Folks, it is getting very obvious that Trump's agenda is free-wheeling simply because he has no re-election worry. From chem-trails, plastic recycling, and the Kennedy assassination, we are entering a new era of Truth and Reconciliation - and by reconciliation, I mean pulling the blanket off the deep State and proving that people like you were right and showing the lies of the past 50+ years. It's all fake, from COVID-19 to global warming and all the fabricated history designed to enrich the lives of the political class.
Trump is going to tear it all down from within.
Who's to blame for that? Trump? You can't expect cultural change to happen overnight. I know that making abortion illegal is a step in the right direction. There is no hope for the US because it has long been a country that idolizes "muh freedums" over universal truth and duties and that applies to both ends of the fake dialectical spectrum. It's a liberal society that serves Mammon (the free market, debt, greed and consumerism). It's inevitable that such a society will debase itself over time with a philosophy like that. Women will eat the jew birth control pills and procure abrotions because the free market meets the engineered demand created by indoctrinating them through culture and education into marxism and sexual liberation.
But who let things devolve into this? It's not single politician's fault - it's the fault of each and everyone of us who was weak, cowardly, deceived and spiritually deficient. What we see today is thanks to the failings of our forefathers. Let our children inherit a better world.
Abortion is only banned in 13 out of 50 states. You're still losing.
Jews. The people who own Trump. c/TheZOGnald
Whatever. It's a matter of principle - does abortion ought to be illegal or not?
Wrong. Jews were behind this, it was the people who let them do this. Are a few hundred wealthy jews more powerful than the people of the world and if they are now, who let things turn that way? No, people were weakened by their own sin and failed at their duty to protect their community and that's how the jews took over.
When they have monopoly power to print fiat fake currency with no gold reserves, yes.
Why didn't you answered the other part - who's at fault for jews sitting at the top of the world and enslaving it with debt and degeneracy? Who handed them the keys to the world kingdoms? Assume responsibility otherwise you're no better than the perpetual victims themselves.