"Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." In this case it was an action serving as a parable. There's a lesson about fruitfulness and the importance thereof in that event, but you're missing it.
Nice example of "seeing, but see not" right there. It's irrelevant if the described action was literal or metaphorical, the important part is the lesson in the action.
"Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." In this case it was an action serving as a parable. There's a lesson about fruitfulness and the importance thereof in that event, but you're missing it.
This isn't Jesus telling a parable. It's a description of an event involving Jesus.
Whoosh. I'll try explaining again. The action taken held a lesson in it, like how a parable does.
So, did the event happen as described in the section or did it not?
Nice example of "seeing, but see not" right there. It's irrelevant if the described action was literal or metaphorical, the important part is the lesson in the action.