from within a conflict of reason (right vs wrong).
There's no "half" of God...only each partial being within whole God aka a perpetual balance of whole/partial for each partials choice within whole balance.
Choosing either "half" within a conflict of reason imbalances ones choice.
you're always
a) I can't be "always"...only one being (life) within all way (inception towards death) of God.
b) The suggested word "always" implies both pluralism (ways) and collectivism (all ways)...either of which contradicting separation from one another, and thereby the ONE and only God.
Christ (anointed one) implies each being bend (life) within change (inception towards death), hence each Christ being a vicar.
Few suggest one christ and a second in command (vicar) to tempt each one of many to ignore self by giving consent to another. Tempting consent with suggestion makes one a vicar/wicca/witch.
True believers of Christ don't give two shits what the serpent church has to say or do.
My family left the Catholic Church a couple generations back. When I think of them, it reminds me of that skit Adam Sandler did. "The night time is the right time! The night time is the right time!" They believe their bread turns into God and they actually laugh at the rest of you during mass at the thought of you thinking God would go into your crackers. They believe God turns his nose up at that and that's why they do it to you. Couldn't be farther from God...
Is there a Vice-Vicar that God communes with when the pope is busy talking to John after a long weekend?
God differs...from all into each one. Few within suggest commun-ism to tempt many together, as to equalize differences.
Each differ from God who is Unity. Hence the word 'each'.
Many denotes separation from. Words themselves do this as they attempt to conjoin in communion, no?
Oxy-moronic, like the word.....itself.
I chose to discuss rather than argue against with you, because you're always half right.
Unit; noun - "single number regarded as an undivided whole"...
God implies the dividing whole, with each one within being a divided partial of God.
Unity; noun - "the state of being one; a thing undivided itself, but separate from every other thing"...
Unity implies being within state of separation...not the God that separates beings from one another.
In short...only within whole (unit) can there be separation (unity).
To denote (identify; identic; same) contradicts separation from one another. God doesn't generate many by putting together...God generates each by setting apart.
Holding onto the suggested word "God" aka a suggested denotation/identification, tempts many together, while ignoring the ongoing state of separation.
a) Word implies shaped by letter. One being tempted to LET another shape words into denotations/identifications/definitions etc. implies the already successful attempt to conjoin in communion ones consent and another ones suggestion.
b) Yes vs no reasoning can only exist after one already LET another shape words into denotations to reason about. Whatever side one chooses reconfirms the same conflict aka that which imbalances ones choice against another.
c) A word cannot do...God does sound by separating each instrumental being from one another. Words are then shaped by instrumental beings to trick many to play along few, while ignoring Gods sound.
And once again...GOD implies such a word tempting many to follow few. Holding onto the word "god" tempts one to ignore moving sound.
Letter into words implies a being who freely lets another being bind together.
If one uses FREE will of choice to let another choose for one, then one restricts self. One isn't free because of is FREE (choice) because of DOM (balance), hence not "because", but cause (balance) of being (choice).
This is how an oxymoron can be reverse engineered by using implication (if/then) over reason (vs)...yet, one can only do this by self, not for or from others. If you agree with my statement, then your agreement implies an oxymoron aka another contradiction to your FREE will of choice.
Discuss/discutere - "to shake apart" oppose to arguing "against" one another within a conflict of reason.
The issue..."you're always half right" implies 50/50 hindsight from within a conflict of reason (right vs wrong).
There's no "half" of God...only each partial being within whole God aka a perpetual balance of whole/partial for each partials choice within whole balance.
Choosing either "half" within a conflict of reason imbalances ones choice.
a) I can't be "always"...only one being (life) within all way (inception towards death) of God.
b) The suggested word "always" implies both pluralism (ways) and collectivism (all ways)...either of which contradicting separation from one another, and thereby the ONE and only God.
Vicar; from vicis (interchange) and weik (to bend)...
Christ (anointed one) implies each being bend (life) within change (inception towards death), hence each Christ being a vicar.
Few suggest one christ and a second in command (vicar) to tempt each one of many to ignore self by giving consent to another. Tempting consent with suggestion makes one a vicar/wicca/witch.
The Italians have a saying "fat pope, skinny pope."
Popes come and go, and Francis is a bad one, if not an anti-pope, but for 2,000 years the Church has endured and will to the end of the age.