We all know it. No non-Jew would have ever won that case! The implication is that if face masks are ever imposed again Jews will be exempt. Anyone wanting to avoid future masks on an airplane can skip showers for couple of months and dress up like a hasidic Jew.
The next item is the well-known plague doctor mask, which was bird-like in shape, and had a long beak. According to one source, people once believed that the plague was spread by birds. Therefore, the use of such a mask may have stemmed from the belief that the disease could be removed from a patient by transferring it to the garment. The mask also had a utilitarian function, as the beak was packed with strong, pleasant smelling substances, such as ambergris, mint, or rose petals. These were meant to ward the disease away because people believed miasma (“bad air”) spread the disease. Obviously, we know more about germs today and that this effort would not have been effective.
I know some people dont believe in bacteria and germs tho. Shrugs.
I do think its funny that I cant even get recognition for my work injury but these people have no problem getting legal retribution on anyone who even slights them.
However, I will once again say, you cant judge an entire people just by a few of their race. If that was the case, than us white people really are all imperial corrupt pieces of shit.
Being a Jew is so intertwined with their "race" AND their "religion" than you can be a Jew based on either. If you're parents are Jews, you're a Jew. If you convert to the faith, you're a Jew.
Deceit is woven into every aspect of the faith - so if you follow the faith you CAN be judged.
Not really sure why you're making this about white people being corrupt pieces of shit... You a self hating liberal at heart?
Maybe a suggested search engine only tricks one to find something, while tempting one to ignore that everything perceivable is the foundation for ones perception?
The suggested explanations you looked for imply "consenus"...not ones perceiving senses. While you are trying to join a consensus with others, nature sets all perceivable and each ones perception apart from one another, so that senses can perceive moving differences.
A jew utilizes suggested information to tempt consent from each gentile, while shaping mass consensus out of it aka collectivization aka herding cattle.
Nature doesn't give explanations...nature implies plane of action for expressions within. One has to discern self as expression (life) within the plane (inception towards death) of all action.
Seeking an explanations implies looking towards outcomes..being ex within plane of ation implies adaption to origin. That's how one suggested word (explanation) can distract from all perceivable (ex-plan-ation)...if one consents to it.
I cant even get recognition
Wanting from another makes one uneven. Being implies odd (choice) within even (balance)...inclining towards another imbalances self.
Re-cogn-tion implies ones response to knowledge of action...which seeking recognition from others inverts.
these people have no problem getting legal retribution on anyone who even slights them.
Because natural law moves forwards, while suggested laws (legal) tempt those who believe to hold onto them, for which natural law demands payback aka retribution.
A jew sets up the legal system to distract gentiles from natural law...which when ignored forces retribution upon gentiles, which a jew exploits.
It's not that hard to discern this for self...while almost impossible to explain to others.
you cant judge an entire people just by a few of their race
a) A people cannot be entire...people implies an accumulation of partials within whole. Only nature implies entire...not the shit we slap together within.
In other words...every moment(um) a jew is born and a jew dies, so there can never be an entire jewish people within the momentum of motion. YET...a gentiles can be tricked to believe that an accumulation represents an entirety.
An example for such a trick...a puzzle. One cannot put a puzzle together into its entirety, because each part was cut apart from one another, so there will always be a "space" in-between partials. A gentile willingly ignores that the entire picture was on the box, and that the pieces within can never achieve the clarity thereof.
That's an allegory for nature...suggestion can never achieve the clarity of perception.
b) Race/raddix/radius/ray....not something one joins, but that which sets one apart from others. A jew suggests race-ism to tempt consenting gentiles together and thereby against each other...no matter which side they choose to join.
us white people
a) Nature sets units apart from one another... a jew suggests United States (US) to tempt gentiles together.
b) Light sets rays apart from one another within a visible spectrum aka in-between white (pure light) and black (absence of light). A jew suggests the masonic checkerboard to tempt gentiles to choose white or black, while ignoring the visible spectrum of light aka the very rainbow a jew suggests for equality through diversity.
c) Being implies person aka by (per) sound (sonos)...a jew suggests for example "we the people" and "e pluribus unum" (out of many; one) to tempt gentiles together.
Each person implies resonance within sound; any accumulation into people implies dissonance within sound, hence each jew representing a chosen ONE.
corrupt pieces of shit
Shit aside...a piece implies a corruption (life) within whole (inception towards death), which is why life has to struggle within the process of dying to sustain itself.
you can't judge
All perceivable implies "value of justice"; each ones perception implies "evaluation by judge"...judging each other with suggestions tempts one to ignore justice, hence establishing injustice for one another.
Perception is the judge; perceivable the executioner, and suggestions the jury trying to trick the judge with offense vs defense (reason) into giving a mistrial (consent).
Being implies as judge of ones life, while being executed by the ongoing process of dying. Consenting to others implies that one didn't even TRY to sustain self, which is ones TRIAL within nature.
A jew suggests Judge Dredd to tempt gentiles to "fear judging" self...by letting others pass the judgement.
We all know it. No non-Jew would have ever won that case! The implication is that if face masks are ever imposed again Jews will be exempt. Anyone wanting to avoid future masks on an airplane can skip showers for couple of months and dress up like a hasidic Jew.
the article missing the fact that they couldn't wear masks because of their gargantuan noses
What do you think the plague doctor is based upon... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plague_doctor#/media/File:Paul_F%C3%BCrst
Black plaque and dark ages aka a jew casting ignorance upon gentile discernment within light, hence mask/mascara - "to blacken; darken".
Lool. I had to look this up. Even yandex not having any hits on this one. It kinda looks like you just made it up.
Best explanation I could find that makes sense is this one.
I know some people dont believe in bacteria and germs tho. Shrugs.
I do think its funny that I cant even get recognition for my work injury but these people have no problem getting legal retribution on anyone who even slights them.
However, I will once again say, you cant judge an entire people just by a few of their race. If that was the case, than us white people really are all imperial corrupt pieces of shit.
I'm not really understanding your point...
Being a Jew is so intertwined with their "race" AND their "religion" than you can be a Jew based on either. If you're parents are Jews, you're a Jew. If you convert to the faith, you're a Jew.
Deceit is woven into every aspect of the faith - so if you follow the faith you CAN be judged.
Not really sure why you're making this about white people being corrupt pieces of shit... You a self hating liberal at heart?
Engine/engin - "trick, deceit, stratagem; war machine"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/engine
Maybe a suggested search engine only tricks one to find something, while tempting one to ignore that everything perceivable is the foundation for ones perception?
Like how the jew Maksymilian Faktorowicz (Max Factor) made up "make up"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Factor_Sr.
...as if there's another source for ones perception than all perceivable.
Knowledge implies perception, belief implies suggestion...consenting to latter tempts one to ignore former.
Knowledge implies naturally inherent...believing implies artificially extrinsic.
The suggested explanations you looked for imply "consenus"...not ones perceiving senses. While you are trying to join a consensus with others, nature sets all perceivable and each ones perception apart from one another, so that senses can perceive moving differences.
A jew utilizes suggested information to tempt consent from each gentile, while shaping mass consensus out of it aka collectivization aka herding cattle.
Nature doesn't give explanations...nature implies plane of action for expressions within. One has to discern self as expression (life) within the plane (inception towards death) of all action.
Seeking an explanations implies looking towards outcomes..being ex within plane of ation implies adaption to origin. That's how one suggested word (explanation) can distract from all perceivable (ex-plan-ation)...if one consents to it.
Wanting from another makes one uneven. Being implies odd (choice) within even (balance)...inclining towards another imbalances self.
Re-cogn-tion implies ones response to knowledge of action...which seeking recognition from others inverts.
Because natural law moves forwards, while suggested laws (legal) tempt those who believe to hold onto them, for which natural law demands payback aka retribution.
A jew sets up the legal system to distract gentiles from natural law...which when ignored forces retribution upon gentiles, which a jew exploits.
It's not that hard to discern this for self...while almost impossible to explain to others.
a) A people cannot be entire...people implies an accumulation of partials within whole. Only nature implies entire...not the shit we slap together within.
In other words...every moment(um) a jew is born and a jew dies, so there can never be an entire jewish people within the momentum of motion. YET...a gentiles can be tricked to believe that an accumulation represents an entirety.
An example for such a trick...a puzzle. One cannot put a puzzle together into its entirety, because each part was cut apart from one another, so there will always be a "space" in-between partials. A gentile willingly ignores that the entire picture was on the box, and that the pieces within can never achieve the clarity thereof.
That's an allegory for nature...suggestion can never achieve the clarity of perception.
b) Race/raddix/radius/ray....not something one joins, but that which sets one apart from others. A jew suggests race-ism to tempt consenting gentiles together and thereby against each other...no matter which side they choose to join.
a) Nature sets units apart from one another... a jew suggests United States (US) to tempt gentiles together.
b) Light sets rays apart from one another within a visible spectrum aka in-between white (pure light) and black (absence of light). A jew suggests the masonic checkerboard to tempt gentiles to choose white or black, while ignoring the visible spectrum of light aka the very rainbow a jew suggests for equality through diversity.
c) Being implies person aka by (per) sound (sonos)...a jew suggests for example "we the people" and "e pluribus unum" (out of many; one) to tempt gentiles together.
Each person implies resonance within sound; any accumulation into people implies dissonance within sound, hence each jew representing a chosen ONE.
Shit aside...a piece implies a corruption (life) within whole (inception towards death), which is why life has to struggle within the process of dying to sustain itself.
All perceivable implies "value of justice"; each ones perception implies "evaluation by judge"...judging each other with suggestions tempts one to ignore justice, hence establishing injustice for one another.
Perception is the judge; perceivable the executioner, and suggestions the jury trying to trick the judge with offense vs defense (reason) into giving a mistrial (consent).
Being implies as judge of ones life, while being executed by the ongoing process of dying. Consenting to others implies that one didn't even TRY to sustain self, which is ones TRIAL within nature.
A jew suggests Judge Dredd to tempt gentiles to "fear judging" self...by letting others pass the judgement.