Yesterday, I stopped at a stop sign at a quiet residential intersection on a lazy afternoon when there was no other traffic about. It being close to the winter solstice, it was dim but not really dark.
After looking right, then left, and seeing it was clear, I was about to go and turn left when the thought popped into my head that I should check right again. I did, and flying down the street comes a black guy in a black hat wearing navy blue clothes on one of those mini-motorbikes without a headlight. He blended right in. He was either near impossible to see the first time I looked right, or must have rounded a nearby corner or come down from the gently slopping hill at such a high rate of speed he wasn't there at my first glace right. He wasn't there at my first glance right, I swear on it. This all took place inside 2 seconds.
I waited until he whipped past, and he stared at me as I dashed by, somewhat surprised that I almost went and hit his careless ass, a look of almost anger was on his face.
I have no accounting for where this internal voice came from. But what it did save me from was seriously injuring or even killing a stupid but otherwise innocent man.
Ever have anything like that happen to you? You listen to a voice in your head tell you to do something, something that you COULD NOT have known rationally would make sense. You listen, and good comes of it. I'm not talking about your conscience telling you not to lie or steal, but some other gift of natural prophecy or divine warning.
Even hardcore skeptics have surely had this happen to them.
It's not 'synchronicity' in the sense you mean it imo.
Our animal senses are way more advanced than we would think and are always activated. They perceive much better than our conscious can and redirect it as needed.
Your animal senses for instance may have picked up some reflection, a slight change in windspeed typical of an object moving your direction.
Even without a physical tell i think we do have 'astral' receptors for dangers too if we are internally clean. But in most cases i think physical sense fully explain this sort of thing.
Our conscious perception is maybe a 10% of our subconscious if even.
ANIMA-ted senses, hence being able to sense moving input.
Con (together; with) contradicts sious/scire - "to know; to perceive". Why? Because all perceivable sets each ones perception apart from one another, which only then allows awareness of each other aka sensing moving differences.