In 1994, if you had said that CNN and cable news would be upstaged and made mostly irrelevant by an alternate form of "talk radio" called podcasts (which didn't exist in 1995), people would call you a fool. Yet here we are in 2024.
In 1994 there are a dozen plus other things that if you compare then to now, show a "sea change". There are plenty. Name a few in your head, even if you don't reply.
The people who say "nothing ever happens" don't have the level of self refection to realize that something is ALWAYS happening. They are unable to alter there perspective. What they learned in 1994 must remain true in 2024 or it puts their very concept of "self" at risk. This is why scientific progress happens one funeral at a time.
Now we see tallest ski and free will of choice are of the same ilk
If you have nothing to say, don’t bother posting in the first place. Particularly if you can’t even read.