posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1 +5 / -1

This forum is made out of mods and users/bots that are just focusing on their own theories...

Nobody listens to anyone else.

Just users that want to enforce their own theories.

No discussion. Just enforcing of opinions.

No pools, no discussion, no progress.

Just some users that continue to echo the facts that "someone steals from my wallet"...

Some of you are here for about 4 years... Have you accomplished something? Anything that you have done?

No, you just repost r/conspiracy, 9gag, general reddit posts, other conspiracy forums, etc...

Where is the actual action for 4 years? Did you change something? Just an echo chamber of conspiracies, that anyone is too late to realize because they wanted to focus on their own voice, rather than hearing anything else...

Focus on the main thing. Do you even know what it is?

Hint: It's not your money. There are more important things than money... You can google it...

Is that a thinking ground or an echo chamber? Unfortunately, you're the ones that decide that...

There were posts about God, about truth, about wisdom... Where are they now?

Is this really just a forum about "I want others to hear me because I just got banned from another forum"?

Do you care for the truth or just to be heard?

4 years of this forum and the fruits are none...

Axeotl_peotl got removed from r/conspiracy for exposing the Jan 6th fake scenario... Where is he now? Where is the drive to show the truth in here? Just posts that "taxes are higher, because you were sleeping at the time"... Isn't that sad?

Hey, Axeotl, if you are here still, then you are needed!

I joined this sub because you were silenced in r/conspiracy... And your legacy is being more silent? Come out, come out, wherever you are! Come out of your grotto. Soldiers are needed, and we are at war. Where are you?

Bottom line, what is your point?

  1. Get most upvotes, so you think you are important?

  2. Get more arrogant in the comments?

  3. Make a network of bright minds to expose the globalists? (I am kidding, I meant to say - "share a link and expect people to obey you like slaves")

What have you achieved in 4 years?

Even r/conspiracy is faster to deliver the proper news than this forum...

I honestly thought some of you would combine for the biggest impact... Yet, you only care about your own voice being heard...

You don't really want to create a defensive group, you want to be the greatest prophet that showed the light to the blind..

Can't we just figure this out together? Did you forget that you have a lot of intelligence because someone spend the time to explain it to you?

Same as me. I am not more special than you...

Some of you are working to help mankind - please continue to do so. And have no fear!

Others just want to be heard. They don't care about facts, they care only about being popular. These people or bots are chaff. They won't matter in the long run.

But some of you are needed in the upcoming battle... It is terrible to see you silent.

Some of you should speak right now! There is plenty that you can share. More than some money-conspiracy...

Is that really all you do in 4 years of this forum?

Well, I don't believe that. You can do so much more, even more than you can imagine.

Be brave, see the full picture, present evidence that is connecting some of the dots we already know.

Help your fellow conspiracy researcher, or die trying.

We are what the globalists fear. We are the offensive that is against the NWO. We are the resistance, if the rest are futile...

Most won't care for this post, but some of you... Some of you are needed for the future resistance.

You are not made to fight alone, but together with the group the exposes the lies...

But can you be 100% what is a lie and what is truth? Can anyone?

There were debates on many topics, there was thinking... Yet now, it is just posting of what we got fed from other conspiracy forums...

Do we think or do we echo?