posted ago by Hakuna9matata ago by Hakuna9matata +6 / -3

Fear is the greatest weapon in god’s arsenal.;

The doctrine of hell is an evil doctrine that originated from pagan mythology, but the Roman Catholic church used it to put fear in to the minds of people only for control. It is documented that many Roman Catholic officials would charge fees for the forgiveness of sins and for the indulgence of certain sins.”

Hell Search (Logos Bible software): “No results. Check your spelling, or try broadening your query.”

New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms © 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

New American Bible 2002.11.11 Each book of the Bible in this edition has an “INT” - introduction describing what it contains, authorship, dates of authorship, etc. It also has a word glossary, so if you search for the word “hell” you’ll find ONE(1) and an explanation on how that word came about and/or authorship, dates, etc.

No “Hell” word in: St. Joseph edition The New American Bible. Copyright 1992, 1987, 1980,1970 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y. Printed in Korea

Did the Protestant Bible Exist Before the Reformation?

Smile, There Is No Hell (Even the Pope Says So)

Original sin:

MEANING., Original sin may be taken to mean: (I) the sin that Adam committed; (2) a consequence of this first sin, the hereditary stain with which we are born on account of our origin or descent from Adam. From the earliest times the latter sense of the word was more common, as may be seen by St. Augustine’s statement: “the deliberate sin of the First man is the cause of original sin” (De nupt. et concup., II, xxvi, 43)

The belief began to emerge in the 3rd century, but only became fully formed with the writings of Augustine of Hippo (354–430 AD), who was the first author to use the phrase "original sin" (Latin: peccatum originale).[4][5] Influenced by Augustine, the councils of Carthage (411–418 AD) and Orange (529 AD) BROUGHT THEOLOGICAL SPECULATION ABOUT ORIGINAL SIN INTO THE OFFICIAL LEXICON OF THE Church.[6]

Author: Jesus didn’t believe in ‘original sin’ and neither should we

“It is not all clear which passage of the Bible the apostle Paul was drawing from to arrive at the idea of the original sin” p. 58, 83. “The Naked Bible” by Mauro Biglino

TEACHING AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH (MAGISTERIUM) The magisterium may be defined as the perennial, authentic, and infallible teaching office committed to the Apostles by Christ and now possessed and exercised by their legitimate successors, the college of bishops in union with the pope.

Magisterium and original sin