I don't know if you are asking this in earnest or if you have ulterior motives.
Get rid of all of your above four AND make sure Jews don't replace them with their own duplicates, and you bet some true national figures will take their place and THAT's EXACTLY why they keep them.
In the real world you have to accept what's best. Sure, they'd prefer they don't have to peddle ANY conspiracy info but if they have to it better come from them.
It's all about monopoly, monopolizing both sides so they can keep control.
I didn't say you are. I just said it could be both. And you have to excuse me for that and not take it personal. I do not know you and this is an anonymous forum.
I have been long enough in conspiracy circles to see how common shills are. And you would be surprised how subtle their manipulative messages are. Everyone here, including you should consider the real possibility that there are shills around. Spewing what on the surface looks harmless but which is indeed following an agenda.
According to you anyone criticizing the "alt-right" pantheon is a sperg?
I don't need to be one to notice Elon is a zionist DARPA darling, planting chips in human brains. Trump is a zionist and vaxx shill, owned by the bankers who finance his business. Rogan is a gatekeeper of what is acceptable to entertain as a "conspiracy theorist" according to normies. AJ I like the most of the bunch despite his constant fear porn and over-the-top manner but he still can't touch certain topics because of the controllers.
The "exposé autistic nerds" have to go after these people because of people like you who are apparently more easily swayed by emotion than observation, so they want to pile on the evidence to show the deception occurring.
The fact you can't even consider the possibility of those guys being bad because they sometimes say things you agree with is why these "exposé autistic nerds" feel the need to do what they do. Elon Musk is the face of the technocratic initiative, brain chipping people, world blanketing inescapable Internet, and has said IN HIS OWN WORDS he envisions "X" as a Chinese-style everything app. The reason "exposé autistic nerds" heap on this evidence is because people like yourself can't see how this is an issue because Elon tweets things about voter fraud. The hope is to help people see the truth and avoid them being led astray by false shepherds.
Since you have a problem, what would you rather they investigate instead?
You're implying you need these people to not be a blind sheep, that means you're still a blind sheep. That's exactly why you have these people swallowing up the counter culture movements. And if you read the SPARS and Operation Lockstep documents you'd know the end result of a preplanned pandemic scenario is loss of faith in institutions while the "elites" look to install new systems. Definitely need people to shepherd those disillusioned by the systems for that otherwise they might make their own solutions. Since you can't see that yourself this video may have actually helped you but you leap to the defense of men you'll never know and who don't give a shit about you, you yourself proving why these shepherd figures are useful.
Tons of people were against the pharmaceutical industry from the beginning of the COVID sham, why do you think Joe Rogan, who was comparatively late to the party, became the "face of pharmaceutical liberty"? Why do you think he was being blasted out on all the media outlets? Though from the way you speak you may believe no one could be against these things without the guidance of a savior figure in which case having someone to shepherd those people might make no sense to you and so you MUST believe it's organic because no one could be against this stuff without Joe Rogan. Still I want to know what you think beyond my assumptions based on what you just wrote. So I'll ask again, why do you think the media was so invested in blasting out Rogan AS that so-called face?
Or maybe you'll dodge these actual questions like you dodged my other question. This is why people think you're disingenuous
I don't know if you are asking this in earnest or if you have ulterior motives.
Get rid of all of your above four AND make sure Jews don't replace them with their own duplicates, and you bet some true national figures will take their place and THAT's EXACTLY why they keep them.
In the real world you have to accept what's best. Sure, they'd prefer they don't have to peddle ANY conspiracy info but if they have to it better come from them.
It's all about monopoly, monopolizing both sides so they can keep control.
It became painfully obvious during the coof and the controlled opposition figures like Malone.
It's controlled opposition. Limited hangouts.
I didn't say you are. I just said it could be both. And you have to excuse me for that and not take it personal. I do not know you and this is an anonymous forum.
I have been long enough in conspiracy circles to see how common shills are. And you would be surprised how subtle their manipulative messages are. Everyone here, including you should consider the real possibility that there are shills around. Spewing what on the surface looks harmless but which is indeed following an agenda.
The video proves their ties to the Pentagon and Marxist subversives. Rogan is literally funded by the Rothschilds.
According to you anyone criticizing the "alt-right" pantheon is a sperg?
I don't need to be one to notice Elon is a zionist DARPA darling, planting chips in human brains. Trump is a zionist and vaxx shill, owned by the bankers who finance his business. Rogan is a gatekeeper of what is acceptable to entertain as a "conspiracy theorist" according to normies. AJ I like the most of the bunch despite his constant fear porn and over-the-top manner but he still can't touch certain topics because of the controllers.
Not exactly, that's why I put it in quotes. But of course you chose to nitpick terminology instead of engaging with the actual arguments.
Elon = Jew, has the same goals as the WEF
Trump = Shabbos Goy, his dad donated the land for their sin-agoge in NY and his brother Fred went to a jewish fraternity
Rogan = Funded by MAPS which is funded by the (((Rothschilds))), pushes corporate globo homo and normalizes illegal drug use
AJ = Jew and he's for c/WhiteGenocide
The "exposé autistic nerds" have to go after these people because of people like you who are apparently more easily swayed by emotion than observation, so they want to pile on the evidence to show the deception occurring.
The fact you can't even consider the possibility of those guys being bad because they sometimes say things you agree with is why these "exposé autistic nerds" feel the need to do what they do. Elon Musk is the face of the technocratic initiative, brain chipping people, world blanketing inescapable Internet, and has said IN HIS OWN WORDS he envisions "X" as a Chinese-style everything app. The reason "exposé autistic nerds" heap on this evidence is because people like yourself can't see how this is an issue because Elon tweets things about voter fraud. The hope is to help people see the truth and avoid them being led astray by false shepherds.
Since you have a problem, what would you rather they investigate instead?
You're implying you need these people to not be a blind sheep, that means you're still a blind sheep. That's exactly why you have these people swallowing up the counter culture movements. And if you read the SPARS and Operation Lockstep documents you'd know the end result of a preplanned pandemic scenario is loss of faith in institutions while the "elites" look to install new systems. Definitely need people to shepherd those disillusioned by the systems for that otherwise they might make their own solutions. Since you can't see that yourself this video may have actually helped you but you leap to the defense of men you'll never know and who don't give a shit about you, you yourself proving why these shepherd figures are useful.
Tons of people were against the pharmaceutical industry from the beginning of the COVID sham, why do you think Joe Rogan, who was comparatively late to the party, became the "face of pharmaceutical liberty"? Why do you think he was being blasted out on all the media outlets? Though from the way you speak you may believe no one could be against these things without the guidance of a savior figure in which case having someone to shepherd those people might make no sense to you and so you MUST believe it's organic because no one could be against this stuff without Joe Rogan. Still I want to know what you think beyond my assumptions based on what you just wrote. So I'll ask again, why do you think the media was so invested in blasting out Rogan AS that so-called face?
Or maybe you'll dodge these actual questions like you dodged my other question. This is why people think you're disingenuous