Psychology had to be a science studying behaviour and mind of living beings.
There is a separate part of it studying specifically human behaviour and mind.
However, there is absolutely no any definition of how exactly human behaviour and mind different from non-human ones and how to separate one from another.
So, psychology can't even give an answer to the very basic question that obviously should precede any further study - is some person mind and behaviour human or non-human?
Psychology could have been very useful instrument to detect those with non-human behaviour and mind among us with scientific precision, but it was purposedly turned into pseudoscience bullshit to not even allow that question.
It always was. It was founded on the ridiculous pathological ideas of the jew Sigmund Fraud. It presupposes nihilism, atheism, naturalism and evolutionism as a starting point.
It was hijacked by Freud crowd. There was different approaches in studying human mind and behaviour at the beginning, but Freud crowd "cancelled" them at the time.
Who knows how psychology would have been developed if it wasn't turned into current crap.
Serious science that study human mind is necessary, but of course Freud bullshit have nothing to do with it.
Yes, I'm sure they subverted it because psychology was always a thing. The paradigm was different though. As a Christian I'd say the Church has the proper knowledge of the human mind and soul and authors who grounded their philosophy in it like Dostoyevsky were the best psychologists.
But modern jewed up psychology is mostly concerned with trauma induced mind control, hypnosis, manipulation and social engineering. It's satanic in nature because it's goal is the control of the free will and suppression of rational thinking and behavior which ultimately leads to truth, the good and the affirmation of life and existence - it leads to God.
Yes, Christian Church is definitely much closer to psychology even scientifically than that modern "psychology science". And have much longer expertise in that field.
Exactly. Also modern psychology is trying to replace Church in the field of resolving soul problems, not with repentance and learning the lesson, but with acceptance and self-forgiveness with all consequences.
Shrinks are modern-day priests of the secular materialist cult. Just think about it - people go to shrinks and share all their secrets, sins and thoughts. But shrinks are all too human and don't have connection to the transcendental - they are just geeks with a degree who charge by the minute. The whole thing emulates the holy mystery of confession but in a worldly manner.
Not just geeks - they passed a specific rithual of receiving psychologist diploma. :)
You are right about psychology as a replacement for religious practices.
Interesting, that unlike psychology, Church distiguished human and non-human mind. Priests have some procedure to distinct between posessed and bliss f.e. One is non-human and other is human. So, one needs exorcism to get rid of non-human mind, other need mercy and charity. Psychologist will account both just as diverse human.
Yes, that's an important distinction. Psychology is based on humanism - the subjective human mind (more like brain and senses, because there's no mind/brain distinction in the naturalist view) is at the center of everything. They can't distinguish between a limited subjective human mind, that is made in the image of God, and the universal omniscient mind of God that grounds all knowledge and that is ultimately what our minds correspond to and appeal to when making absolute truth statements about reality (like 2+2=4, laws of logic, laws of physics or "all x are y" propositions).
The scientismo crowd has no grasp of serious philosophy (including philosophy of science) and how their lack of such a universal quantifier ultimately makes all knowledge impossible, leading to epistemological nihilism.
It's always has serious and non serious practitioners. The problem is that it is more lucrative than other disciplines for the non serious and they're drawn to it for this reason
I haven't written it up yet, but I stumbled into the time just before the turn of the 20th Century where the same old Spook Families invented and thus took control of both psychology and (surprisingly or maybe not) parapsychology. I think of them as the "Boston Psy Crew":
Morton Henry Prince
G. Stanley Hall
Society for Psychical Research
William James
Charles Sanders Peirce
Benjamin Peirce
Frederick O. Prince
Frederick H. Prince
Rev. Dr. Walter Franklin Prince
Joseph Banks Rhine
Dr. James Jackson Putnam
That's just what I have in my notes. So if anyone is wondering why both psychology and parapsychology are dumb and wrong and never went anywhere, now you have your answer as to why. "They" saw the advantage long, long ago and took appropriate action.
That's performative contradiction. You just destroyed all possibility of knowledge.
What do you mean by "we forgot it"? The historical accounts got destroyed? I don't see a good reason to believe in that. I mean some knowledge inevitably got destroyed and lost but I don't think knowledge is the problem but rather its interpretation and evaluation which is done by people and institutions. We supposedly have more knowledge now than any time in known history and yet look how things are going. Man's problem is moral, not rational (by moral I mean having knowledge of the truth and the good and still rejecting it for falsehood and evil; or constantly choosing and worshipping death and nihilism over life and purpose).
Christianity has all the answers on the human condition - man was created in God's image (perfectly good) but fell away from God because he chose to follow Satan who seduced him with lies that man can become "like god" himself if he defied his loving creator. That's how evil and death entered the world and the only way to mend this, to return to Eden and gain back eternal life is to get reunited with God (theosis), because God is the source of the uncreated light, truth, the good and life.
As you can see, all this knowledge is safely kept within the Church and remains unchanged for thousands of years. People have known this and even if they are not well versed in Christian theology have that knowledge in their hearts. And still people jump through hoops not to believe in it, mostly out of pride and rebelliousness (just like Adam). That's how one gets deceived to act against their own interest and against their creator. I was exactly like that too when I was younger.
Exactly, that's why a materialist approach to psychology doesn't work. You can't appeal to nature (hardware) to show you what the software (mind, soul) is. This is most evident in the field of ethics - looking at nature can't tell you what's right or wrong - it just is. Only a evaluation by a mind that has conception of morality can do that and concepts are not found in the material world or subject to empirical observation.
That was the first question psychology had to answer before doing any further research. But it never did.
F.e. you can't study alternating current without defining what AC is and what it is not and how it is different from DC or static charge. It is basics of science - to properly define object of study.
A simulation? Where would the server be? Is it real? What of the data inside? Server real, data fake?
No answers found in that theory so far.
Agree on the rest, although sadism is practiced by animals on those other animals not bound by the same moral law (a cat and mouse have 2 different sets of moral law for each other's kin, for example, and it's 'good' for the cat to use the mouse as target practice)