All is always open when a pike is shoved anus through intestines through stomach through esophagus through pie hole. The pope will answer for his heresy
a) Shove - "push along by direct, continuous strength; attempt to move by pushing"...if life chooses to shove, while being moved from inception towards death, then life dies faster. Shoving others towards death implies the one shoving to also aiming at death, hence falling for a temptation instead of sustaining life by resisting temptation.
b) All allows each ones mind to be open, while aiming a pike at another one, focuses ones mind onto a target, hence closing ones mind off from all.
No matter how many pikes one used to impale can never reach the target. Why? Because closing ones mind to a target draws more targets from all, as in...nature generates what each being wills within aka "ask and ye shall receive".
The pope will answer for his heresy
Ones consent to suggested THE-ism tempts one to call another father (pope), hence committing HEAR-SAY (here-sy).
When a demon possessed man is impaled, a portal at the base of the pike opens into which the man's forbidden soul slowly descends. To slowly descend into the abyss is all the more horrifying. Horrifying like the pope's statue he thrones before at Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall Physical proof the fraud pope postures and sits on throne before a demonic serpent being
All is always open when a pike is shoved anus through intestines through stomach through esophagus through pie hole. The pope will answer for his heresy
a) Shove - "push along by direct, continuous strength; attempt to move by pushing"...if life chooses to shove, while being moved from inception towards death, then life dies faster. Shoving others towards death implies the one shoving to also aiming at death, hence falling for a temptation instead of sustaining life by resisting temptation.
b) All allows each ones mind to be open, while aiming a pike at another one, focuses ones mind onto a target, hence closing ones mind off from all.
No matter how many pikes one used to impale can never reach the target. Why? Because closing ones mind to a target draws more targets from all, as in...nature generates what each being wills within aka "ask and ye shall receive".
Ones consent to suggested THE-ism tempts one to call another father (pope), hence committing HEAR-SAY (here-sy).
Sleight of hand by Danzig...
When a demon possessed man is impaled, a portal at the base of the pike opens into which the man's forbidden soul slowly descends. To slowly descend into the abyss is all the more horrifying. Horrifying like the pope's statue he thrones before at Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall Physical proof the fraud pope postures and sits on throne before a demonic serpent being