posted ago by NumbaZero ago by NumbaZero +11 / -2

I mean shiiiiiiiiiiite.... Across all media, she's already the defacto Queen of the US, even on the critical side, it's effectively framed this way.

I mean, were talking a candidate sooo awful that she was the first to drop out of the 2020 primary with like .5% support and got paired with fuggin' Brandon, because she was the only candidate horrible enough to make him look better... And we all know her past.

All memory-holed.

Orange man's assassination attempt, also all memory-holed now in the MSM, but for the ones still following, that yarn is being spun into "Oprah's Space Lasers" territory.

I mean, I shouldn't be surprised... They can make 90% of the population poison themselves... but damn... You have to respect game. 😬