- A panel of judges ruled that a law forcing the sale or ban of TikTok in the US is constitutional.
- The panel heard arguments about national security and the First Amendment.
- The case is likely to be appealed to the Supreme Court. Once in office, Trump may also intervene.
I actually don't care for a tiktok ban (sue me), but it's hilarious to read about how China is a threat when Israel controls our government and jews control our media, banks, etc.
Pure pipedream and Qtarded but, if it his goes through, we now have grounds to ban everything Israeli in our country. I don't expect it to happen (duh), but I think it should open up a national conversation.
China and the Jews as a threat, I say, why not both?
chinese food is garbage
jews far more, the tip of my penis is missing.
TheDonald removed down votes. LOL extremely homo
They want to ban it cause they can't censor it as easily as gov run platforms like meta and twatter...
I've seen great posts on tik tok that would never make it to light on Instagram
For the headline readers. China has a government office in all companies in China. That means any company saying they don't share data with China isn't exactly lying, they just don't have to share. That's why your iPhones are being made in India now. Too many companies won't let iPhones past security lines. It started hurting the bottom line.
The reason tiktok would rather close then sell is the twitter files. What happened when Elon bought Twitter? Elon owned all their manipulation materials Twitter was doing to censor us. Tiktok just saw it happen with X. Of course they'd rather close then be forced to sell. But, America is tired of China owning too much of America, tiktok being invasive spyware that China legislated their kids can't use more than short amounts of time was the last straw. They fucking know its designed to do harm.
TikTok if 5th gen warfare, classic Yuri commie infiltration, but 21st century style.
Unless the video is embedded somewhere I won't even click the links. Now theyre designed to install the app rather then play the video. I'm not doing it.