I dont know if Matt Gaetz is a pedophile or not. It's important to note the context of the allegations: Matt Gaetz's friend Joel Greenberg (Jewish) was the connection between Matt and the alleged sex with a minor.
Why was this not pursued further? Probably because Greenberg acted as an Epstein-like Mossad operative to honeypot American politicians and once you start getting close to Mossad / sex-trafficking / honeypots the trail abruptly ends.
These are allegations that have not led to civil or criminal prosecution hence "I don't know if he is a pedophile" because these allegations have NOT been proven true in a court of law. I'm clearly aware of the definition of pedophilia - are you aware of the difference between allegations and criminal prosecution?
I DO know his (Jewish) accomplice Joel Greenberg DID go to jail for sex trafficking minors so I KNOW Joel Greenberg is a pedophile. It's odd that the US has two (Jewish) individuals (Epstein, Greenberg) running sex-trafficking rings for US politicians - what are the coincidences? So odd.
Now we do know Israeli was caught installing cellphone towers around the white house / DC. (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/12/israel-planted-spying-devices-near-white-house-says-report) so Israel has a history of spying on US politicians. So you have the Israeli government spying on politicians and (Jews) running sex-tracking for US politicians - suddenly a picture of control/entrapment begins to emerge.
I dont know if Matt Gaetz is a pedophile or not. It's important to note the context of the allegations: Matt Gaetz's friend Joel Greenberg (Jewish) was the connection between Matt and the alleged sex with a minor.
Why was this not pursued further? Probably because Greenberg acted as an Epstein-like Mossad operative to honeypot American politicians and once you start getting close to Mossad / sex-trafficking / honeypots the trail abruptly ends.
So, blackmail attempt?
Legal definition of child in most states is a person under the age of majority. That´s under 18.
Definition of pedophile is an adult who has sex or wants to have sex with children.
So now that I have educated you, what´s an adult man who has sex with a 17 year old?
These are allegations that have not led to civil or criminal prosecution hence "I don't know if he is a pedophile" because these allegations have NOT been proven true in a court of law. I'm clearly aware of the definition of pedophilia - are you aware of the difference between allegations and criminal prosecution?
I DO know his (Jewish) accomplice Joel Greenberg DID go to jail for sex trafficking minors so I KNOW Joel Greenberg is a pedophile. It's odd that the US has two (Jewish) individuals (Epstein, Greenberg) running sex-trafficking rings for US politicians - what are the coincidences? So odd.
Now we do know Israeli was caught installing cellphone towers around the white house / DC. (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/12/israel-planted-spying-devices-near-white-house-says-report) so Israel has a history of spying on US politicians. So you have the Israeli government spying on politicians and (Jews) running sex-tracking for US politicians - suddenly a picture of control/entrapment begins to emerge.
If Gaetz had sex with that 17 year old, does that make him a pedo as per the legal definition or not?
The legal definition can change tomorrow and require you to consider children 28y old guys if it so rules.
So you'd refuse to prosecute someone for a crime because laws can change?
I'm not a prosecutor, and i can follow laws while finding them as clownish as your clownish assumed implications.