It still determined and uses an algorithm to do so.
If you still think that computer programs are 'algorithms' , then you know virtually nothing about programming over the last 30 or more years. Start with event driven code and go from there.
Dude, I don't have to be a programmer to know it's still a very complex algorithm at its core even if it's triggered by events, "learns" from dbs, codes itself or communicates with other agents. It operates based on inputs and outputs just like any mechanism there is. Only consciousness supersedes that because of free will. So it's either an algo or a free will agent, and it's not the latter.
No counter or explanation given? What was the point of your comment exactly?
It would be better if tech nerds learned a bit of philosophy and learn what consciousness, information and intelligence is before making "artificial intelligence".
To express mild surprise at your/the world's lack of understanding about (what is to me quotidian) programming and computer .. stuff. "tHeY'Re jUSt aN aLGoRitHM".
You have no reason to believe this, and it is true:
This GPT "AI" product/revolution will inform the next 400 years. Think Jethro Tull and the steel-tipped plough , and add it the thousands of additonal magical components now (2024) available.
It won't be centralized, as todays run-on-your-own-GPU are as powerful as the corporate GPTs/LLMs from 12 months earlier.....
... but complete tracking, interpretation ... all understanding is now available to whoever has the information input.
Even if they, the GPTs LLMs did not advance any more, all improvement stopped, they are still everything. They are writing poetry better liked (by non-experts) than proper poets, they write code better than I will ever be able to, are almost free (fractions of a single cent), they bet the best human Go player by only practicing against themself(es) .... millions of times
You will be happy to know that as soon as I get to it, to the task, I will:
RSS / webpage scraping / API ...
... to read voat, poal
use an LLM to extract the information from the articles (I get little, if anything, from the comments)
and just read the summaries
in a few years, there will be millions. (well, RSS readers are already a bit like this)
If you still think that computer programs are 'algorithms' , then you know virtually nothing about programming over the last 30 or more years. Start with event driven code and go from there.
Dude, I don't have to be a programmer to know it's still a very complex algorithm at its core even if it's triggered by events, "learns" from dbs, codes itself or communicates with other agents. It operates based on inputs and outputs just like any mechanism there is. Only consciousness supersedes that because of free will. So it's either an algo or a free will agent, and it's not the latter.
No. Not even close to being close. Ha! Jesus fucking christ
I guess I just take it for granted that "people" have a clue about what is going on with programming and GPTs. You do not.
No counter or explanation given? What was the point of your comment exactly?
It would be better if tech nerds learned a bit of philosophy and learn what consciousness, information and intelligence is before making "artificial intelligence".
To express mild surprise at your/the world's lack of understanding about (what is to me quotidian) programming and computer .. stuff. "tHeY'Re jUSt aN aLGoRitHM".
You have no reason to believe this, and it is true:
You will be happy to know that as soon as I get to it, to the task, I will:
in a few years, there will be millions. (well, RSS readers are already a bit like this)